1945-12-03 Regular CEKTIFIOATE OF ASSESSOR I, Lorena Pe~e, Assessor of taxes for the City of Cheekbones, Florida, d~ h~eby certify that the foregoing is the Assessment Roll of taxable pr¢'~ert7 in said City for the year 19~, valued at its cash value, ~1 that it contains a true statement and description of all prope~-~y ~ .said Oity subject to taxation by said Oity liable to be assessed therein, that the ii~ing and valuation in said Ro-1 shows correctly and accurately the listing and valuation as correct, accepted, proved and ~i~ted by Oity Oouncil, and that ail the requirements of the law and o~nances regumating ~he making of the Assessment Roll for said Oity ~ave been complie~ with. Tax Assessor for ~he Oity of~ Okeechobee, Florida. The followin~ Warrant was presented to %he Oounoil b~ the Oity Tax Assessor and upon motion by Cotu~oilman M. Thomas, seconded by Councilman B. Thomas and carried Wa~ entered in the min~es of the Oouncii, meeting~ .,~ wARRANT OF ASSESSOR To N. J. XinU, Tax O~lleotor of the Oily of Okeeohobee, Fiorida~ You are here~y commanded to collect out of the property and from ~ of the ~rsons, firms and corporations named in the annexed Asa%ssment ~1, and taxes se~ ~own on said Roll ~pposite each name or parcel of ~land therein described, and in case the taxes as e~- tended are n~ paid by the time prescribed by law, you are to collect same in the ~nner prescribed 'by law. Ail money coliec~ed you are to account for ~the Oily Council of the City of Okeechobee, you are fur~r require~ to make collections and report and a fi~?re- pox~ to and ~ettiement with the Oity Oouncil of said City as required by law and ordi~oes. Given under ~y hand and seal ~his ~h day of November, A. D. 19~5. Lore P arc 'Tax Assessor of the Ci~y~ OEeechobee, Florida. (Seal) Upon motion ~u~y seconded and carried the 0ity Clerk was instructed to in- sex~ the above desoribe~ 0ez~lfica~e and waxran~ o~ Assessor in the Tam Roll of smi'd City for i9~5. The 0i~y 0',ez~ ~ivised the 0ouncii that the proceeds ~rom the sale of Water Improvement Time ~arrma~s, issue of November 1, 1~5, in the amount of $6,000 plus accrue& interest ha~t been received a~i deposited in the 01ty ,~epository. Upon motion ,.he Oounoil a~ijourned. City Cloth The Oity Oou~cil 'of .the Oity of Okeeonobue met in regula~ session on the above da~e wi~h the following present: Mayor H. H. Raumerson, Presiden~ Hugh Ohanaier, Councilmen B. W. Thomas, Morise Thomas, Alto Warlord and Z. X. Nililams wi~h L0rena Pearce, Oity Minutes o.f t~ meeting held November ~th were read and approved as rea~. The followin~ bills were approved and ordered pai~ when fun~s are available: Al~e Warlord & Sons - Garbage, Police, Parks, and Water Dept. - Fia, Power & Ligh~ Co. - Power and Llgh~ - - - Mien G~r~ge - Street & S&uitary ......... 5.50 8c~schwerd~ Bros. - Water Dept. ............... E. ~. Harrtngton - Water Dept. - - - ............ 12.00 -~ Cit~ of I~. Pierce - Water Dept. - .......... -'0.00 AiA~utio Set. Sra. - Patak and Sa~Itar7 Dept. - - - ...... The H & B. W. Drew 0o. Clerk's ense ............ Gilbert Cuxbr~h - Water Dept. .............. 10. Oke~c~obee Hdwe & Furn 0o Water, Police, 8a~i~amy & ~creational - ~7.35 '£h~as 0ale -Police Dept. ............- - Clarence ~. Bo.. - Recreation. Expense .... -- - - - - 7. FlUids Gravel Co. - Water Improvement Fund .......- - Dav~s Meter Repair - Water Improvement Fund- .......- ~9.00 Central Scientific Co. - Water Improvement Fund - ..... --- Cr~e Company - Water Improvement Fund- .......- The Cameron A Barkley Co- Wa~er Improvemen~ Fu~d ...... Warlord, seconded by Councilman B. Thomas and carried A action 0ouncixman to employ C. J. Bomaan aa recreational adviser at $ 50.00 per month,beginning ~ov. lsd. Mr. Bowman submitted his report on the progress of ~he recreational program. T~e Ci~¥ ComleiA agreed that much progress had been accomplishe~. Upo~ me,ion the 0ounoi£ adjgu~ned. _~w/__~~~_ _~_//.- ATTEST: c~~ ~ J~nu~ry 7, i9~6 I ~ The Ci~y 0ouncil of the 0ity of Okeechobee mst in regular session at ?:00 P. i on ~he above ~a~e a~ ~he Ci~y Hail wi~h ~he following present: Ya¥_~r H H u...~ President Hugh 0hand-er, 0ounoilmen B. W. Thomas, Morise Thomas and A-to Warlord wi~h 0i~y Attorney T. W. Oonely, Jr./and Lorena Pea~ce, 0ity O-erk- Min~es of the meeming held Dec~mber 3rd were read and approved as read. The following bills were approved and ordered paid When funds ame available: Fla. East 0oas~ Ry. - Utility Tax Expense ......... $ 77.19 F~a. Power and Light Co. -Lights and Power ........... EO~.8~ D. B. Mc0arth¥ - Sanitary Dept. - ................ 9.00 Victor J. Domer - Parks, C'erk's Exp., Fire Dept. --------- Benaie's ~upply Shop - Parks, Water and Utility Tax Exp.-------- E. ~. Harrington - Garbage and Clerk Supplies .... 16.25 Western Union - Teiegrmph Service--- Alto Warlord and Sons - Police, Utility Exp., Sanitary & Water--- ~.~2 Raulerson Dept. u%ore - Police Dept. - ....... ~ ....... ~.00 Scnarfsohwerdt Bros. - ,a~;er and Sani~;ary Dept. -- ....... 0ke~onobee Hdwe 0o. - Water, Sanitary, Fire, Parks & Utility -- Glik~ert OU~breth -~ Fire, Sanitsmy and Water A T. H. Nix ~t~-ti~¥ Tax Exp., and Sanitary ....... Atmamtio Service Std. ' Police and Smuitary .................... Psalm Beach TypeWrimerCo- 0ierk' a Supplies - '5,~A Z. ~. Wix-isms - Insurance ........... At£~nmio Dred. & Cerise.- Utility Tax Expense ........ 0olde Rock 0ompany Utility Tax ~xpense Buia~ers Providence inc. Wa~er Improvemen~ ........... ~O5.00 ~-~ The Cameron & Barkley 0o Water Improvement ................ 37.13 I The Weinman Pump Mfg. 0o Water Inprovement ....... 550.00 ~ Oenl~al Scientific 0o. - Water Improvement ....................... 25.23 ?ic~or J. Domer - ,stet Improvement ...... 38.15 An offer from Thomas M. Geck and 0ompany of West Palm Beach, to sell the Oity $20,000 ~ value of Okeechobee Refunding Bonds a~ 66 cents(sixty six cents) plus accrued interes~ was received and after due consideration 0ounci~lman Warlord presented ~he following Resolution and moved its ad~ption. Upon being seconded by 0ounciiman M.