1987-01-13UOI1ae ON luasaad luasaad quasgy juasgy juasaid luasaad juasaid luasaJd luasaJd SaaJJaf PAO!I uewal.ey3 'W-'d 50 L le .Iap-jO of 6uilaaw palled s.Iajjap uewa!e43 : aOj suo!joytp-jeoq jo A.Iewwns anoidde pue 6u!peaa ay; qj!M asuadslp of uo!loW •a SN0113V Una 30 avwwns L861 '£! AaenueP 02OS iN3W33a03N3 3003 21210HOHH3I0 30 Zlio eu!-joise3 aopieaq A.Ieja.IoaS Aawo1 yj!aN JaO!l30 luawao.Io3u3 apo3 jueAua Aiaar Aau.Ioaiy 30N3GN311V 33d1S .IajteM Aiaaf 'aW aauaayoS e!aolg . s.IW Aaip!,d l.Iagob 'uW a.aowled w! ? •-JW uosdwo41- e.I ea0 uew.I ! e40 ao ! siai4ar PAOLI uewu!e40 33WVOW311`d SN39W3W QlV09 ' 0- S2l3JJ3f OAOII NVW2! IVH3 A9 03H3330 N0I1d30AN I '9 UM10 Ol 9N 1133W IIVJ 'V W0 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD January 13, 1987 SUMMARY OF BOARD ACTIONS A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. INVOCATION OFFERED BY CHAIRMAN LLOYD JEFFERS ,C. BOARD MEMBERS ATTEMDAMCE Chairman Lloyd Jeffers Vice Chairman Deara.Thompson Mr. Jim Palmore Mr. Robert Ridley Mrs. Gloria Scherrer Mr. Jerry Walker STAFF ATTENDENCE Attorney Jerry Bryant Code Enforcement Officer Keith Tomey Secretary Beatrice Castorina D. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve summary of BoardiActions for: 001 Chairman Jeffers called meeting to Order at 7:05 P:M. Chairman Lloyd Jeffers Present Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present No action •pauinofpe 6uj3aaW •uajaayoS aagwaw Aq papuooaS •uanofpe 01 panow suajjap uewaie40 .•6ut3aaw 3xau l t Sun pauodisod as lMo3 Agje3 pue y3 t ail uo au 1 j •pataaeo uot3oW •aaowled aagwaw Aq papuooaS •3daooe o3 panow aH •spaooaa a43 o3ut uotleu6tsaa s3uawal3 pleuo0 aagwaW peaa Saa3pp uewatey0 •aaaaayoS aagwaW Aq p9pu003S •san000 uoi3elotn ay3 bop aad Aep aad siellop 00'SZ$ snld sueltop 00'OOt$ pautl aq uay3 pa3oaaaoo Sou 31 pue uot3etotn 3oaai0o 03 aoj3ou antaoaa Aay3 aa34e sanoy 9' uan10 aq ue6joW aW panow aaowled aagwaW •pantaoaa st 9011ou jalje paloaaaoo Sou st uoj3etotn Jt Aliadoid uo and aq lltM Anat y •uoj3etotn 30aaaoo 03 sanoy 8t 3uawuanorpy •0 •>itas atwwt(' Aq 3uteldwoo uo ualMo3 Ag4e3 pue y3taN uo au13 - •s3uawal3 pleuo0 aagwaW p.aeoq woaj uoj3eu6tsau jo aa33al •s6e3 ou pue 6aet 3e 6utuund :l£-+ !9Z-+ suot3oaS 3o uoj3elotn ul •9z-t uo t loas Is6e3 pue asuaoll !SZ-+ uoj33as `uot3eutooen uoj3oas 496ael 3e 6utuuni al!gm pue ue3:s6op oMl :ssautsns aay3p •3 anuany 435 'M'S ZOLI ue6joW joef Lb-1 anuany y35 -'M'S ZOLI ue6joW AOueN 98-Z9 3WHN # 3Sy0 :saseo jo uol3tsodsia •3 ZOO I OO 2 ,E. Disposition of cases: CASE # NAME 62-86 Nancy Morgan 1702 S.W.- 5th Avenue 1-R7 Jack Morgan 1702 S.W. 5th Avenue F. Other Business: VIOLATION Two dogs:tan and white running at large, section 4-31; vaccination, section 4-25; license and tags, section 4-26. In violation of Sections 4-26; 4-31: Running at la and no tags. Letter of resignation from board Member Donald Clements. -- Fine on Keith and Cathy Fowler on complaint by Jimmie Belk. G. Adjournment I 48 hours to correct violation. A levy will be put on property if violation is not corrected after notice is received. Member Palmore moved Mr Morgan be Given 48 hours after they receive notice to correct violation and if not corrected then be fined $100.00 dollars plus $25.00 dollars per day per dog the violation occurs. SEconded by Member Scherrer. Motion carried. Chairman Jeffers read Member Donald Clements resignation into the records. He moved to accept. Seconded by member Palmore. Motion carried. Fine on Keith and Cathy Fowler postponed until next meeting. - Chairman Jeffers moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Scherrer. Meeting adjourned.