1984-06-11 ~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, ember Miller moved to adjourn. meeting adjourned. e ~ fer 'Chairman nforcement Board f Okeechobee ATTEST: ~~~ &~~~ Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. APRIL 17, 1984 THERE WAS NO MEETING, THEREFORE NO MINUTES WERE RECORDED. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE MAY 17,1984 Hearings of the municipal code board violations were held y the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on y, May 17, 1984. Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbrook asked secreta y Castorina to call the roll with the following results: Nick Collins - Absent - unexcused Deara Thompson - Present Robert Ridley - Absent - unexcused Lloyd Jeffers - Absent - excused Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Cecilia Miller - Absent - unexcused Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbr ok and Secretary, Beatrice Castori The Code Enforcement Board meeting was called off due to n t having a quorm. The cases coul¿ be presented. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOAR - CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JUNE 11, 1984 Hearings of the municipal code board violations were held by the Okeechobee, Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall Monday, June 11, 1984. II Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Jeffers asked secretary Castorina to call the ro 1 with the following results: Nick Collins - Present Deara Thompson - Present Robert Ridley - Present t Lloyd Jeffers - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Absent - excused Jerry Walker - Absent - excused Cecilia Miller - Absent - Unexcused Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westb ook: Attorney, David Conlon; and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone has received the minut March 20, 1984 and May 17, 191 meeting. He stated if the board have found the minutes correc and had no questions, the chair would entertain a motion, the minutes stand approved as pres en Member Thompson so moved. Seconded by member Ridley. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbrook to present his cases. DISMISSAL OF CASES Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be dismissed ecause all are in compliance. 9-84 Maudie's Flowers 54-84 Behr Contracting 56-84 Lois Kinsaul 61-84 Tommy Clay 66-84 Interiors By Adrian Member Thompson moved to dismiss cases listed above. Seconded y member Ridley. Motion carried. CONTINUED CASES 126-83 James and Pearl Singleton Roosevelt Butler Two derelick vehicles & Refrigeration type premises. Mr. Westbrook asked that case 126-83 be continued because cars had been moved, but a refrigerator was still there. Mr. Westbrook stated the Polic department have tried to locate these people, also we have mailed out notices and they have bee returned, therefore ask that thi~ case be continued until next meeting. If the refrigerator have moved by the next meeting then the board will handle the case as if Mr. and Mrs. Singleto and Mr. Butler were present. Member Collins moved to continue case 126-83 until next mo Seconded by member Ridley. Motion carried. 65-84 J.J. Za yti In violation of Temporary Permit. Mr. Westbrook stated that J.J. Zayti do not own the proper y, he is located on and that Bob Matthews is the owner. He stated Mr. Zayti have tired to get t e property surveyed so he could file application with the board of Adjustments and Appeals. He asked for a 30 day continuance on this case. Member Thompson so moved. Seconded by member Ridley. Mot 'on carried. 51-84 Bill Acre and Rudolph Hooks Health hazard for not rat proofing building behi d Votino's ~ Mr. Westbrook asked this case be continued for 30 days, du to the chief witness not being present. Member Collins moved to continue until July meeting. Seconded by member Ridley. Motion carried. A new member, Robert Ridley, was officially welcomed to th board. ~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, member Thompson moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Ridley. Motion carrieå. Meeting Adjourned. It -'7 "'--£ airman Enforcement Boarå of Okeechobee ATTEST: &£L~<!~~ ¿~~~ Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK' OFFICE. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JULY 17, 1984 Hearings of the municipal code board violations were held by the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tues ay, July 17, 1984. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were: Nick Collins, Deara Thompson, Robe t Ridley, Lloyd Jeffers, Blair Kuhlewind, and Jerry Walker. Others present were: City Attorney, David Conlon; and Se retary, Beatrice Castorina. Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbrook had a doctors app intment and had not returned by th time the meeting began, therefore, we could not have the heari gs. Ida Mae Sollar, Wes Upham and Andy Ruben were in the audi nce for case 74-84, and were asked to return next month for the hearing. Member Thompson moved to continue this meeting until Augu t 21st, 1984. Seconded by member Ridley. Motion carried. meeting adjourned until August 21, 1984. e ATTEST: - ¿~ t!a~~~ , Beatrice Castorina, Secretary Code Enforcement Baord City of Okeechobee