1984-08-21 G MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE AUGUST 21, 1984 t Hearings of the municipal code violations were held by th Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tues ay, August 21, 1984. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Jeffers asked secretary Castorina to call the ro 1 with the following results: Nick Collins - Present Deara Thompson - Present Robert Ridley - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westb ook; and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone has received the minut s of June 11, 1984 and July 17, 1984 meetings. He stated if the board have found the minutes orrect and had no questions, the chair would entertain a motion, the minutes stand approved as resented. Member Collins so moved Seconded by member Kuhlewind. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbrook to present his cases. Mr. Westbrook stated he called Attorney Conlon to let him know everything on the agenda was either dismissed or continued except one item he felt coul be handled with out an attorney present. He had a previous appointment. DISMISSAL OF CASES Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be dismissed ecause all are in compliance. 74-84 Ida Mae Sollar 69-84 Mike James 70-84 Okeechobee Aluminum 81-84 J.J. Zayti 63-84 Glenn Lamb Member Kuhlewind moved to dismiss cases listed above. Se onded by member Thompson. Motion carried. CONTINUED CASES Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be continued. 126-84 James & Pearl Singleton Roosevelt Butler 51-84 Bill Acre and Rudolph Hooks 65-84 J.J. Zayti 79-84 Maudie's Flowers Member Thompson moved to continue cases listed above. Se onded by member Ridley. Motion carried. CASES PRESENTED 78-84 The Truck Stop - Keith Anderson Delinquent Garbage bill of $69.00 dollars - Mr. Westbrook advised the board, the City has an Ordinanc on mandatory garbage pickup. Mr. Westbrook stated he asked L.P. Sanitation to resentive to be at the meeting on their behalf. Ray Hoekstra, Jr. and Daniel Anderson were sworn in by th secretary. 4 4 Ray Hoekstra, Jr. L.P. Sanitation representive, stated he couldn't say for the truck drivers but when he was on the route they only picked up the garbage a out two (2) or three (3) times in six months. e Mr. Anderson, defendent, stated the truck drivers didn't top to pick up the garbage. He stated he didn't receive any service therefore he wasn't payin for service he didn't receive. He stated he had called L.P. Sanitation and the City Hall and still didn't get his garbage picke, up. He stated the cans were out because they stayed out. He aid one time the driver came by and stopped and looked at the garbage cans and said they weigh 50 lbs and he wasn't going to pic them up, because they didn't pick up fifty pounds. He stated if he get the service he would be glad to pay the bill. He stated he would have to pay to have 't hauled or if he hauled it himsel to the dump and he would be glad to pay if he got service. Mr. Westbrook asked him, what he was saying i0 he has to aul his own garbage. Mr. Anderson stated he didn't have a choice, he couldn't get it picked up. Mr. Hoekstra stated he couldn't say for his men, but he w rked that route last month and Mr. Andereson didn't have any garbage. He stated he checked with he truck driver and he told him he didn't have garbage out. Mr. Hoekstra stated if there were a istake they were not notified abou it. Mr. Westbrook asked Mr. Anderson what day and time was th garbage picked up at his shop. Þ:J Anderson stated Wednesday somewhere between 9:00 o'clock and 1 :30 A.M. Mr. Westbrook stated if the board would bear with him he would request a continuance this case so he can look into it the site. Member Kuhlewind asked Mr. Anderson what was the nature 0 his garbage. Mr. Anderson stated oil cans and gasket material. He stated he had drums for his arbage. Member Kuhlewind moved tc continue case 78-84 until the next meeting. Seconded by membe Walker. Motion carried. Chairman Jeffers thanked Mr. Hoekstra and Mr. Anderson for com'ng. VICE CHAIRMAN Chairman Jeffers opened the floor for a nomination for a chairman. Member Thompson nominated Blair Kuhlewind for Vice Chairman. Member Collins ved the nomination cease. SecondE by member Walker. Motion carried. Chairman Jeffers called vote for Blair Kuhlewind to bE Vice Chairman. Vote Unanimous. ADJOURNMENT There being no further bus,iness to come before the board, member Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Kuhlewind. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. ~ ATTEST: &~ ~ Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board e City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK's OFFICE.