1986-02-10Section 11-7 of the Code of Ordinance relating to the junked vehicles was read by Attorney Bryant. After discussion member Walker moved the board find Ms. White in violation of the • Ordinance #411 on junked vehicles being on the property and from the date she receives the noticication of the board's findings she have fifteen (15) days to bring the vehicles up to compliance of Ordinance #411, which in the boards interpretation is operable and tagged. At the end of 15 days, if Ms. White have not come into compliance, she will be subject to a fine of $25.00 dollars per day for everyday the violation occurs. Seconded by member Jeffers. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, member Jeffers moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Scherrer. Meeting adjourned. Deara Tho pson, Vice Chairman Code Enfo cement Board City of O eechobee ATTEST: Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FEBRUARY 10, 1986 Hearings of the municipal code violations were held Dy the Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall, on Monday, Fe raury 10, 1986. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked the secretary to call the roll with the following results: James Palmore Present Deara Thompson Present Robert Ridley Present Lloyd Jeffers Present Gloria Scherrer Present Jerry Walker Present Donald Clements Present Others present were: Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, Jerry Bryant; and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. R.P. Farrenkopf; Attorney, INVOCATION Invocation was given by Donald Clements iU APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone have received the meeting. He stated if the board have found the minutes cc the chair would accept the minutes by common consent as pi minutes of January 14, 1986, rrect and had no questions esented. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Jeffers asked Assistant Code Enforcement Of icer Farrenkopf to present his cases. CASES TO BE PRESENTED 116-85 Annette White - 201 S.E. 4th Street Junked vehicles on premises Code Officer Farrenkopf stated he was not familiar with had asked for a re -hearing. He stated he had a video to case, but he knew Ms White of the cars taken that day. He then showed the previous tape and then the present video tape to the board members and the audience for comparison. Mr. Farrenkopf stated Ms. White wanted a re -hearing to see if they were still in violation. They have attemp d to correct the violation and the cars are operable, but they don't have tags. Ms White stated the cars were operable and have been operable and they remain operable. They don't have to be, by state law, Caged because two of the cars do not be used on the road, but they run. Attorney Bryant stated after the board made a decision last meeting he received a letter from Attorney Selmi and then a telephone call from Cynthia Allen Ms. White's Attorney in West Palm Beach. He stated he then got anoth r letter from Attorney Allen and the letter contained a misrepresentation of a conveys tion and he wants to make sure theboard doesn't think that he granted anybody a re -hearing. He stated he doesn't have that authority to do so and the letter stated he told her he would grant a re- hearing. He stated he told her he would recommend the board grant her a rehearing if Ms. White made some attempt to at least comply with the b ards's orders. He stated he was assured by Ms. White's Attorney that this would be her recommendation to Ms. White. He advised that he had talked to Code Enforcement Officer Tomey about the rehearing. He stated he told Cynthia Allen, Ms. White's Attorney the thing Ms. White should do if the cars is operable is to contact the Code Enforcement Officer and asked him to come over and verify that they are operable. Ms. White stated she understood that the Code Enforcement Officer would get in touch with her and they would set up an appointment for him to go over and check the cars himself. Attorney Bryant advised Ms White that her attorney should have had her go to the trouble of having it verified with the Code Enforcement Officer, so he could tell the board what the facts were. He stated that was the purpose of the re -hearing. After much discussion Member Walker moved that he would like to go from where the board was before and have Ms White call the Code Enforcement Officer and have him go over to her house and watch while the cars are being cranked up and moving and if it's in working condition come back at the next meeting and rescind the fine and dismiss the case if Ms. White is in compliance. Member Thompson asked if this shouldn't be done in some time frame. Member Walker stated by Tuesday, February 18th the Code Officer go to Ms. White's and see if the cars are operable. The Code Officer is to let the secretary know if they ' are. The secretary send out letters to the members scheduling a new meeting to handle the fine if the cars are not operable, and if, letters are not received by the board members they will know that everything is fine. Also a Lion to rescind the fine in the motion made on January 14, 1986 and update the motion to this date., February 10, 1� 1986. if not in compliance the previous order still Stan except about being tagged. Seconded by member Palmore. Motion carried. • DONALD CLEMENTS Mr. Clements asked that in the future the material sent out to have the Code Board on it instead of individual names on the material. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the b ard, member Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Walker. Meeting adjourned. Lloyd J Code En City of ATTEST: Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee C .ffers, C a m orcement Board Okeechobee Wednesday, February 12, 1986 Assistant Code Enforcement officer Farrenkopf advised secretary Castorina that he had gone to Ms White's house at 201 S.E. 4th Street, and he verified that two (2) of the cars were operable and on (1) was not, but it was under cover. Therefore no meeting was called and the fine on Ms. White will be rescinded.