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1946-05-13 Reg. Adj.
/ Wi±liams with T. W. OoneAy, Jr., City A~orney and Lorena Peazoe, CiTy Olerk. , The minutes of the meeting held April ls~, ~th, and 2~th w~re ~e~ ~d approval ~ The fo!icing }i~ls ~re ~pproved ~d ordered p~id ~en f~ds ~re av~i~ble: Alto Wm~f~ ~d Sons - Utility, W~er, Fire, Police & ~rba~ - $ 355.~ . Florida Po~rA Li~ ~. - Po~r ~d Lights .......... 229 ~ ~ms. Meyers - Water Improvemen~ E~ense .............. i90~56 P. P. Ev~s - Utility T~ E~e~e .................... 33-75 In~er Oo Tel A~Tel 0o. - Service for March ~d April ........... 30.]0 ~ Bennie's S~pl~ ~op - Water ~%d Utility Dept. - .... 35.7i Lo~ ~d O~pb$ll - U~iii~y T~ E~ensebb'35 ~ E.O. H~rin~on - Water D~t. -- .......................... 6.O0 Domer ~mohine Shop - W~ter, Fir~, St. & S~%it~y Dept.3~' Okeoohobee MotSr 0o. - Utizi~y T~ Expense · 2.59 Okee. Hdwe ~d F~n Co. - F~e, Utizi%y, Water m~d Police Dept. -- 3%. ~ Elvis Mixon - Fire Dept. - ........... ~.5© ~ Oimrenc~ J. Bo~ - U~iai~y T~ Expense .... 3.0~ , Fla. E~zt Oo~s% Ry. 0o. - Utizi~y T~ E~. 6.00 ~ A~m~tio Service 8~m~ion - S~. & 8~%itmry and U~izi~y T~ E~. .... ~ O.K. Garage - Water, G~bage ~d Fire Dept. --- 10.O5 ~ Bores L~nber Oomp~%y - Utilimy T~ E~ense ................ 11.92 ~ . Upon motion t~ Oo~oil ~jo~ned ~o meet May 13th, ~9*6. l P~esi~en~ 0i~y OO~ci~ ~ Oily Oze~ ~ . ~e Oity Oo~i of ~he City of Okeecnobee, ~orida, met in regui~ ~djo~ned ~ession at %be City Hail~ a~ 7:30 P.. m. on the above date wi~h the fol&o~ng pres~: M~yor H. H. ~_u~erson, ~esiden~ H~ Oh~%dler, Co~ciim~ Morise Thomas, A~o Warlord m~d Z. K. Willi~$ ~h-Lo~-~nm Pe~ce, Oi-~y Clerk m~d M. F. Kinsm~=, Water 8~erinmen~en~. The Oo~oil discussed the offer on ~he p~p at ~he wm~er pmm%~. After due oonside~-ation Oo~moi~ Wail'oral moved ~hmt ~ne Oimy semi ~he b~s~ iow he~ p~p complete ~n me,or, co~ing ~d base p~ate ~o Marine StOics, S~. A~us~ine, Flori~, fo~ $~50. O( ~ ~o$ion seconded by Oo~i~ Z. K. WiZzi~s ~%d carried. The follo~ng Ordin~ce was presented by Oo~mci~ Wmmfo~d, ~o moved its ~option. Upon being s$onded by Oo~mcim M. Thomas was pu~ ~o m vo~e ~d ~%~imo~ly ~op~ OE~IFXOAT~ (~ THE OITY O~ OKEEOHOB~, ~DA, PAY~ F~M A ~IA~ ~ILI~ · TAX ~D~.~ ~M;.~~S~ DE~..~M.~E~.NA~ S~ST~ ~ O~ SAID OITY; P~DING ~D P~SO~BING THE ~ IN ~I~ T~ SAID ~~ OE~I~OAT~S S~L BE ISS~D, ~D P~DING FOR THE S~E SAID SERTIFIOATES 0F P NOIP INTE ST AS ~ T~ S~ ~ D~; P~DING THAT SAID ~N~ OERTI~IOATES SH~L BE A LIEN A~2NB? ALL P~PE~Y ~~SING THE WATER SYST~ OF SAID OITY. BE IT O~AINED BY THE ~YUR AND OITY OOUNOIL OF T~ CITY OF OKEEOHOBEE, F~DA: ~ 8eo~ion 1. The M~o~ m%d Oily Oo~oim of ~he Oily of Okeeohobee, ~ Florida, s~j~ct ~o the provisions of Section 180.O7 ~d ~0.08, Fmc=ida ~a~s, 19~1, ~a ~nis O~n~oe, ~e hereby m~ho=ize~ 1 O1 issme i~eres~-beaming Revenue Oer~ifica~es of said Oily, under the se~l of said Oily, in the sum of Ni~e~een Thousand~Dollars ($19,000.O0) for the p~ose of m~ing immediate ~d needed ~~s ~o ~he wa~e~ sysSem, ~d s~ree~s cZ said Oity. Section 2. Thal e~h of z~d Reven~ Oertificm~es ~mm~ be si~ed in She n~e of s~d 0i~y by iSs ~yo=, iSs oo~o~mte meal affixed, m~es~ed by the Oily O~e~k ~d co~te~zi~ed by ~he Presi~n~ of Oily Con, oil. Seciion 3- The ~ven~ Oer~ifioates issued ~der ~he provisione of ~his Ordinance sn~i be in de,mid, ion of ONE THOUS~D ~LLARS (Sm,oeo.co) e~h and sham! bear in~eresm p~yabie eemi-~~iy a~ She rate of five (5~) per cen~ per ~n~, bo~h p=ino~p~ ~d in~ezesl payable in iawfu~ ~oney of the U~ed S~mtes of ~ericm a~ Okeechobee Oo~ty B~, in the Oily of Okeeohobee, Florida. Said Revenue ifi~m~es to be da~ed April 1, i9~; in~eres~ paymbie on ~he isl day of October ~d April of each ~d every ye~ afler da~e of issu~oe ~til mmt~i~y cZ s~id Revenue Oer~iZioa~ee, ~d ~il their in ~1. S~id Reven~ Oer~iZioales ~o be ~bered from One Io Nineteen ~d sh~l be payable, subjeol ~o p~ior redemption ~ hereinafter vic~ld; as follows= Oertifioates 1 ~d 2 payable April 1, 19~7. Oe=tifiom~es 3 ~d ~ payable Apzii 1, 19~8. Oer$1flcm~es 5 ~d 6 payable Apri& 1, 19~9. Certificates~ ~d 8 paymbie ApziZ ~, z950. Oer~i~io&iea 9 ~d~ ~ pmyabmeAp=im m, 1951. Certificates il ~d i2 pmyabm~Ap=im m, Oe~liZicatea 13 ~d 1~ paya~ieApril z, 1953. Certificates i5 and m6 payabmeApriZ &, 19~. 0er~ificatez i7, z8 ~d A9 payab&e Aprim z, Z955. Section ~. Okeechobee Oo~ty B~, ~ b~ing co~o~aiion org~ized ~d e~sting ~de= ~A$ &rows of $~Ae Sma~e of Florida, wi~h i~z principal pm~o~ of bus~ness in ~e Oimy cZ Okeec~obee, is hereby appointed ~d decimated as ~he Deposimory ~'oz. am! f~ds se~ aside for the pa~e~ ~he Reve~ue Oer~ifioa~es, ~d interes~ Sherbert, ~ the s~e become d~. Seo~ion 5- Tha~ ~he ~e~ o~ s~d Revenue Oer~iZicmlez issued t~o provisions cZ this Ordi~a~oe, sh~l! be in zub~iaily the follo~ ing fo~ STATE OF ~OHIDA OO~I'TY OF OKEEOHOB~ OITY OF OK~0HOB~ ~V~'~ OERTIFIOATE No.: $ 1.0OO. CO ''KNow ~L MEN BY THESE P~m~TS: Tna~ ~ne Oily of Okeecn~bee, m~'~.icip~ co~oratio~ i~ ~he Oo~ty of Okeeonobee, S~mte of ~loridm, hereby ~knowzed~s i~semf i~debted, ~d, ~or va&ue recei~d, hereby promisez ~o pay to the beare~ the prinoip~ s~ of ONE THOUSAND ~LL~ 102 on the first 4ay of April, A. D. 19 , with the option of prior ,demption as hereinafter provided, an~ to pay inter, st on amid sum semi- annually, on ~h~ 2irst days of October and April in each year, from the date h~roof a~ the rate 'of fivO .(5~) pow cen~um per am~um, payabme semi- annuazly on z~e first day of October and April in each year, on presenta- tion a~d surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due, both priacipai a~d interest being payable at 0keechobee Oounty Bm~k in the 0ity o~ 0keeohobee, Florida. This Revenue Oertificate is one of a series of Revenue Oertific&tes of mike tenor, secreting in aggregate to the sum of Nineteen Thousand ($i9,000.00) ~Omlars, a~l issued under ~d pursu~m to Sections 180.07 and 180.08 ~-,~rida S~atues, 19~l. IT IS HEeY OERTIFI~:D A~ID REOITED ~ham am! acts, conditions ~d things requiz'~ ~o be done p~ecedent to and in the issus~oe cZ this Certii'ioate ~ ~ · ~av~ been done ~d performed as required by law. The 0ity of Okeeohobee hereby, reserves She ~ight to call and redeem ail or a~y part o~ ~ne Revenue 0er~ifioats of the series of which this B~nu~ Oertifioate is one on any in~e-ees~ pay~en~ da~e at par plus ~ru~d inter, st, and agrees Shat it will apply surplus moneys in tho ~lnterest ~d Sinking Fund established for said Revenue Certificate ~ies over and above requirements for in~eresm payments, to ~he redemp~on of said Revenue 0ertlfic~tes of said issue at par and accrued i~erest by mo~ wheu s~h surpmus is nos used for ~he purchase of R~enue Oer~ifio&tes of said Series at or be-ow ~he call- able price of ~ar and accrued intere~. In the event this Revenue Certificate ~i~ so called for redemption due notice sha±l be given to the holder he,of, a~d if this ~evenue 0ertifioate sha~! no~ be pre- sen~ io~~ p~en~ on ~ae sate ~ixed X'o~. red~mption, it sRail cease to bear inter~sm from m~d after said date provided tha~ adequate funds for i~s ~edemption shall have been deposited ~d sea aside at ~he designate~ paying agency by said 0i~y for such purpose. The Sinking Fund ~ovided for said Revenue 0ertifio&tes m~y also be uzed in the t)r~6~ thereof in accordance wi~h the provisi,ns of the reso!u~ion authorizing their issuance. For the p~ompt payment of ~he principal and interes= of ~his Revenue Oerti~cate according to its terms rune Oi~y of 0keec~obee covenants wit~ the ho~ders of ~his 0er~ificate that it will: (a) Se~ aside a~m reveries derived e~h month 2rom the Utility T~ levied by said 0i~y the provisions cZ Ohap~er 22829, Laws~pf Florida, Ao~s of !9~5, m~d of Ordinance No. 218 of Oily adopted on the 8th ~y of October 19~5, ~11 ~oon~in~ to ie~ the t~ on s~d Umiil~ies ~tii this c~r~iZioa~e m~d in~erest thereon, have been paid in f~l. (b) T~a~ s~d 0ity ~i! continue ~o ~ m~d operate its ~a~er System ~h ra~es s~fioient ~o produce a p~oZi~ above operations ~tii all 0f said Revenue 0e~i~ica~es, ~d inmeres~ thereon, have been paid in f~!, m~d ~! ~mpledged reven~ is hereby pied~d to the pa~en~ of this Oe~ifica~e. Certificate constitute a fiz's~ Tha~ ~venue mien on a~! proper~y constituting ~he Wa~er System m~d Giro y. The Cimy ~f 0keechobee f~the~ ceven~a that me long as ~his Revenue 0er~i~oa~e may be outstanding, ~im ~il no~ av~i i~eif of ~y ~egimlati~ imp~ing or modifying the ob~igations of ~he City incited he~.e~ o= she c~ven~ts con~ned in ~his Reven~ 0er~ifioa~e ~d ~he 0rdin~ce aumhorizing s~e. IN ~TNE~ ~E~OF, the 0i~y cZ 0keechobee, in 0keeohobee 0o~y, ! F£o~ida, hms issued ~his Revenue Oer~ifioate and has o~,~ecl the ~o ~ ai~ed by i~s ~yor ~d i~$ corpormt~ seam ~o be ~ffixed, attes~- ed by the City O&e=k, and co~tersi~ed by the Presiden~ of ~he Oi~y Co~oiz ~ of mhe Firs~ day of Apri&, A. D. ~9~6. OITY OF OKEE~OBEE, FLORIDA By (0o o m sm ) ATT~: 0i~y 0&erk O0~T~I ~ED: P~ea~den~, Oily Oo~o~k ~ OF I~E~ST OO~ON Ocean No. $25. O0 -ON THE~FI~T DAY OF OOTOB~ (~L) A. D. 19 The Oily of Oke~hobee, Flori~ ~1 pay ~o ~he be~er a~ OKEEOHOBEE O0~TY B~ Okeeoho~e, Flo~i~, ~he s~ ol' T~TY-FI~ & NO/iCC ~LL~ ($~5. O0) bei~ ~he mhen enforoembAe ~d oomleo~ibie ln~eres~ on i~s ~~ OE~IFIOATE, iss~ of April ~, 19~6~ da~ed April i, ~9~, No. ~mess s~d Revenue Oe~ifioa~e ~1 have been ~here~ofore ca, led for rede~ion. OITY OF OKEEOHOB~, FLORIDA By: Oily Ole~k Oo~t ersi~ed: (Oo~ora~e Seal) president' Oi~y App~ved as to fo~: ~ "' Oity At~ orney Section 6. Thm~ for ~he promp~ paymen~ of ~he principal ~d in~esm on said Revenue Oe~ifioames according ~o ~he ~or ~hereof, whi~ are issued p~s~ ~o ~his or~n~oe, ~he entire revenue r~ fro~ ~he U~iii~y T~ levied by ~he Oily Oo~cil ~der ~he authority of ~ap~er J2829, Lm~ of Flori~, Acts of 19~5, is hereby irr~ooably pie~ge~, ~d ne~ revenue mf~er e~enses of o~ra~ion, reoeive~ from ~he wa~er system of said Oily, no~ he~.emofore ple&ged, is ~reby irrevooabzy p&edged, ~d ~he Oi~y Oo~cil here~ coverings ~d. a~ees wi~h ~he ho&tiers of ~y ~d all of sai~ Reven~ Oer~ifica~es ise~d ~der ~he provisions of this Ordinance, ~hm~ s~e shml& constitute a fires lien on s~d Wm~er P~ ~d ~ha~ said OiSy ~1! m~e promp~ ~a~n~ of rune s~id ~ven~ Oer~ifioa~es ~en d~. Thm~ ~m coven~;S, r~senma~ions ~re~en~s ~d ~e~1~ings herein sea o~, as ~il ms those appearing on ~he fmcs of each oi' ~ne ~ven~ Oe~ifica~es shmzl ~gns~l$~ a contract wi~h ~he hoiaers ox' ~he Revenue Certificates, w~ion oon~ sn~l ~ enforceable by s~m, ~ion or m~d~ua on beh~I' of ~y border in ~y 0o~ of compe~m j~idio~ion whether ~r ~x~ a monetary ~efm~ snaxz have ~hen ooo~red in the pa~ent of the in~eres~ ~on or principa& of s~d Oe~fioa~em. Section 7- Tha~ mi! of s~id Revenue Oe~ifica~es ~ail be 104 cailab-e upon ~y. in~eres~ pa~men~ da~e prior ~o maturity a~ p~ pl~ ~cr~d i~er~. Th~ ~he ~lon ~o c~l ~y or ~i~ of said Reven~ 0erlifioa~es ~ior ~o ma~l~y sha~l be exercised in ~he foilo~ng The ~ven~ O~ifioa~es ~all ~ ~a~ by ~ by the ~ver~ng ~7 of ~he O~y from aml the Reven~ oe~ifica%ea 1hen ou~s~ing, ~ no, ice of ,~h =e~emp~ion, ~eoifying ~he n~ber of ~ven~ Oerlifica~ea ~ be =e~eeme~, sh~l be files ~ ~eas~ fifteen prior ~o e~h =e~ion Sale, ~h ~he boilers thereof; an~ Revenue Oe~i~ca~es ~en so oalaea for =eaemption sh~Xl cease io araw in~e~es~ On s~h reaemp~io~ ~e, previ~e~ Sha~ ~eq~e shall have be~ ~oai~e~ ~ ee~ aside at ~he deai~atea paying a~ncy by s~ Oily ~r m~h p~ose. Section ~ ~The Oity Oo~cil f~her oove~s and a~ees. ~he holders o~ s~ Reven~ Oe~ific~es tha~ proper v~iaa~ion p~c~ngs w~l be instituted in the Oiro~t 0o~ of Okeechobee Oo~ty, Fl~ri~, or that proper ie~sla~ion ~ion ~il be a~ the i~7 a~ai~n ~f ~e F~rl~a Legiaiat~e, v~l~ting Reven~ Oe~i~ca~ea, ~d confi~ing ~he actions ~d proceeding, of ~ne Oi~y Oo~& in iaa~ng $~e. Seclion ~ Thal if ~y clause, seolion, p~agr~h or provision of ~his Or~n~e or of ~he Oe~ifioales hereby authorizeS, be a~ c~e~ ~enfo~le by ~y ~ of Fin~ J=is~iclion, ii shall no~ ~feol no~ inv~iaate ~y r~n~er ~heA. eof. · ~ion ~. Tha~ this Ore--ce sh~l ~ in f~l force ~n~ effeol l~e~i~eiy ~on ils passage by ~he Oily Oo~oii ~ ~prov~ by ~he Mmyor. PASSED AND ~P~VED in Re,ar ~jo~ne~ session of ~he A. D. ag~. =o ~O H~h O~dmer PreSiden~ of ~he Ol~y (Oo~o=ate Se~) At~e~:_.. ~re~ Pe~.qe. Approved %h~s ~ ~y of May, MAYOR Upon mo~ion ~e Oo~cil ~jo~ed. --? . Oily Olerk