Bettye Taylor called a meeting of the Board of Trustees for the City of Okeechobee General
Employees/Police/Fire Pension Boards to order at 5:11 PM in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Those
resent included:
OKEECHOBEE GENERAL Scott Baur & Kyle Tintle, Resource Centers
Nathan Pippin - Chairman (5:16 PM) Scott Christiansen, Attorney
Jackie Dunham -Secretary Melissa Moskovitz, GRS Consulting, Actuary
Melissa Henry Jay McBee, DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley, & Barnes, Auditor
Jack Boon -Chairman
Bettye Taylor — Secretary
Ray Worley
Ryan Holroyd
Darren Boyd
Glen Hodges
Adam Crum
John Koepke
It was noted that the
There were no additional comments from the public.
Auditor Report (Jay McBee)
Mr. McBee presented the audited financial reports for the fiscal year ending (FYE) September 30, 2017.
He discussed the audit process and explained the required disclosures for the plans.
Mr. McBee provided a clean, unqualified opinion for the financial statement for the Okeechobee Police
Officers Retirement System. He stated that the Plan had a total net asset of $8,943,879, The assets had
a net increase of $908,150 from the previous year. Mr. McBee addressed the footnotes and the
changes to the net fiduciary position. The auditor reviewed the balance sheet which includes the
employer and the employee contributions for the fiscal year 2017. He discussed in detail the
investments and he noted that the Plan was operating very efficiently with low administrative expenses.
Mr. McBee reviewed changes to the Plan for the past year, which included the change to the mortality
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assumption that was effective October 1, 2016. He concluded with reviewing the GASB 67 schedule of
employer's net pension liability.
Mr. McBee provided a clean, unqualified opinion for the financial statement for the Okeechobee
Firefighters Retirement System, free of material mistakes and fairly presented in the GASB format. He
reviewed the balance sheet indicating the total assets for the Plan as of September 30, 2017 were
$3,989,831; minus the total liabilities of $27,926; resulting in a fiduciary net position of $3,961,905. The
total assets were up $453,373 from the previous fiscal year end. Mr. McBee continued discussing
contributions, benefit payments, expenses, and the impact they had on the Plan.
Nathan Pippin arrived at the meeting at 5:16 PM.
Mr. McBee provided a clean, unqualified opinion for the financial statement for the Okeechobee
Employees; Retirement System, free of material mistakes and fairly presented in the GASB format. He
reviewed the balance sheet indicating the total assets for the Plan as of September 30, 2017 were
$4,707,869; minus the total liabilities of $6,925; resulting in a fiduciary net position of $4,700,944. Mr.
McBee continued discussing contributions, benefit payments, expenses, and the impact they had on the
Plan. He provided a summary of the new GASB 72 accounting principles and the impact on the report
and reviewed the employer and employee contributions for the fiscal year.
Jack Boon made a motion to approve the Audit for the City of Okeechobee Municipal Police Officers'
Pension Trust Fund dated September 30, 2017. The motion received a second by Ryan Holroyd,
approved by the Trustees 5-0.
John Koepke a motion to approve the Audit for the City of Okeechobee Municipal Firefighters'
Pension Trust Fund dated September 30, 2017. The motion received a second by Glen Hodges,
approved by the Trustees 3-0.
Jackie Dunham made a motion to approve the Audit for the City of Okeechobee Employees'
Retirement System dated September 30, 2017. The motion received a second by Melissa Henry,
approved by the Trustees 3-0.
Actuarial Valuation (Melissa Moskovitz)
Ms. Moskovitz began by reviewing the Plan provisions and assumptions for the City of Okeechobee
Police Officers' Retirement System for the Board. The City contribution of $125,952 which is 12.98% of
payroll will be added to the expected State Premium Tax Revenue of $78,659. The total required City
and State contribution for 2018-19 is $204,611. The City has a $22,288 prepaid contribution as of
October 1, 2017 which can be used to offset the required contribution. Ms. Moskovitz reviewed the
funded ratio that increased from 102.5% last year to 306.4% this year, due to more assets compared to
liabilities. The recommendation was to monitor investment earnings assumptions to keep it at a level
that the investment consultant thinks can be achieved annually over the next ten years.
Ms. Moskovitz reviewed the Plan provisions and assumptions for the City of Okeechobee Firefighters'
Retirement System for the Board. The City's contributions of $88,554 which is 17.72% of payroll will be
added to the expected State Premium Tax Revenue of $50,589, The total required City and State
contribution for 2018-19 is $139,143, The City has a $30,216 prepaid contribution as of October 1, 2017
which can be used to offset the required contribution. Ms. Moskovitz reviewed the funded ratio that
increased from 101.5% to 106.1% this year. The recommendation was to monitor investment earnings
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assumptions to keep it at a level that the investment consultant thinks can be achieved annually over
the next ten years.
Ms. Moskovitz began by reviewing the Plan provisions and assumptions for the City of Okeechobee
General Employees' Retirement System for the Board. The City contribution of $109,197 which is
10.44916 of payroll compared to the City contribution for 2017/18 of $71,639 which was 7.54% of payroll.
The City has a $123,253 prepaid contribution as of October 1, 2017 which can be used to offset the
required contribution requirements. Ms. Moskovitz reviewed the funded ratio of 111.0% this year
compared to 111.6916 last year. The market value of assets exceeded the actuarial value of assets by
$61,563, This difference will be smoothed in over the next few years. The recommendation was to
monitor investment earnings assumptions to keep it at a level that the investment consultant thinks can
be achieved annually over the next ten years.
Attorney Report (Scott Christiansen)
Mr. Christiansen stated that there will be additional fees for the Actuary due to the Division of
Retirement online reporting requirements and additional actuarial services necessary to comply with
State requirements. The reallocation of Plans is continuing with Mr. Lee Dehner now assuming
responsibly of the City of Okeechobee Police, Fire and General Employees Plans.
There being no further business, The Boards adjourned at 6:25 PM.