1946-08-26 lOS
Hu~h Chandle=
P~emiden~ of Oi;y Coua~ci£
Z. K. Wi-±iam.
APPROVED. ~his 5 day ~f
A~u~, 19~6. ~o~i~ Th~ma~
H. H. R~r~on
May~r ' Az~ Wa~ford,. S~. ,,
ATTESTI:~Lorsna P.e~ce B.W. Thomas
Oi;y Olerk · Oo~ci~en
Upon mo~ion ~e Oo~cil mdjo%~n~d.
Pieii~en~ City 0om~ciI
Oi;y Cle=k
. Ak~; 26, 19~6
. The City Oouueii me~ in ~he Oo~ci~ ~ber ~n ~ne above da~e
p~a~n~ ~o the fo~lewimg No, ice which had been puozish~d in the ok~echobee News:
Prea~ w~re Mayer H. H. Rau~e~-aon, Pr~miden~ H~h ~m~d~er, Oem~oi~en B. W. Thomas,
Moriae ~hemaa m~d Ammo ~ford wi~h T. ~W. Oonemy, Jz-., Oity A~e=ney ~d Loren~ Pemroe,
Cm~y O~erk.
Aide,ce ~ia hereby given th~ ~he Ui~y Oo~ci&
ef She Oimy of Okeecnobc~, F~orida,~ ~11 mee~
in ~he Co~cil Oh~ber ~ ~he Oity Ham! a~ ~:30
P. ~. Au~tst 2°, ~9~b, for the p~u'pose ~2 rev~i~
lng m~d equamizing th~ City T~ A~sesmmen~
~ .... i'or ~ne y~ of mg~b, as prep~d by th~ Oi~y T~
~Y ~m~d ALL PE~oNS having ~y objections to the
vaz~ion :placed on ~hcir propcr~y oy mhe Oity
Asc$~Or, a~ ZlAO~ by the Assesem~n~ ~11, are
by ~ified to file their ebjcction~ wi~ the Oity
Cze~ ~r ~o appear in pc.~'mon before ~he Om~y 0~cii
a~ ~id meeting on ~he ~o:~-esaid date. ~ o
Hu~ Ohandzer
Pre~i~ Ci~Y Oo~ci[
Okeeonebee, F&erida
ATTST: ~orena pearoe ~
Cim~ Ome~.k
Okeec~ob~e, Fmorida
Pubz zhed W~k~y in Oheechobee
Ok~c~aobee Couu~y, F!om. ida
Before the ~n.4eraigned ma~noz-i~y p~x'~onaxiy ~opear~d B~Y~T BUWDEN who on
oa~h says th,~t he ~z Edi;o,;- cz' ~n~ Okeoonob~o News, a ~ekly he--paper published
a~ Okcecnobee in OSeoc~obee Oo~%;y, Fzoridm; ~ha; the a;tached~copy of advormise-
men;, b~ing a "No;:~ce" mn ;he mare;er of "The Ci;y Cokmcim" in the
Coke;, wan pubmish~d in s~id newspaper in ~ne issues of
Affi~n%% ft~%h~r s~ys th~ the s~id OKEECHOBEE NEW~ is ~ newsp~p~ published
Oke~chobee, in ~id Oke~choboe Go,%my, ~zorie~, e~h wu~k ~%d h~m bc~n one,red
second cl~ms mail m~ter a~ the Pos~ Office of Ok~eCnob~, in said Go~m~y, ~iorida,
for ~ p~'iod oi' one year p:~-ecading ~ne fir~ puO~ica~ion oI' ~he ~ched copy
~av~.~is~m~ ~d ~'fi~ f~u~h~r ~ay~ ~ha~ he h~ n~i~her p~id nor promised
pe:cson, fii'm o~ co~or~on m~y disco~u~, r~b~, commission or r~f~u~d for th~
purpose oi' secz%ring ~his aavcz, mieemenm f~r publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to ~:~ld ~ubscribed ~o buffers m~ ~i~is day of A.D. i9~6.
Tho City Tp.x Assessor p,~-esen,ed ~he City T~ Ase~smen~ ~zl for
19~b ~ ~h~ Cl~y Co~cii fo= reveiw ~d eqt~liza~ion.
Pre~den~ Ch~.ualer ~no~u~ced ~h~ the ~cia wo~d zec~ive ~d consider
objecgions go the ve~i~i~ns as fixod on s~d T~ ~il ~by gao Cigy Tax Assessor. No
o0~gc'ions wu:e recgived by gne Co~%cil.
The ~o~cii n~v~f~g fine,ed gn~ ~eview m~d gquaiizmgion of ~ng Ci-gy
~sseszemeng ~&l for gne year ig~b as pr~pgred by ghe Cl;y T~ Assessor, ~on mo~io~
by Counci~ ~a;ford, s~conded by Oo~ci~m% N. Thomas ~d c~ri~d go ~c~p~ ~h~
T~x RoLl ~d ~n ~o the O~y T~ A~a~o~ f~r co~l~ion.
Up~ m9~i~n the OoLmoil ~jo~nsd.
se~emoe= 3, 19~6
T~c 0~7 Oo~mci~ of ~he Oi~y of Oke~cho~ee mere in =eg~ eee~ion a~ ~ne Oily
H~l ~ y:30 ~. ~. on the ~bov~ da~e ~mh she foZlo~ng pr~en~: ~ayor H. H.
Pre~idenm Hu~ Oh~nd~e~, 0o~u~oi~n N. Thom~e ~d Al-~o Wa-~ord wish T W. Gently, Jr.
Oi~y Attorney and Lorona P~rce, Oily Clerk.
~in~8 o~' tn~ m~e~ing held A~u~ ~n w~x~ re~d ~nd approved ~ read.
Th~ follo~ng bills worm app~'ovod and ordered paid when f~ds are available:
Axg$ Wami'ord & Sons - Warner, P~ks, S~%iggry & Police Dept. --- $ i09.~
g.~ $- Havrin~on - Ol~rk's g~., Oo~cil ~. & W~r E~--- 2i.50
FI~:~. Powo~ ~d Ling Co.- Power m%d L~gh~a for Au~a~
Oi-~$ of ~. P~e=ce - Wgmgr D~g. - ............. - .... 225.00
DemUr' $ ~ch. ~nop - P~k8 Dept. 3
A~i~io Service 8~m. - S~r~em ~d Sm%im~y 2.00
Oko$. Hdwe. & F~ O~. - S~reem & 8~., m%d P.lice D~. 6.5
Tho 0kee~ ~bee N~wa - 8~z~e~ & S~., ~d 0o~cil E~. 22.50
B~n~e's Supply 8h~p - 8~r~e~ & 8~., ~%d Wa~er D~. ~ ......
Gio~e~.~ O~b~h - 8~r~e~ & 8~., ~d Fire' D~pm. &2.6
~ixSn's Garag~ - Fir~ D~. 5.
Nix'm Service Sta~iom - ~,~r~e~ m~d 8~i~ary
A~i~mio N~-~i,n~ Bm~ - I & S ~X' ~enda m~nse 2.5o
~p~em~nmivea w~re pres~n~ mrem ~ne A~&~-~io ~efining 0~mpzny in regard
R~r~sen~ive $~a~ed ~ha~ ~n~ pr~p~r%y aajui~g -~,~e G~m 0empty pr~pe~y w~d
gr~a~ d~ger ~d %ne Ina~m%ce A~ s~a~ed ~aa~ the rs%es of ina~ce ~d no~ chugs
~n ~he ~join~g pr~p~=~ies. Af~er d~ c.nsiderami~n ~f the O~m%cti, Oo~ci~m% Wa%feral
p~ea~ed ~he foilewing ~uen~enm mo Ordin~ce N~. i9~ ~nd m.v~d imm ~p~i~n. Upon bein~
seconded by C$~%ci~ ~. Thomas was pu~ ~ a v~e ~%d ~m%im~my