19-20 Budget Workshop - 8/6/19City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET GENERAL FUND RECAPITULATION - REVENUE AND EXPENSES 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED F/Y Beginning Fund Balance 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,342,501$ Roll forward from previous year 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,342,501$ REVENUES 96% AD VALOREM 7.75 2,095,000$ 2,181,694$ 2,181,694$ 2,232,383$ 2,265,530$ OTHER FEES 761,400$ 710,300$ 710,300$ 808,300$ 750,100$ INTERGOVERNMENTAL 1,611,000$ 1,645,216$ 1,645,216$ 1,767,600$ 1,721,136$ CHARGES FOR SERVICES 973,000$ 950,600$ 950,600$ 1,121,425$ 1,049,100$ FINES, FORFEITURES & PEN 11,350$ 9,775$ 9,775$ 20,120$ 14,275$ USES OF MONEY & PROPER 110,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 191,500$ 160,000$ OTHER REVENUES 41,364$ 28,114$ 28,114$ 31,230$ 68,164$ 5,603,114$ 5,625,699$ 5,625,699$ 6,172,558$ 6,028,305$ TRANSFERS - IN Public Facilities Fund (Transfer 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ Capital Proj /Improvement Fund 136,335$ 845,215$ 845,215$ -$ 1,207,588$ TOTAL REVENUES 6,089,449$ 6,820,914$ 6,820,914$ 6,522,558$ 7,585,893$ EXPENDITURES LEGISLATIVE 125,527$ 203,591$ 203,591$ 142,227$ 385,722$ EXECUTIVE 196,387$ 222,240$ 222,240$ 213,899$ 250,420$ CITY CLERK 194,410$ 239,384$ 239,384$ 209,373$ 247,418$ FINANCIAL SERVICES 263,655$ 331,341$ 331,341$ 283,540$ 342,075$ LEGAL COUNCIL 60,265$ 116,260$ 116,260$ 76,015$ 145,500$ GENERAL SERVICES 373,138$ 384,484$ 384,484$ 370,350$ 505,912$ LAW ENFORCEMENT 2,243,171$ 2,497,208$ 2,553,395$ 2,419,612$ 2,833,834$ FIRE PROTECTION 1,615,536$ 1,662,316$ 1,715,754$ 1,638,991$ 1,642,577$ ROAD & STREET FACILITIE 1,150,550$ 1,302,570$ 1,302,570$ 1,141,550$ 1,232,435$ TOTAL GEN. OPER. EXPENDITURES 6,222,639$ 6,959,394$ 7,069,019$ 6,495,557$ 7,585,893$ NET REVENUES OVER PROJECTED EXPENSES AS COMPARED TO PY 0.17 FISCAL YEAR ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,182,310$ 4,177,020$ 4,067,395$ 4,342,501$ 4,342,501$ Page 1 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 2 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED FUND BALANCE 3,791,160$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,342,501$ Roll Forward from previous year 398,002$ 4,189,162$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,315,500$ 4,342,501$ REVENUES TAXES: 311-1000 96% AD VALOREM @ 7.75 2,075,803$ 2,095,000$ 2,181,694$ 2,181,694$ 2,232,383$ 2,265,530$ TOTAL 2,075,803$ 2,095,000$ 2,181,694$ 2,181,694$ 2,232,383$ 2,265,530$ 312-5100 Fire Insurance Premium 45,800$ 49,100$ 45,800$ 45,800$ 49,100$ 45,800$ 312-5200 Casualty Insurance Prem Tax (Police)62,000$ 71,000$ 62,000$ 62,000$ 71,000$ 62,000$ 314-1000 Utility Tax-Electric 450,000$ 510,000$ 480,000$ 480,000$ 539,000$ 510,000$ 314-4000 Utility Tax/Natural Gas 19,700$ 23,500$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 33,100$ 29,800$ 314-8000 Utility Tax/Propane 29,000$ 30,000$ 29,000$ 29,000$ 39,800$ 29,000$ 316-0000 Prof & Business Tax Receipt 71,500$ 74,000$ 72,500$ 72,500$ 74,000$ 72,500$ 319-0000 Public Service Fee 1,000$ 3,800$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 2,300$ 1,000$ TOTAL 679,000$ 761,400$ 710,300$ 710,300$ 808,300$ 750,100$ 335-1210 SRS Cigarette Tax 198,151$ 209,000$ 199,890$ 199,890$ 212,600$ 199,890$ 335-1400 Mobile Home Licenses 19,500$ 14,500$ 14,000$ 14,000$ 13,100$ 12,000$ 335-1500 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 5,200$ 6,100$ 5,300$ 5,300$ 6,600$ 5,300$ 335-1800 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 355,413$ 383,000$ 383,546$ 383,546$ 391,500$ 383,546$ 312-6000 1 Cent Sales Surtax 734,121$ 767,000$ 825,993$ 825,993$ 821,500$ 814,800$ 315.0000 Communications Service Tax 222,000$ 225,000$ 208,887$ 208,887$ 225,000$ 210,000$ 335-2300 Firefighters Supplement 1,200$ 1,200$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 1,200$ 2,400$ 337-2000 Public Safety - SRO OCSB 88,000$ 88,000$ 338-2000 County Business Licenses 4,800$ 5,200$ 5,200$ 5,200$ 8,100$ 5,200$ TOTAL 1,540,385$ 1,611,000$ 1,645,216$ 1,645,216$ 1,767,600$ 1,721,136$ 322-0000 Building & Inspections Fees 80,000$ 70,000$ 75,000$ 75,000$ 160,000$ 90,000$ 322-1000 Exception & Zoning Fees 500$ 4,200$ 1,350$ 1,350$ 1,350$ 1,350$ 323-1000 Franchise-Electric 400,000$ 390,000$ 380,000$ 380,000$ 392,800$ 380,000$ 323-4000 Franchise-Natural Gas 10,200$ 10,300$ 10,200$ 10,200$ 13,900$ 10,200$ 323-7000 Franchise-Solid Waste 105,700$ 109,000$ 106,000$ 106,000$ 118,400$ 106,000$ 329-0000 Plan Review Fees 1,500$ 2,500$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 25,100$ 2,000$ 341-2000 Alley/Street Closing Fees 341-3000 Map Sales 25$ 25$ 25$ 25$ 341-4000 Photocopies 25$ 25$ 25$ 25$ 342-1000 Public Safety - SRO OCA 18,875$ 75,500$ 343-4010 Solid Waste Collection Fees-Resd.375,800$ 387,000$ 376,000$ 376,000$ 391,000$ 384,000$ TOTAL 973,750$ 973,000$ 950,600$ 950,600$ 1,121,425$ 1,049,100$ CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES GENERAL FUND OTHER FEES: INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: RECAPITULATION - REVENUE AND EXPENSES Page 3 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 351-1000 Court Fines 8,425$ 5,200$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 10,200$ 8,000$ 351-2000 Radio Comm. Fee 3,700$ 2,900$ 2,700$ 2,700$ 6,200$ 4,200$ 351-3000 Law Enforcement Education 1,250$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,500$ 1,000$ 351-4000 Investigation Cost Reimbursement 925$ 2,190$ 925$ 925$ 2,100$ 925$ 351-5000 Unclaimed Evidence -$ 354-1000 Ordinance Violation Fines 150$ 60$ 150$ 150$ 120$ 150$ TOTAL 14,450$ 11,350$ 9,775$ 9,775$ 20,120$ 14,275$ 361-1000 Interest Earnings 1,000$ 110,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 174,900$ 160,000$ 361.3000 Investment Earnings -$ 364-1000 Surplus City Property -$ 16,600$ TOTAL 1,000$ 110,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 191,500$ 160,000$ 334-2000 Public Safety Grant -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 334.5000 Special Purpose Grant (DEO)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 40,000$ 343-9000 DOT Hwy Maint.Landscape/Mowing 8,532$ 8,500$ 8,700$ 8,700$ 9,625$ 8,700$ 343-9100 DOT Master Traffic Signals Maint.15,064$ 15,064$ 15,064$ 15,064$ 15,100$ 15,064$ 343-9200 DOT Maint. Lights & Lights Contract -$ 366-1000 Other Revenues 10,000$ 369-1000 Miscellaneous 2,000$ 7,200$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,180$ 2,000$ 369-4000 Code Enforcement Fine 500$ 8,700$ 500$ 500$ 2,225$ 500$ 369-5000 Police Accident Reports 1,850$ 1,900$ 1,850$ 1,850$ 2,100$ 1,900$ 383-0000 Capital Lease Proceeds -$ TOTAL 37,946$ 41,364$ 28,114$ 28,114$ 31,230$ 68,164$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Capital Project Improvements (Transfer-In)535,453$ 535,453$ 845,215$ 845,215$ -$ 1,207,588$ CDBG Fund (Transfer-In) 381-1000 Public Facilities Improvement (Transfer-In)350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ TOTAL 885,453$ 885,453$ 1,195,215$ 1,195,215$ 350,000$ 1,557,588$ 6,605,789$ 6,488,567$ 6,820,914$ 6,820,914$ 6,522,558$ 1,800,027$ OPERATING TRANSFERS - OUT Due From CDBG -$ Capital Project Building & Improvements Capital Project Vehicles TRANSFERS OUT TOTAL REVENUE & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES GENERAL FUND FINES, FORFEITURES & PENALTIES: USES OF MONEY & PROPERTY: OTHER REVENUES: OTHER REVENUES AND TRANSFER IN RECAPITULATION - REVENUE AND EXPENSES Page 4 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE (0511) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 46,100$ 46,100$ 46,100$ 46,100$ 46,100$ 46,100$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 2100 FICA 3,756$ 2,950$ 3,756$ 3,756$ 2,950$ 3,600$ 2200 RETIREMENT 3,510$ 2,400$ 4,850$ 4,850$ 2,400$ 4,600$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 42,500$ 24,700$ 54,577$ 54,577$ 24,700$ 57,962$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 240$ 240$ 258$ 258$ 240$ 270$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:97,106$ 77,390$ 109,541$ 109,541$ 77,390$ 112,532$ Page 5 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE (0511) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3100 OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES 61,500$ 23,000$ 46,500$ 46,500$ 23,000$ 166,500$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 2,500$ 1250 2,500$ 2,500$ 1250 4,000$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 3,200$ 800$ 3,200$ 3,200$ 1,500$ 3,200$ 4500 INSURANCE 3,350$ 3,610$ 3,610$ 3,500$ 3,850$ 4609 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE -$ 550$ 600$ 600$ 550$ 1,500$ 4901 EDUCATION 1,500$ 500$ 1,500$ 1,500$ 500$ 2,000$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 1,000$ 200$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 200$ 2,000$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 1,200$ 400$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 400$ 1,200$ 8100 SHARED SERVICES 8,940$ 8,937$ 8,940$ 8,940$ 8,937$ 8,940$ 8200 AID TO PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS 2,500$ 2,500$ -$ 8202 LOCAL COMMUNITY REQUEST 10,000$ 10,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 30,000$ 559-8300 COMPETETIVE FL PARTNERSHIP GRANT 40,000$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 95,690$ 48,137$ 94,050$ 94,050$ 64,837$ 273,190$ GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT 192,796$ 125,527$ 203,591$ 203,591$ 142,227$ 385,722$ PROPOSED CHANGES 2200 Pension Contribution Decrease .57% 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 3100 Grant Services, $10,000 3400 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 8100 Shared Services Council 8202 Economic Development Committee Contribution 8300 DEO Competitive Grant OPERATIONS & SUPPLIES CAS Legislative Services, $18,000; Annexation Study Est Cost,$40,000; Fire Assessment, $31,000; Charter Review $40,000; CRA Study, $17,500. Page 6 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE (0512) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 87,822$ 87,822$ 92,300$ 92,300$ 92,250$ 113,100$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 44,995$ 44,900$ 46,500$ 46,500$ 46,449$ 48,100$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ -$ 2100 FICA 10,305$ 10,200$ 10,800$ 10,800$ 10,200$ 12,100$ 2200 RETIREMENT 12,900$ 10,200$ 14,500$ 14,500$ 14,440$ 15,900$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 19,900$ 19,700$ 21,890$ 21,890$ 19,700$ 23,300$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 795$ 785$ 855$ 855$ 800$ 930$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:176,717$ 173,607$ 186,845$ 186,845$ 183,839$ 213,430$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 7 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE (0512) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 4,200$ 2100 8400 8400 8000 8900 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 3,707$ 3600 3900 3900 3900 4200 4400 RENTALS & LEASES 4,100$ 3200 4100 4100 3200 4100 4500 INSURANCE 3,850$ 3580 4135 4135 3780 4580 4600 R&M VEHICLES 1,550$ 1100 1550 1550 1100 1700 4609 R&M EQUIPMENT 1,400$ 1200 1400 1400 1300 1600 4901 EDUCATION 1,750$ 1100 2860 2860 1500 2860 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 500$ 250 500 500 480 500 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 800$ 550 800 800 700 800 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 1,200$ 1900 2200 2200 1900 2200 5201 FUEL AND OIL 3,000$ 2800 3800 3800 2800 3800 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 1,750$ 1400 1750 1750 1400 1750 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE)-$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 27,807$ 22,780$ 35,395$ 35,395$ 30,060$ 36,990$ 204,524$ 196,387$ 222,240$ 222,240$ 213,899$ 250,420$ PROPOSED CHANGES 1200 Base salary of proposed contract Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost, 10% 500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 4000 Increase based on add'l conferences/Tallahassee visits 4609 Adding Offie 365 5201 Using $4.00 rate per gallon, increasing gallons from 850 to 950 Positions 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 City Administrato 1 1 1 1 1 Executive Assista 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES Page 8 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: CLERK OFFICE (2512) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 64,570$ 63,900$ 66,813$ 66,813$ 66,813$ 69,300$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 33,900$ 33,800$ 35,100$ 35,100$ 35,100$ 36,150$ 1300 OTHER SALARIES 15,327$ 9,000$ 17,520$ 17,520$ 9,000$ 15,500$ 1400 OVERTIME -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 850$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ 750$ 750$ 750$ -$ 2100 FICA 9,105$ 8,000$ 9,360$ 9,360$ 8,000$ 9,165$ 2200 RETIREMENT 9,632$ 7,700$ 10,800$ 10,800$ 7,700$ 10,480$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 19,830$ 19,300$ 21,250$ 21,250$ 19,300$ 22,988$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 685$ 660$ 736$ 736$ 660$ 910$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:153,049$ 142,360$ 162,329$ 162,329$ 147,323$ 165,343$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 9 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: CLERK OFFICE (2512) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3103 MUNICIPAL CODE 4,500$ 4,500$ 4,500$ 4,500$ 4,500$ 7,775$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,800$ 8,800$ 18,800$ 18,800$ 18,800$ 21,300$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 3,000$ 2,000$ 4,550$ 4,550$ 2,000$ 5,150$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 2,417$ 2,200$ 2,160$ 2,160$ 2,200$ 2,310$ 4500 INSURANCE 5,250$ 5,000$ 5,640$ 5,640$ 5,000$ 6,200$ 4609 R&M EQUIPMENT 7,530$ 7,200$ 10,225$ 10,225$ 7,200$ 10,115$ 4900 ADVERTISING/OTHER CHARGES 16,550$ 16,000$ 18,000$ 18,000$ 16,000$ 18,000$ 4901 EDUCATION 1,350$ 1,350$ 2,100$ 2,100$ 1,350$ 2,375$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS/ELECTION 2,000$ 2,000$ 5,200$ 5,200$ 2,000$ 2,950$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,000$ 1,000$ 3,480$ 3,480$ 1,000$ 3,500$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 2,200$ 2,000$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 2,000$ 2,400$ 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 55,597$ 52,050$ 77,055$ 77,055$ 62,050$ 82,075$ 208,646$ 194,410$ 239,384$ 239,384$ 209,373$ 247,418$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 2400 & 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020, 10% 1400 3103 3400 4000 4100 4909 Decrease for no election costs * less number of longevity awards. 5100 Increase based on trend & adding Amazon Business annual fee Position 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 Deputy Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative S 1 1 1 1 1 Anticipate increase in ordinances being adopted that amend the code book. Phase 2 of scanning project (payroll records); increase in number of records that have met their retention and sent to Increase based on training for new employee; elections (Canvassing Board) training; city clerk to attend IIMC Region Increased based on trend of rates increasing GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT If we're going to add a Charter Review Committee, then I'm request to add an Overtime Line Item for non-exempt employees to cover at least 48-hours so that they do not have to schedule time off within 30 days of earning comp time hours, which puts additional burdens on the office. SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES Page 10 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: LEGAL SERVICES (0514) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1510 LONGEVITY 750$ 2300 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,350$ 9,325$ 9,590$ 9,590$ 9,325$ 10,850$ 3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 51,000$ 45,000$ 52,020$ 52,020$ 58,000$ 80,000$ 3300 LEGAL COST 50,500$ 3,000$ 50,500$ 50,500$ 5,700$ 50,500$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 800$ 800$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 800$ 1,000$ 4100 COMM. AND FREIGHT SERVICES 1,010$ 550$ 800$ 800$ 600$ 800$ 4609 R&M EQUIPMENT 800$ 375$ 800$ 800$ 375$ 800$ 4901 EDUCATION 750$ 615$ 750$ 750$ 615$ 750$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 300$ 100$ 300$ 300$ 100$ 300$ 5400 MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 115,760$ 60,265$ 116,260$ 116,260$ 76,015$ 145,500$ 115,760$ 60,265$ 116,260$ 116,260$ 76,015$ 145,500$ PROPOSED CHANGES 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 3100 Adjusting based on increase need/possible RFQ for 2020 Based on avg of 35 hours per month @ $185.00 per hour GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES Page 11 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT (0513) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 61,200$ 61,200$ 63,360$ 63,360$ 63,100$ 65,500$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 73,925$ 73,900$ 76,535$ 76,535$ 76,600$ 81,520$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ -$ 2100 FICA 10,505$ 8,000$ 10,800$ 10,800$ 8,000$ 11,300$ 2200 RETIREMENT 13,195$ 11,200$ 14,650$ 14,650$ 11,200$ 14,600$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 31,475$ 31,300$ 34,300$ 34,300$ 31,300$ 36,100$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 820$ 900$ 881$ 881$ 900$ 990$ 2500 UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES -$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:191,120$ 186,500$ 200,526$ 200,526$ 191,100$ 210,010$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 12 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET General Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE DEPARTMENT (0513) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3200 ACCOUNTING & AUDIT 37,800$ 34,500$ 41,500$ 41,500$ 34,500$ 40,300$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,000$ 10,500$ 42,500$ 42,500$ 16,600$ 40,500$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 1,750$ 805$ 1,750$ 1,750$ 1,600$ 2,200$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 2,917$ 2,600$ 2,920$ 2,920$ 2,600$ 2,920$ 4500 INSURANCE 6,600$ 6,300$ 7,095$ 7,095$ 6,540$ 7,795$ 4609 R&M EQUIPMENT 14,250$ 10,200$ 14,250$ 14,250$ 14,250$ 19,300$ 4901 EDUCATION 850$ -$ 700$ 700$ 450$ 950$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 100$ 50$ 2,500$ 2,500$ 350$ 750$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,200$ 1,050$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,050$ 1,200$ 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 15,650$ 11,000$ 15,650$ 15,650$ 14,350$ 15,650$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 190$ 150$ 750$ 750$ 150$ 500$ 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE)-$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 96,307$ 77,155$ 130,815$ 130,815$ 92,440$ 132,065$ 287,427$ 263,655$ 331,341$ 331,341$ 283,540$ 342,075$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost, 10% 3200 2nd year OPEB Calc, $800 - Reduced by $1200 3400 4609 Website Hosting, $700/Continuing maintenance of website $1300; $3,000 a replacement software/server incidentals/security Positions 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Finance Director 1 1 1 1 1 Account Supervi 0 0 0 0 1 Account Clerk 1 1 1 1 0 Administrative S 1 1 1 1 1 Continuing $27,000 Contractual Services for Network/Software/Computer Services. Adding $6,000 for specific implementation of server/fiber/accounting software integration. Continue and increase Media presence/analytics, etc. TOTAL COST: Page 13 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: GENERAL SERVICES (0519) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 71,310$ 71,308$ 73,820$ 73,820$ 74,000$ 82,900$ 1300 OTHER SALARY -$ -$ -$ 1400 OVERTIME -$ -$ -$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ -$ -$ 2100 FICA 5,710$ 5,480$ 5,660$ 5,660$ 5,480$ 6,550$ 2200 RETIREMENT 7,004$ 5,600$ 7,710$ 7,710$ 7,900$ 8,200$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 20,556$ 19,100$ 21,250$ 21,250$ 19,100$ 24,400$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 649$ 640$ 695$ 695$ 670$ 765$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:105,229$ 102,128$ 109,135$ 109,135$ 107,150$ 122,815$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 14 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: GENERAL SERVICES (0519) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 124,050$ 110,700$ 124,050$ 124,050$ 110,700$ 211,200$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 80,110$ 81,300$ 88,360$ 88,360$ 95,500$ 90,260$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 4,960$ 3,790$ 4,960$ 4,960$ 3,790$ 4,960$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 5,374$ 4,070$ 3,452$ 3,452$ 4,070$ 2,840$ 4300 UTILITIES 9,000$ 8,800$ 9,100$ 9,100$ 8,800$ 9,100$ 4400 RENTALS AND LEASES 3,687$ 3,690$ 3,687$ 3,687$ 3,690$ 3,844$ 4500 INSURANCE 18,900$ 17,100$ 20,310$ 20,310$ 19,000$ 22,400$ 4600 R&M VEHICLES 500$ -$ -$ -$ 4609 R&M BUILDING & EQUIPMENT 35,910$ 35,910$ 12,630$ 12,630$ 12,000$ 29,393$ 4901 EDUCATION 700$ -$ 700$ 700$ -$ 700$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 500$ 50$ 500$ 500$ 50$ 700$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,900$ 2,200$ 2,900$ 2,900$ 2,200$ 2,900$ 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 1,500$ 1,100$ 1,500$ 1,500$ 1,100$ 1,600$ 5201 FUEL AND OIL -$ -$ 5204 POSTAGE & SUPPLIES 3,000$ 2,300$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,300$ 3,000$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 200$ 200$ 200$ 200$ 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE) TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 291,291$ 271,010$ 275,349$ 275,349$ 263,200$ 383,097$ 396,520$ 373,138$ 384,484$ 384,484$ 370,350$ 505,912$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA Added NH for 200 hours in FY2020 to mirror retiring employee 3100 Added $46,850 for Planner Services - FLUM, Zoning Maps, Rev of LDR's; $40,000 Comp Plan; ; New Hire Phy/screens 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 3400 Animal Control Services increase 2400 & 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 Position 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Administrative Se 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES Page 15 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET General Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT (0521) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 72,557$ 71,990$ 75,120$ 75,120$ 75,120$ 77,800$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 1,057,497$ 1,042,000$ 1,143,675$ 1,153,596$ 1,111,111$ 1,301,700$ 1201 HOLIDAY PAY -$ -$ 1202 OFFICERS HOLIDAY PAY 27,553$ 21,100$ 30,764$ 30,764$ 24,300$ 29,000$ 1300 OTHER SALARY 29,100$ 31,300$ 32,900$ 56,375$ 56,000$ 83,200$ 1400 OVERTIME 7,500$ 1,600$ 5,100$ 5,100$ 4,100$ 5,100$ 1403 OFFICERS OVERTIME PAY 73,950$ 78,065$ 81,750$ 83,113$ 82,000$ 89,900$ 1501 AUXILIARY PAY 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ 750$ 750$ 750$ 1,000$ 1520 OFFICERS LONGEVITY/SERVICE -$ 250$ 1540 CAREER EDUCATION 14,250$ 12,700$ 14,250$ 14,250$ 14,100$ 15,000$ 2100 FICA 101,614$ 95,700$ 104,500$ 107,160$ 95,700$ 118,300$ 2200 RETIREMENT 286,454$ 258,000$ 265,460$ 266,925$ 258,000$ 260,500$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 284,122$ 281,000$ 310,600$ 313,156$ 310,000$ 359,900$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 50,256$ 48,200$ 53,481$ 53,920$ 51,900$ 57,620$ 2500 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP.-$ 2,006,053$ 1,942,855$ 2,119,550$ 2,161,429$ 2,084,281$ 2,400,470$ PERSONNEL COST: TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS: Page 16 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 23,826$ 23,500$ 35,600$ 35,700$ 37,200$ 38,141$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTURAL SERVICES 30,708$ 30,708$ 30,708$ 35,258$ 30,708$ 35,258$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 5,000$ 3,900$ 7,800$ 7,950$ 9,200$ 11,500$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 32,640$ 33,688$ 35,040$ 35,190$ 33,688$ 39,000$ 4300 UTILITIES 16,275$ 14,500$ 16,275$ 16,275$ 14,500$ 16,275$ 4400 RENTALS AND LEASES 5,420$ 4,100$ 5,420$ 5,420$ 4,100$ 5,420$ 4500 INSURANCE 51,500$ 51,200$ 55,365$ 55,365$ 53,700$ 60,120$ 4600 R&M VEHICLES 15,000$ 20,500$ 16,000$ 16,000$ 12,600$ 16,500$ 4609 R&M EQUIPMENT 23,550$ 12,600$ 27,550$ 27,550$ 18,900$ 27,550$ 4700 PRINTING 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,535$ 3,000$ 4901 EDUCATION-RESTRICTED 4,500$ 4,000$ 4,500$ 5,925$ 6,600$ 8,200$ 4902 EDUCATION - NON-RESTRICTED 4,500$ 2,000$ 4,500$ 4,500$ 2,000$ 5,400$ 4903 CODE ENFORCEMENT -$ -$ -$ 5,000$ 7,000$ 9,000$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS -$ 1,500$ 1,500$ 1,500$ 200$ 1,500$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,000$ 3,100$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 4,050$ 5,000$ 5101 DETECTIVE SUPPLIES 3,000$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 1,950$ 3,000$ 5102 INVESTIGATION FEES 1,800$ 800$ 1,800$ 1,800$ 800$ 1,800$ 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 17,100$ 10,500$ 17,100$ 17,600$ 12,500$ 17,100$ 5201 FUEL AND OIL 68,448$ 52,200$ 78,400$ 79,083$ 53,600$ 96,000$ 5202 OPERATING SUPPLIES (TIRES)8,800$ 8,800$ 9,500$ 9,500$ 6,800$ 9,500$ 5203 UNIFORMS/PATCHES 18,000$ 15,000$ 18,100$ 19,850$ 21,500$ 21,600$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 2,500$ 1,200$ 2,500$ 2,500$ 1,200$ 2,500$ 8300 PUBLIC SERVICE GRANT -$ 2,520$ -$ -$ TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES 339,567$ 300,316$ 377,658$ 391,966$ 335,331$ 433,364$ 2,345,620$ 2,243,171$ 2,497,208$ 2,553,395$ 2,419,612$ 2,833,834$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA 1200 SRO Officer (1) added for full year and releted cost 1200 Full Time Code Enforcement Officer and related expenses Part-time Code Offier, Part-time Adminstrative code staff; 1200 Includes leave payout for employees 2200 Decrease in Pension rate of 1.08% 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 2400 & 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 5201 Increase in # of gallons from 18,500 to 24,000 @ $4.00 per gal; Oil changes Position 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Police Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Major 1 1 1 1 1 Lieutenant 1 1 1 1 1 Sergeant 5 5 5 5 5 Certified Officer 12 12 14 14 15 Code Enforcement Officer FT 0 0 0 1 Code Enforcement Officer PT 0 0 1 1 Administrative secretary PT 0 0 1 1 Coordinator 1 1 1 1 1 Record Clerk/Su 1 1 1 1 1 Certified Officer 2 2 2 2 2 School Crossing 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES Page 17 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT (0522) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 74,169$ 73,800$ 76,600$ 76,600$ 76,700$ 79,300$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 710,232$ 695,500$ 720,100$ 720,100$ 696,900$ 681,500$ 1201 HOLIDAY PAY 25,390$ 21,800$ 26,286$ 26,286$ 21,800$ 25,500$ 1300 OTHER SALARY 29,278$ 29,100$ 29,900$ 12,425$ 12,900$ 15,600$ 1400 OVERTIME 38,800$ 42,776$ 40,500$ 40,500$ 42,776$ 51,600$ 1401 OVERTIME PAY/ANNUAL & SICK 61,500$ 57,877$ 63,670$ 63,670$ 51,500$ 65,900$ 1402 DISPATCHER OVERTIME 4,750$ 4,500$ 6,090$ 6,090$ 6,100$ 6,500$ 1501 VOLUNTEER PAY 14,000$ 15,364$ 14,000$ 14,000$ 16,200$ 18,000$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ 1,250$ 1,250$ 1,250$ 250$ 1540 CAREER EDUCATION 1,200$ 1,200$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 1,200$ 3,600$ 2100 FICA 74,259$ 69,500$ 73,100$ 71,763$ 69,500$ 70,850$ 2200 RETIREMENT 190,256$ 188,000$ 182,100$ 182,100$ 181,000$ 190,900$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 141,050$ 130,500$ 144,500$ 144,500$ 142,400$ 159,300$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 43,600$ 43,500$ 46,870$ 46,870$ 44,100$ 51,550$ 2500 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION -$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:1,408,484$ 1,373,417$ 1,427,366$ 1,408,554$ 1,364,326$ 1,420,350$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 18 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT (0522) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (MD)8,400$ 7,410$ 7,800$ 7,800$ 7,410$ 7,800$ 3102 PROF SERV (PHYS FOR SCBA)3,800$ 3,000$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 3,000$ 3,500$ 3103 WELLNESS PROGRAM (Gym)3,600$ 2,880$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,880$ 3,000$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,450$ 7,450$ 2,900$ -$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 3,200$ 2,400$ 3,200$ 3,200$ 2,400$ 3,200$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 23,030$ 23,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ 17,600$ 20,000$ 4300 UTILITIES 13,000$ 11,700$ 13,000$ 13,000$ 11,200$ 13,000$ 4400 RENTALS AND LEASES 2,400$ 1,700$ 2,400$ 2,400$ 2,120$ 2,400$ 4500 INSURANCE 31,500$ 30,500$ 33,865$ 33,865$ 33,100$ 37,252$ 4600 R&M VEHICLES 72,629$ 72,629$ 33,160$ 33,160$ 30,100$ 30,000$ 4609 R&M BUILDING & EQUIPMENT 29,075$ 32,000$ 33,575$ 118,275$ 115,000$ 33,575$ 4700 PRINTING 600$ 300$ 600$ 600$ 300$ 600$ 4901 EDUCATION 11,000$ 6,900$ 11,000$ 11,000$ 2,700$ 11,000$ 4902 PUBLIC EDUCATION & FIRE PREV.1,500$ 500$ 2,500$ 2,500$ 2,760$ 4,500$ 4903 CODE ENFORCEMENT 9,000$ 6,500$ 9,000$ 1,100$ 700$ -$ 4905 TRAINING & MATERIALS 3,500$ 3,000$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 1,795$ 5,000$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 400$ 200$ 400$ 400$ 300$ 400$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,541$ 2,100$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 2,800$ 3,000$ 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 11,825$ 10,500$ 13,000$ 13,000$ 12,300$ 13,000$ 5201 FUEL AND OIL 9,700$ 9,500$ 14,000$ 14,000$ 10,800$ 14,000$ 5202 OPERATING SUPPLIES (TIRES)5,000$ 4,500$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 4,500$ 5,000$ 5203 UNIFORMS/PATCHES 8,000$ 7,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 7,000$ 8,000$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 4,000$ 3,900$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 3,900$ 4,000$ 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 260,150$ 242,119$ 234,950$ 307,200$ 274,665$ 222,227$ 1,668,634$ 1,615,536$ 1,662,316$ 1,715,754$ 1,638,991$ 1,642,577$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA; Added Plan Review Stipend, $1,000 1400 Increase due to add'l participation in Special Events/assist shift manpower 1501 Increase by $4,000 to utilize fill in 4th FF specifically on Captain's Shift/dedicated duties & responsibilities 1402 Increase in Dispatcher OT, $500 1540 Career Ed increasing as FF continuing to obtain AS And BA degrees (reimbursed by the state) 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 2400 & 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 4902 Public Education supplies increase, $2,000 4905 Training & Materials increase; ISO requires specific hours (2 trips/IRSC for training) 5201 Using $4.00 rate per gallon, increasing gallons from 2800 to 3200; Diesel 275 gal @ $4.25 Position 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 1 Captain 1 1 1 Lieutenant 3 3 3 3 3 Firefighter/EMT 8 8 7 7 7 Dispatcher 4 4 5 5 5 Code Enforceme 1 1 1 1 0 Administrative S 1 1 1 1 1 GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & OTHER SERVICES TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES: Page 19 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS (0541) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 1100 EXECUTIVE SALARIES 169,495$ 164,000$ 91,650$ 91,650$ 87,900$ 81,200$ 1200 REGULAR SALARIES 279,958$ 248,200$ 385,800$ 385,800$ 330,900$ 337,900$ 1300 OTHER SALARIES 36,000$ 24,800$ 36,700$ 36,700$ 5,000$ -$ 1400 OVERTIME 3,553$ 3,500$ 4,000$ 4,000$ 3,500$ 4,000$ 1510 LONGEVITY/SERVICE INCENTIVE -$ 250$ 2100 FICA 40,090$ 32,500$ 37,800$ 37,800$ 35,100$ 35,900$ 2200 RETIREMENT 37,867$ 25,700$ 49,900$ 49,900$ 25,700$ 42,700$ 2300 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE 98,900$ 90,200$ 99,400$ 99,400$ 90,200$ 117,900$ 2400 WORKERS COMPENSATION 33,569$ 33,400$ 36,390$ 36,390$ 33,400$ 40,300$ 2500 UNEMPLOYMENT COST 500$ 500$ 500$ 500$ -$ -$ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS:699,932$ 622,800$ 742,140$ 742,140$ 611,700$ 660,150$ PERSONNEL COST: Page 20 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETGeneral Fund - 001 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS (0541) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,000$ 2,000$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 2,000$ 4,000$ 3400 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES -$ -$ -$ 10,000$ 3401 GARBAGE COLLECTION FEE 370,228$ 369,900$ 376,900$ 376,900$ 372,000$ 383,520$ 4000 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM 3,500$ 2,000$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 2,000$ 3,000$ 4100 COMM. & FREIGHT 7,032$ 6,800$ 7,500$ 7,500$ 6,800$ 7,000$ 4300 UTILITIES 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 18,500$ 4400 RENTALS & LEASES 2,250$ 1,800$ 2,250$ 2,250$ 1,800$ 3,000$ 4500 INSURANCE 32,400$ 32,100$ 34,830$ 34,830$ 32,100$ 38,315$ 4600 R&M VEHICLES 8,500$ 8,200$ 8,500$ 8,500$ 8,200$ 7,000$ 4605 R&M PARKS 7,500$ 4,800$ 7,500$ 7,500$ 4,800$ 7,500$ 4609 R&M BUILDING & EQUIPMENT 31,750$ 31,750$ 31,750$ 31,750$ 31,750$ 31,750$ 4901 EDUCATION 5,000$ 2,900$ 5,000$ 5,000$ 2,900$ 4,000$ 4909 MISCELLANEOUS 500$ 300$ 500$ 500$ 300$ 500$ 5100 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,000$ 1,100$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,100$ 1,000$ 5200 OPERATING SUPPLY 7,000$ 8,200$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 8,200$ 9,000$ 5201 FUEL AND OIL 27,000$ 21,100$ 32,500$ 32,500$ 21,100$ 27,000$ 5202 OPERATING SUPPLIES (TIRES)3,500$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 3,500$ 5203 UNIFORMS 6,750$ 6,500$ 6,750$ 6,750$ 6,500$ 6,750$ 5204 DUMPING FEES 750$ 200$ 750$ 750$ 200$ 750$ 5205 MOSQUITO CONTROL 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ 5400 BOOKS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC 300$ 100$ 200$ 200$ 100$ 200$ 6300 IMPROVEMENTS -$ 6400 EQUIPMENT ($750 OR MORE) TOTAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER SERVICES:544,460$ 527,750$ 560,430$ 560,430$ 529,850$ 572,285$ 1,244,392$ 1,150,550$ 1,302,570$ 1,302,570$ 1,141,550$ 1,232,435$ PROPOSED CHANGES Salary and other related cost include longevity and 2% COLA 2300 Increase in Health benefit cost 1300 Removed other salaries to Other Contracts 3401 Other cntractual Services - Lease of employees for additional summer mowing, etc 2400 & 4500 Projected Property and Casualty cost for 2020 4400 Increase due to new 11/17 printer lease 5201 Using $4.00 rate per gallon, Gas 2000 gal; Diesel 2000 gal @ $4.25 Position 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Director 1 1 1 1 1 Operations Supe 1 1 1 0 0 Maintenance For 1 1 0 1 1 Lead Operators 1 1 1 1 1 Mechanics 1 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Op 5 5 5 5 5 Administrative S 0 1 PT 1 PT 1 FT 1 FT GRAND TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT Page 21 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 22 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETPublic Facility Fund-301 Public Facility Fund (Transportation) 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 819,105$ 852,087$ 1,002,747$ 1,002,747$ 1,002,747$ 1,021,107$ 301-313.4100 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX 331,500$ 378,000$ 364,880$ 364,880$ 378,000$ 364,687$ 301-313.4200 LOCAL ALTER, FUEL USER FEE 208,000$ 239,000$ 224,965$ 224,965$ 239,000$ 225,337$ 301-335.1220 SRS EIGHT CENT MOTOR FUEL 66,500$ 66,500$ 64,225$ 64,225$ 66,500$ 64,300$ 301-312.3000 NINTH CENT FUEL TAX 58,000$ 65,000$ 62,975$ 62,975$ 65,000$ 63,000$ 301-335.4100 MOTOR FUEL TAX REBATE 2,500$ 1,300$ 1,200$ 1,200$ 1,300$ 1,200$ 301-361.1000 SCOP Funding 177,537$ -$ 177,537$ 177,537$ -$ 532,488$ 301-361.1000 INTEREST EARNINGS 300$ 9,500$ 9,000$ 9,000$ 12,200$ 11,500$ 301-369.1000 MISCELLANEOUS -$ 844,337 759,300 904,782 904,782 762,000 1,262,512 301-549.3100 PUBLIC FAC.-PROFESSIONAL SER.25,000$ 2,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 2,000$ 25,000$ 301-549-3400 PUBLIC FAC. CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 51,000$ 64,600$ 66,000$ 66,000$ 64,600$ 80,000$ 301-549-4300 PUBLIC FAC. UTILITIES 30,000$ 43,040$ 48,300$ 48,300$ 43,040$ 59,000$ 301-549-4609 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 18,500$ 15,500$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 15,500$ 60,000$ 301-549-4909 MISC-PARK HOLIDAY LIGHTS 10,000$ 8,300$ 12,500$ 12,500$ 8,300$ 10,000$ 301-549-5300 PUBLIC FAC. ROAD & MATERIALS 65,000$ 65,000$ 67,500$ 67,500$ 65,000$ 67,500$ 301-549-6300 PUBLIC FAC. IMPROVEMENTS 205,000$ -$ 135,000$ 135,000$ 135,000$ 135,000$ 301-549-6301 SCOP IMPROVEMENTS 177,537$ -$ 177,537$ 177,537$ -$ 532,488$ 301-549.6302 PUBLIC FAC. BEAUTIFICATION 7,500$ 5,200$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 5,200$ 7,500$ 301-549.6400 PUBLIC FAC. MACHINERY & EQUIP 188,000$ 55,000$ 89,500$ 89,500$ 55,000$ 71,500$ 777,537$ 258,640$ 681,337$ 681,337$ 393,640$ 1,047,988$ Transfer to General Fund 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ 350,000$ F/Y ENDING FUND BALANCE 535,905$ 1,002,747$ 876,192$ 876,192$ 1,021,107$ 885,631$ TOTAL EXPENSES F/Y BEGINNING FUND BALANCE TOTAL REVENUES REVENUES EXPENDITURES Page 23 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET 3100 Eng/Prof Services 25,000$ 3400 Grounds Maint/Street Sweeping 80,000$ 4609 Sidewalk repairr and ADA ramp installation 50,000$ Replace small ROW equpment 1,500$ 4909 Replace one (1) Holiday Display @ $7500 10,000$ 5300 Sign Repair/Repl 20,000$ Traffic Signal Equip Upgrades 7,500$ ROW Drainage 10,000$ R&M Bridges & Culverts 10,000$ Storm Water Infiltration repair 10,000$ Storm Water Ditch Maint Adjustments 10,000$ 6300 Asphalt Program 120,000$ SE 6th Ave Sidewalk 15,000$ 6301 SE 3rd Ave and SE 6th St SCOP Improvements 177,537$ 6301 SCOP SW 5th Avenue 334,951$ 6302 New and Repl Trash cans Parks and S. Park Street (20)7,500$ 6400 Repl 3/4 ton 2wd pickup truck 26,500$ Replace Foreman Truck 35,000$ PW Workorder and Asset Management software 8,000$ Utility Trailer 2,000$ Page 24 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 25 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGETCAPITAL PROJECTS IMPROVEMENTS 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES BUDGET AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED 4,980,889$ 4,987,789$ 4,340,414$ 3,782,691$ 4,430,000$ 4,048,470$ 304-383.0000 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 304-364.1000 DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS 225,000$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 225,000$ 304-361.1000 INTEREST EARNINGS 2,500$ -$ 1,500$ 1,500$ -$ -$ 304-369.1000 MISCELLANEOUS 500$ 7,900$ TOTAL REVENUES 228,000$ 225,000$ 226,500$ 226,500$ 232,900$ 225,000$ 304-549-3100 Professional Services 25,000$ 5,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ 5,000$ 30,000$ 304-529-4600 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ -$ 304-513-3100 Professional Services 9,500$ -$ 9,500$ 9,500$ -$ 9,500$ 304-511-6400 ADMINISTRATION CAPITAL 4,230$ 4,230$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 4,230$ 6,000$ 304-512-6400 ADMINISTRATION CAPITAL 4,230$ 4,230$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 6,600$ 1,500$ 304-513-6400 FINANCE CAPITAL 3,200$ 2,200$ 1,500$ 1,500$ 1,450$ 121,500$ 304-519-6400 GENERAL SERVICES CAPITAL 35,000$ 35,000$ 37,500$ 37,500$ 35,000$ 52,800$ 304-521-6400 LAW ENFORCEMENT CAPITAL 483,805$ 483,200$ 349,146$ 350,646$ 350,950$ 341,540$ 304-522-6400 FIRE PROTECTION CAPITAL 100,800$ 100,800$ 73,200$ 73,200$ 73,200$ 51,500$ 304-522-6401 FIRE PROTECTION CAPITAL -$ -$ -$ -$ 304-536.6400 SEWER/WASTEWATER 12,500$ -$ 304-541-6400 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL 19,250$ 41,500$ 41,500$ 31,500$ 55,000$ 304-549-6400 Other Captial (Pub Safety, Transp.)-$ -$ -$ -$ 20,500$ -$ 304-549-6401 PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 78,000$ 53,000$ 53,000$ 53,000$ 87,000$ 304-549-6402 MEDIAN REPLACEMENT & ROW 30,000$ 30,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 304-549.6403 TREE PROGRAM -$ -$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 304-584.6400 FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS -$ -$ -$ -$ 304-2512-6400 CLERK CAPITAL 18,300$ 18,300$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 8,000$ 5,000$ 304-584.7100 PRINCIPAL -$ -$ -$ -$ 304-584.7200 INTEREST -$ -$ -$ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 848,815$ 682,960$ 672,346$ 673,846$ 614,430$ 786,340$ Other Grants - Transfer In -$ -$ 171,120$ 171,120$ 183,630$ -$ TOTAL TRANSFER INS -$ -$ 171,120$ 171,120$ 183,630$ -$ TRANSFER OUT TO Other Funds 53,060$ 53,060$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND 535,453$ 136,355$ 845,215$ 845,215$ -$ 1,207,588$ TOTAL TRANSFER OUT 588,513$ 189,415$ 845,215$ 845,215$ -$ 1,207,588$ ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE TOTALASSIGNED FUND BALANCE -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,771,561$ 4,340,414$ 3,220,473$ 2,661,250$ 4,048,470$ 3,236,703$ F/Y BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES F/Y ENDING FUND BALANCE OTHER REVENUES AND TRANSFER IN Page 26 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET Acct #Dept Description Total 511-3100 Professional Services (Overall Park Plan)$30,000.00 511-6400 Computers for Council meetings (10) wiring/cabling if needed $6,000.00 511-6400 Council Council Subtotal $6,000.00 512-6400 Replacement Computer PC w/monitors & software $1,500.00 512-6400 Admin Admin Subtotal $1,500.00 513-6400 Finance Replacement plan for Computers $1,500.00 Replacement Accounting software (GL, AR, AP, FA, PR.) Add Purchase Ord, Electronic Pay, Credit Card Accept., etc.$120,000.00 513-6400 Finance Fin Subtotal $121,500.00 519-6400 General Services Replace carpet Finance Department, lobby, stairs $4,800.00 Replace AC units in Finance Department $11,000.00 New interior doors Council Chambers & Administration $3,200.00 Replace filing cabinets in Gen Service & Building Dept.$2,500.00 Rebudget Patio Awning replacement; add slippery floor surfaces on back porch, new railing & ADA ramp $28,000.00 ADA Controls for CH front doors $3,300.00 519-6400 General Services GS Subtotal $52,800.00 521-6400 Police Equipment for new cars including striping, reg.,etc..$44,000.00 12 Replacement Police vehicles $276,000.00 1 - Radar $2,200.00 Computers and related equipment $12,000.00 1 - Tasers $1,340.00 Citywide Server (location PD)$6,000.00 521-6400 Police PD Subtotal $341,540.00 522-6400 Fire Opti-Com-Equipment in trucks for the emergency lights $22,000.00 Gas Monitors (repl 2 of 3)$1,500.00 6 - Sets of Bunker Gear $18,000.00 Replacement Furniture (Mattresses & recliners)$3,500.00 Computers $1,500.00 522-6400 Fire Fire Subtotal $46,500.00 549-6403 Public Works Tree Program $15,000.00 549-6403 Public Works PW Trees Subtotal $15,000.00 541-6400 Public Works Surface Pro Tablet/laptop (2)$2,500.00 Replacement computer w/Dual Monitors $1,000.00 Heavy Duty Shelving for Barn $1,500.00 Fiber for connectivity of City Dept.s $50,000.00 541-6400 Public Works PW Subtotal $55,000.00 541-6401 Parks Centennial Park - Solar Area Lights (6)$6,000.00 Centennial Park - Landscaping $10,000.00 Centennial Park - 20x40 Pavilion & Restroom $60,000.00 Centennial Park -Tables/trash cans for pavilion $6,000.00 Centennial Park - Playground Fencing $5,000.00 541-6401 Parks Parks Subtotal $87,000.00 541-6402 Median Rep Median Replacement & Right of Way $10,000.00 541-6402 Med Replacement Med Repl Subtotal $10,000.00 2512-6400 Clerk Laser Fische Server $4,000.00 Replacement computer $1,000.00 2512-6400 Clerk Clerk Subtotal $5,000.00 Capital Projects Improvements Specific Projected cost/estimates Page 27 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 28 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET RECAPITULATION - REVENUE & EXPENSES 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED F/Y BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 99,996$ 60,195$ 37,490$ 37,490$ 37,490$ 37,490$ REVENUES 302-331.3903 TMDL Grant 41,130$ 302-331-3904 Stormwater Drainage Grant 175,000$ 175,000$ 183,630$ 183,630$ 183,630$ -$ 302-331.3905 Section 319 Grant -$ 302-361.1000 Interest Earnings -$ 302-381.0000 TRANSFER IN -CAPITAL ASSIGNED FUNDS -$ 302-381.0000 TRANSFER IN -CAPITAL FUND RESERVES 42,610$ TOTAL REVENUES 258,740$ 175,000$ 183,630$ 183,630$ 183,630$ -$ EXPENDITURES 302-2552.3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -$ 302-2552.3200 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -$ 302-2552.4609 TEMPORARY RELOCATION -$ 302-2552.4609 HOUSING REHAB DEMO/REPL/RELOC -$ 302-2552.4909 MISCELLANEOUS -$ 302-2000-4909 MISCELLANEOUS - BANKING EXP 302-2752.3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 17,682$ 302-2752.3200 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -$ 302-2752.4909 MISCELLANEOUS 1,000$ 302-2752.4609 STREET IMPROVEMENTS/ADDITIONS -$ 302-2752.6300 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 175,000$ 69,500$ 50,000$ 50,000$ -$ -$ 302-2752-6400 Park and Canal Improvements 377,220$ TOTAL EXPENSES 570,902$ 69,500$ 50,000$ 50,000$ -$ -$ Return General Fund Loan 128,205$ 171,120$ 171,120$ 183,630$ -$ F/Y ENDING FUND BALANCE (212,166)$ 37,490$ -$ -$ 37,490$ 37,490$ DUE TO GENERAL FUND -$ Grant related project Prior Year - Taylor Creek Park Prior Year - TMDL Grant $183,630; Matching, $183,630 (FEDP NS018) Other Grants Page 29 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET RECAPITULATION - REVENUE & EXPENSES 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED F/Y BEGINNING FUND BALANCE -$ -$ 1,000$ 1,000$ -$ -$ REVENUES 307-334.3900 Appropriation Funds 209,000$ -$ 209,000$ 209,000$ -$ 209,000$ 307-361.1000 Interest Earnings -$ -$ -$ -$ 307-381.0000 TRANSFER IN -CAPITAL FUND RESERVES 10,450$ 10,450$ -$ -$ 10,450$ -$ TOTAL REVENUES 219,450$ 10,450$ 209,000$ 209,000$ 10,450$ 209,000$ EXPENDITURES 307-559.3100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-Engineering Services -$ 307-559.3102 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-Grant Admin 9,450$ 9,450$ -$ -$ 9,450$ -$ 307-559.4909 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 307-559.6300 STREET IMPROVEMENTS/ADDITIONS 209,000$ 209,000$ 209,000$ 209,000$ TOTAL EXPENSES 219,450$ 9,450$ 210,000$ 210,000$ 9,450$ 210,000$ F/Y ENDING FUND BALANCE -$ 1,000$ -$ -$ 1,000$ (1,000)$ DUE TO GENERAL FUND -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 334-3900 SE 8TH Avenue Project Appropriations Grant Page 30 of 31 City of Okeechobee PROPOSED 2019/2020 BUDGET LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL FUND RECAPITULATION - REVENUE & EXPENSES 2017/2018 2017/2018 2018/2019 2018/2019 2019/2019 2019/2020 AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED AMENDED ESTIMATES PROPOSED F/Y BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 11,620$ 11,620$ 3,220$ 3,220$ 11,620$ 9,920$ 601-351.1000 601-351.2000 CONFISCATED PROPERTY 601-354.1000 FINES LOCAL ORD. VIOL.1,000$ 1,000$ 500$ 500$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 601-361.1000 INTEREST EARNINGS 601-369-1000 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL REVENUE 1,000$ 1,000$ 500$ 500$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 601-529.4909 LAW ENF. SPECIAL MISC.500$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 601-529.5200 LAW ENF. SPECIAL EDUCATIO -$ 500$ 500$ 601-549.6300 LAW ENF. SPECIAL IMPROVEM -$ -$ 601-549.6400 LAW ENF. SPECIAL MACH & E 8,400$ 8,400$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 1,700$ 5,500$ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,900 9,400 3,500 3,500 2,700 6,500 F/Y ENDING BALANCES 3,720$ 3,220$ 220$ 220$ 9,920$ 4,420$ REVENUES EXPENDITURES Page 31 of 31