2005-08-09447 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AUGUST 9, 2005 SUMMARY AGENDA A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. C. BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDANCE: Chairperson Mack Worley Vice -Chairperson Jamie Gamiotea Member Frank Irby Member Marsha Montesi Member Andrea Nelson Member Rennae Sweda Member Bea Castorina Alternate Penny Revels Alternate Heather Hancock STAFF ATTENDANCE: Attorney John Cook Code Enforcement Officer Sammy Hancock Code Enforcement Officer Fred Sterling Code Enforcement Officer Herb Smith Secretary Sue Christopher D. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for: July 12, 2005. Page I of 4 CODE BOARD ACTION ::] I August 9, 2005 Code Enforcement Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Worley. Present Present Present Present Absent without consent (Heather Hancock filled the seat for Member Nelson) Absent with consent Present Absent with consent Present Present Absent with consent Present Present Present Member Castorina moved to dispense with reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for July 12, 2005; seconded by Member Gamiotea. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 2005 - CEB Regular Meeting-- Page 2o448 II AGENDA 11 CODE BOARD ACTION 11 REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ffEMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. 05-093 Sam Lane NW 101h Street & 8'" Ave. 05-082 Ethel Jackson 809 NW 10'h Street 05-114 Anton & Mary Jensen 1002 SE 8* Drive Ch 30 Sec 3041 Disabled vehicles Ch 30 Sec 30-43 Public nuisances Ch 30 Sec 30-40 Junk and Sec 30-44 General Cleaning There were no request for the addition, deferral or withdrawal of items on today's agenda. Code Officer Sterling gave testimony that the property had been sold and the disabled vehicle belonged to the new owner. Mr. Sterling stated the new owner had been sent a certified notice of violation and would be given time to remove the vehicle before further action is taken. Case # 05-093 was dismissed. Code Officer Sterling stated Case #05-082 had come into compliance as of August 5, 2005. Member Gamiotea moved Case #05-082 was in violation but is now found to be in compliance based on testimony given by the Code Officer; seconded by Member Irby. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried. Code Officer Sterling informed the board Anton and Mary Jensen were deceased and the property had been inherited by John Harmer and his wife. He said he had spoken with Mr. Harmer on several occasions and although the property was cleaner it was not in compliance as of the day of this meeting. Mr. Harmer told the Code Officer he was putting the property up for sale and the FEMA trailer would be gone in three months. Mr. Ed Curren addressed the board stating he lived near Mr. Hamer's property and expressed concern that Mr. Harmer would not do the things that he said he would do. He said in addition to the junk there were other factors to be considered such as the possibility of a business being operated at this location and multiple people living at the residence. After some discussion, Member Irby moved to find Case #05-114 in violation of Sec 30-40 and 30-44 and impose a fine of fifty dollars per day commencing fourteen days from August 9, 2005 if not brought into compliance; seconded by Member Gamiotea. I I ; AGENDA 9, 2005 - CEB Regular Meeting - Page 3 of 4 CODE BOARD ACTION 05-114 Anton & Mary Jensen 1002 SE 8" Drive 04-025 Joe & Johnny Brown 803 NW 121" Street 04-026 Gloria & Mary Brown 800 Blk NW 12' Street Ch 30 Sec 30-40 Junk and Sec 30-44 General Cleaning (continued) Ch 30 Sec 30-43 Public nuisances Ch 30 Sec 30-44 General cleaning and beautification Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Code Officer Sterling stated that Johnny Mae Brown had been notified of the existing ten dollar per day fine which began on April 1, 2005 and she had cleaned some of her other property but this property had not been cleaned. Member Montesi moved to recommend City Council would begin foreclosure proceedings on Case #04-025; seconded by Member Gamiotea. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Code Officer stated Case # 04-026 had an existing fine of ten dollars per day which began on December 15, 2004. Member Montesi moved to recommend City Council would begin foreclosure proceedings on Case #04-026; seconded by Member Gamiotea. Worley - Yes Gamiotea - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried August AGENDA y,lUUS - C J✓!i xe ar Meeting Yage 4 of 4 45 0 ADJOURNMENT - CHAIRPERSON WORLEY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the department. Mack Worley, 14er n A TEST: Sue Christopher, Se etary CODE BOARD ACTION There being no further items on the agenda Chairperson Worley adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. The next regular Code Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2005.