1986-01-1414 MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JANUARY 14, 1986 Hearings of the municipal code violations were held by the Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall, on Tuesday, January 14, 1986. Vice Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7 00 P.M. and asked secretary Castorina to call the roll with the following results: James Palmore Deara Thompson Robert Ridley Lloyd Jeffers Gloria Scherrer Jerry Walker Donald Clements Present Present Present Absent - Present (late) Present Present Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Keith Tomey} and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. Member Clements moved to open the meetings with a Motion carried. INVOCATION Invocation was given by Donald Clements. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chairman Thompson asked if everyone have received meeting. She stated if the board have found the minutes cor chair would entertain a motion the minutes stand approved as so moved. Seconded by member Clements. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES Vice Chairman Thompson asked Code Enforcement Officer CONTINUED CASES 120-85 Bobby Sweat - 1009 S.W. llth Avenue Junked vehicles and bicycle parts on property. Code Enforcement Officer asked to continue case 120-85 becaus and would like to give him until the next meeting to complete moved to continue case 120-85 until the next meeting. Member Motion carried. CASES TO BE PRESENTED 116-85 Annette White - 201 S.E. 4th Street Junked vehicles on property Code Officer Tomey stated this has been going on since Septem Office have done everything it could and stated it was now u showed a video of the junked cars at 201 S.W. 4th Street to t. board that the property owner could not be there, but was re Rogers. Attorney Bryant advised the board that they would have this case and if the board found there was a violation then Attorney, Jerry Bryant; Seconded by member Ridley. minutes of December 10, 1985, and had no questions, the ented. Member Scherrer to present his cases. Mr. Sweat is working on this the project. Member Palmore Scherrer seconded the motion. r 1985 and the Code Enforcement to the Board. Officer Tomey board members. He advised the ,sented by his brother, Junior have a finding of facts of ' y would have to consider the facts and issue an order based upon the facts to the viol tor. If the violator doesn't come in to compliance, then the board can impose a fine upon �he violator. Section 11-7 of the Code of Ordinance relating to the junked vehicles was read by Attorney Bryant. After discussion member Walker moved the board find Ms. White in violation of the . Ordinance #411 on junked vehicles being on the property and from the date she receives the noticication of the board's findings she have fiftee (15) days to bring the vehicles up to compliance of Ordinance #411, which in the boards interpretation is operable and tagged. At the end of 15 days, if Ms. White have not come into compliance, she will be subject to a fine of $25.00 dollars per day for everyday the violation occurs. Seconded by member Jeffers. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Z ard, member Jeffers moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Scherrer. Meeting adjourne Deara Tho pson, Vice Chairman Code Enfo cement Board City of O eechobee ATTEST: Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE ('LERK'S OFFICE. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FEBRUARY 10, 1986 Hearings of the municipal code violations were held Dy the Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall, on Monday, Fe raury 10, 1986. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and asked the secretary to call the roll with the following results: James Palmore Present Deara Thompson Present Robert Ridley Present Lloyd Jeffers Present Gloria Scherrer Present Jerry Walker Present Donald Clements Present Others present were: Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, Jerry Bryant; and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. R.P. Farrenkopf; Attorney, T T7T1/1/1A MT/-Ihy Invocation was given by Donald Clements