1946-04-01 Regular 97 Resolution adopted by ~he Oity Oou~ci± at a regular meeting held Monday March 4, 1946. ' WITNESS my hand and seam om said 0ity of Okeechobee, F~orida, ~niz 2nd day of April, A. D. 19~6. Lorena Pta~e Oimy 0~rk upon mo~ion mhe Oo~cim ~jo~ned. President, -Oily Oo~cli. ATTEST:,, ~~ ~ Oity ~ze~k April i, 19q6 The Oity 0ounci± ~f ~he 0i~y of Okeechobee, Fzorida, met in regu±ar session a~ ~he City H~l a~ 7:00 P. M. on ~he above date with mhe following l:resen~: Mayor H. H. H~uzerso~, Preside~ Hugh Chaudler, Oo'oncizmen B. W. Thomas, Morise Thomas, and A±to Wmtford ~h T. W.. 0onely, Jr., Ci~y A~'~orney and Lorena Pearoe, Oily CLerk. The minu~es of the meeting ~ezd March q, 1946 were read ~d ~proved as re~. ~e ~ozlowing bizls were approved m~d ordered p~d when ftmds are available: A!~o W~ford ~d ~ons - U~izi~y, Pozice, Wa~er & S~i~y - $ 3~.~ Ben~Xe's S~ply Shop - Wmm~r I~., Water, & U~iZi~y Dept.- z9.19 Soh~fsch~rd~ Bros. - U~iii~y T~ E~. - ................. ~1.30 Lo~ & O~pbell - U~ili~y T~ E~. · .... 2i.19 E. O, Harrin~on - Wate~ ~d Clerk's E~. .~2.~  Oolite ~ck Comply - Utility T~ E~. Oity of ~o~ Pierce - Water D~m. z20.OO In~o~ Oo Tel ~d Tez 0o. - Services for Febr~y ........... 16.~ ~re$ L~ber Comply - U~izity T~ E~. - ...... 2.~ gixo~' s G~a~ - St. & S~im~y ........... 3.50 E. W, Knigh~ - Utizity T~ E~. ~d Pm=ks ....... 3.50 A~z~tio Set, ce 8~a~ion - Utizi~y T~ Exp. .................. 12.25 GiZ~rt O~b~h - Umizity T~ E~. ............. O. K. Garage - U~ili~y T~ E~. - ........ 31.61 Palm Beach T~e~iter Co - Clerk's E~nse q. O0 Okeo. nd~ and F~-n Co. -'Water, U~i~y, Police and Fi~e --- Fmoridm Power ~d 4i~ 0o - Power ~%d Lights ...... 225.1& D. B. McCarthy - Water Dept. - ....... ~.~5 A Petition dated March 25th, signed by severa£ citizens and residents ziving in the ar~a of the £ocation of P,_amt of Thomas Packing Company, was presented to the Cotn~oi±, requus~ing they give e~ery assistance to Mr. Thomas in finding & new ±oc.ation for his pi~. ~eve~ml representives fron ~he zoc~ ol~.-o~g~iza~ions were pres~ and quested the ro~iaoemen~ of ~he whi~e way zights. Preeide~T~ Ch~die~ referred this to the Lights $o~ni~ee ~d ~eqUes~ed m report a~ ~he nex~ meeting. Mr. $&~ence J. Bo~ presented his men, hay =epo~$ of She Recreation ~e following Resolution ~s p~-esen~ by Co,cji M. Thomas, who moved i~s ~op- ~ted: RESOLUTION ~E~AS, the Okeecnobee News Oomp~y, a Florida recc~iy p~on~ed, from the Oo~y of Okeecho~e, S~a~e of ~oridm, the folle~ng, described prope~y, ~o-~; Lo~ 3 of Block i5y of the To~ of Oke~ chobee, accor~ng to pZm~ of said To~ fixed in the office of the Clerk of and $~. Lucie Ooun~ies, State of ~l~orid~. AND WHEREAS, by said purchase, all outstanding Municipal taxes and li~$ns were fu~l.y paid, ?OW~ THEHEFOHE, BE IT R~SOLVED that ~he Oily Olerk be mud she is ner0by authorized to ca~oei a~l outstanding cl~y taxes and mssess- menSs of every kind, levied ag~ the above ~escribe~ p~opex~y fo~ BE IT FURT~R ~OAV~ ~ha~ ~he Oily Ole~k ~eiive~ oer~ifie~ copy of ~hia resolu~io~ to the office~s of ~he Okeeoho~e Ne~ Oomp~y. PASS~ ~D ~PTED in re~ session ~his ~ne Firs~ of April, A. D. 19~6. H~h Presiden~ Oily ATT~T: Lorenm Pe~oe Oily O~e~k The fo~egoi~ resomu~ion is hereby app~ove~ ~his ~he Fira~ ~y of April, A. D. 19~6. MAYOR Upom mo~ion ~he Oom%ciA ~jo~ne~ ~o mee~ Monday ApriA 8, 19~6. ~ ~ / ~ Oily ~lerk April 8, 19~6 The Olty Qo~cil of ~he Oity of Okeeohobee, ~orida, me~ in ~e~ ~jo~ned session at ~he Oi~;y Hall a~ 7:30 P. M. on the above ~m~e ~th ~he lo,owing present: Presi~ H~ Oh~d~er, Oo~cl~en B. W. ~om~, Mo~ise Thom~, A~to Warlord ~d Z. K. Wire!irons ~h T. W. Oone~y, Jx., Oi~y A,~o~ey ~ ~ore~ PekOe, Oity Olerk. A P~ition ~a~ed ApriA 8, A9~, si~ed by sever~ ol$izens ~d residents ~iving in ~he ~-a of ~he Thomas P~king Pi~ was pxesen~ed ~o the Oo~cii ~d asked ~he members of the Oily Co,cia to pe~v~i ~on ~d give every assist~ce to the pro- posed move of ~he pl~. A P~ltion dated April 8th si$%e~ by a n~ber of citizens of Okeeoho~e was presented ~o the Oo~cil and =eques~e~ ~he membe=s of ~he Oo~cil ~o give pe~ission to remove all neoess~y ~rees f=om the P~k facing the Oily Hail for the p~ose of r~opening the soft ball field. ~e Oo~ci~ gave a vo~e of pe~is~ion. The Presiaen~ refex~e~ this mat~ ~o ~he Pa=ks Oo~it~ee. Oo~%ci~ Wmtfo=d gave his ~o~ from the ~i~m Oommit~ee in =egard ~o the street ~i~ts. Af~e= d~ consideration Oo~ci~ B. Thomas moved that the add Oi~y bracket ii,ts ~o the mo~t needed locations. Mo~ion seconded by Oo~cil c~ried. A mo$ion by Oo~%oi~ Wiili~s ~d ~on being seconde~ by Oo~oi~ M. Thomas ~s pu~ ~o m rome ~d ~imo~Ay ~eed to xe~ M=. B. ~. Thomas have ~he p=ope~y kno~ ~ the "01d ~o~" fox $~,~50.00. Oo~ol~ B. W. Thomas ~d no~ vo~e. The Mayor, Presi~ a~ Oi~y O~erk ~=e auth~zed to exeo~e neoess~y deed of convey~ce