1945-11-05 RegularNovember 5, The Olay gounoiZ o$ the Olty of Okeechobee met in regula~ session. the Glty H~l on ~he a~ve dame ~mh rune foilo~ presenm: Nayor H. H. ~e~eon, Presi~n~ H~ ~dler, Go.olden B. W. Thomas, Merles Thomas, ~d Al~o Warlord ~h ~rena Pe~e~ Oily Mind, es of the me~lnga head October A, October ~ ~d Oo~be~ ~ ~pro~d ~ ~e~. ~e fozl0~ng bills were ~pro~d ~d o~aez-ed p~d when f~ ~.e av~iable: FA~ Po~r a L~t 0o. - hXgh~s ~d Po~r ................ A~O.~ Gl~e~ 0uxbre~h - Wa~e~, FXre A PoZioe D~. ...... A4.3A Soh~rfsonwerd~ Bz. os. - 5~e~ & S~i~y Dept. ............ D. ~. McO~hy - ~i~ Dept. ...... Bo~e's Saop & 8~ply - P~k g~on~e ................. The Oke~hobee Ne~ - 0o~cii E~ense ............... Jefferson T. Smith - Po~oe ~$. ................ ~.50 A~a~tic Service 8~a~lon- 8~ree~ ~ 8~~y .............. 7.90 J. ~. H~es - S~ree~ & S~i~y zO. O0 E. ~. H~z~on - wa~er Dept. & Oo~oi~ ~penae Fyr- Fy~er Prod~e 0o. - Fire D~ ...... Okebchobee Hd~ & F~ O~ u~'ee~, Wa~er ~d P~ks D~. ..... 101.80 Pa~ Beth T~e~iter 0o.- Oaerk*s Expense .................... ~.00 O'K . ~a~ - Water Improvemen~ F~d ................ 5.00 ~o~ mo~on by ~o~c~ Warlord, seconded by 0o~~ Y. T~om~ c~ried, ~e ~o~c~ agreed ~o give I. N. MoM~len perm~ssi0n ~o b~id a proper~y ~d %0 gr~ ~ eaaemen~ for a period of t~. ye~s. Tn~s me,ion is ~o be su~ Jec~ ~o the O~ty Attorney's ~prov~. Pre~X~% Oh~dAer ~poin~ed H. H. ~er~n ~d AI~O Warlord ~ ~h ~rofessor ~~ in reg~d ~o the recrea~ion~ p~o~. The Ol~y T~ Assessor pree~ed the Oily T~ Asaesa~en~ ~i for the ye~ of 1945 for ex~na~lon by ~he Oo~oli. Upon me, ion ~ Oo~li Warlord, s~onded by Oo~i~ M. T~omas ~d ~x'ied, said T~ ~zl for 19~~ ms prepped ~ p~es~n~ed ~c~ted ~ the foXXowing ce~ifioa~e ~s ordered entered in ~he min~es of ~he meeting. Oko~chobee, Florl~, do hereby co~'lfy th8~ ~ have c~e~ly o~~d the fo~goi~ lssessemen~ ~ ~f '8~d Ol~y for the ye~ ~9~ ~d cor~e~. Mo~ise Thomas ~to w~fo~a Members of the Oity ci~ of the Oity of OXe~ Th~ follo~n~ oe~iflcate of the Oity T~ Assessor w~ presented ~o ~ he Oo~ii ~d ~on m~tion by Oo~i~ B. Thom~, seoonded by Oo~oi~ W~ford o~rried was i~oo~or~ted in the min~es of the 0o~oil CERTIFICATE OF ASSESS0R I, Lorena Pea~e, Assessor of taxes for the City of 0hee~hobee, / Florida, d~ h~, ieby certify that the foregoing is the Aseesemen% Roll of tam~bie prq~erty in said City for the year 1~5, vaAued at l~s cash va2ue, an~Lthat it contains a true statement and description of ~il propeFJry i:~ said City subject to ta.x~tion by said City liable to be assessed there: ;n; that the ilet.ing and va~u~tion in said Re-1 shows correctly and ~curate_Zy the_ listing ~nd valuation as correct, accepted, proved and ado] ~ted by City Council, and that a~l the requirements of the law and or, =nances reguzating ~he making of the Assessment Roll for said City ]iave been complied with. Lorena Peamc~ Tax Assessor for the Cit~ Of~ 0keeohobee, Florida. The fo llowing ~ Warrant w~s presented to the Oouncil b~ the 0ity T~x Assessor and upon motion by 0oun~iAmmn .M. Thomas, seconded by 'CounciXmmn B. Thome~-and camried ~ entered-in the minuses of the 0ounciA. meetlng~ ~ wARRAFT OF A88E~0R To L J. King~ Tax Oollector of the 0ity of 0heeohobee, Fiorida~ You are hereb~,~ commanded to collect out of the proper~y a~d from ' ~ of the p~ ~rsona, firms and corporation~ named in the a~nexed Aeat~ssment Rol =, and taxes se~ down on said ROll opposite, each name or pameel of' '~nd therein described, and in case the taxes as e~- ~ended are no~ paid by the time prescribed-by law, you ams to oolie~ same in the m~ tuner prescribed .by law. Ail money collected you are to account for t~i the City 0ouncil of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,. ~ ,~ you ems fttrth~ = required to make collection, e and report and a pox-t to smd s~ ~tiement with the City Council of s~id City as requir~ by law and ordin~ ~ces. Given under m, hand and sea~ ~hi. 5~h day of November, A. D. Okooohoboe, Florid~ (se ) Upon motion ~y seconded and ca. tied the City Olerk was instructed to sert the above desoribe~ Oertifioa~e and ~aZran~ o~ Assessor in the Tax Roll of sai'd City for i9~5. The Ci~¥ O~er~ mivised t¥,e Oounoii that the proceeds ~rom the sa. Lc of Water Xmprovement Time Warranl~e,. issue of November 1, 1~5, in the amount of $6,000 plus ax~or~a~c~ inte~es~ hart be~ received azui deposited in the City upon motion Council ad, our=ed. ~- Deoembe~ 3, 19%5 The City Ooun~l 'of 'the Ci~y of Okeeonob. e met in regalax session a~ on the above da~e with. ~he following presen~l Ma~yor H. H. P.~uierson, Presiden% Hugh Chandler, CounoiAmen B. N. Thomas, Morise Thomas, Alto Warlord ami Z. K. Williams with ~0rena ~earoe, City Ote~. Minu~es of ~he meeting, head November 5th Ware read an~ approved as read. T~e following ~ills were approved ~nd ordered paid when funds ~re