1983-07-19 2 lien is put against the property. Chairman Jeffers asked if the lien was recorded. Mr. Westbrook stated it was. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Code Enforce Member McArthur 41 moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Walker. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. ATTEST: ~ ¿¿~ Beatrice Castorina Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLER 's OFFICE. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOAR CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JULY 19, 1983 Hearings of the municipal code board violations were held by the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tues ay, July 19, 1983. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Jeffers asked secretary Castorina to call the r 11 with the following results: Cecilia Miller - Absent - with consent Deara Thompson - Present Michael McArthur- Absent - unexcused Lloyd Jeffers - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Vanglea McFarland - Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westb ook; Attorney, David Conlon; Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone had received the munut 21, 1983, meeting. He stated if the board have found the minutes correct and had no uestions, the chair would entertai a motion, the minutes stand approved as presented. Member pson so moved. Seconded by member Kuhlewind. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES ~ Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer to presen his cases. DISMISSAL OF CASES Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be dismissed ecause all are in compliance. r 62-83 ~oh]¿ cr§y. . un an Debr~s on prem~ses Member Kuhlewind moved to dismiss Case 62-83. Seconded b member Thompson. Motion carried. At this time Chairman Jeffers stated member Cecilia Mille was on vacation and was absent e with consent. 64-83 John Holman Junk and overgrown weeds on premises. Mr. Westbrook stated he was not recommending dismissal or continuance. He stated Mr. Holman has had ample time to clean the property. He stated he went b the property two to three times a week and Mr. Holman has cleaned in patches. This was a seco on the same property and he wants the board to decide what they want to do with thi case. Member Kuhlewind asked what the reaction of Mr. Holman wa on the $50.00 fine imposed on him. Mr. Westbrook stated there was no reaction. Member Kuhl wind asked if Mr. Holman was aware of the fine. Mr. westbrook stated he was. Also, a certified sent to him imposing a lein against his property because of non-payment of the $50. o fine. Attorney Conlon advised, the board could fine a person ea time he appears before the board on the same offense. Discussion ensured. Member Kuhlewind moved to fine Mr. Holman $150.00 assemen fine to be withdrawn if he complies prior to the first of August conformation by photo of building inspector on July 31st 19 Seconded by member Thompson. Motion carried. CASES TO BE HEARD 77-83 Dale Breland Vicious dog running at large and being a nuisance. Mr. Westbrook gave a review of this case to the board, al o a copy of the police report was reviewed by the board members. Witnesses Kyle Miller, Linda Miller and Dale Breland were swor in by the secretary. Mr. Westbrook asked witness Linda Miller to tell the what happened. She stated her son, Kyle, and his cousin were going to this grandfathers. y turned down the road by Domer's Machine Shop, and the dog came out and bit him, while going do the road on his bike. She did not see the dog bite Kyle, but she did see the bite marks. Sh took him to the police station and they saw the marks. She also took him to the hospital for treatment. Member Kuhlewind asked if she have seen the dog. She stated a German Sheppard was al she knew. She stated her concern was, it could have been a small child that couldn't get away f om the dog. Chairman Jeffers stated the records show a police report as made on the case. Mr Westbrook asked Mr. Breland, if the dog was his. Mr Breland stated it w Mr. Westbrook stated the police report stated, the dog wa vicious and running at large. Mr. Breland stated the dog haven't bitten anyone before. Member Walker asked if the yard was fenced. Mr. Breland tated it wasn't. He stated he kept the dog tied and when he wasn't tied he was in the house Chairman Jeffers advised Mr. Breland to keep better super ision on the dog. Chairman Jeffer asked Mr. Westbrook what he recommended. Mr. Westbrook stated he recommended Mr. Breland be advised to keep a closer watch on the dog, to keep it penned 0 whatever to keep it from running at large unless, it was on a leash, and the case be dismissed. Member McFarland so moved. Seconded by Member Walker. Motion carried. 81-83 Harold Hunter Violation of leash law - Mr. Harold Hunter and Danny Canup were sworn in by the se Mr. Westbrook stated this case was turned in by the Polic Department. He stated a small child was bitten by a dog, while running at large, which is in iolation of Ordinance #410. Mr. Danup stated he heard his three year old child scream while playing in the yard of Steve Nelson. The child was bleeding so he took him to the ho He had to have six sti tche, '1 A girl he thought was Mr. Hunter's daughter was walking a og back to the Hunter Home. He stated he came from the hospital and let Mr. Hunter kno how the child was and, he didn't seem concern. He asked Mr. Hunter when was the las time the dog had shots. Mr. Hunter stated about a year or a year and a half. Mr. Canu stated his wife asked Mr. Hunter to keep the dog leashed and he told her no. He sta ed the dog was running at t large again after they took the child to the hospital. Me ber Thompson asked if they had confined the dog. Mr Canup stated for ten (10) days. Attorney Conlon asked Mr. Canup, if he asked Mr. Hunt r if it was his dog. He stated yes and he said it was. Attorney Conlon asked if h knew the dog from others when he saw it. Mr. Canup stated yes. He stated the last time he saw the dog was on Mr. Hunter's porch. Mr. Westbrook asked Mr. Hunter if it was his dog. He stated no, it was his sons. Mr Hunter was advised he was responsible for the dog as it was in his care. Mr. Hunter stated the dog was kept in a garage for ten (10 days after the child was bit. Mr Hunter stated he was moving the next day and there wo a fence for the dog. He stated the dog was eight years old and had never bit an one before. Member McFarland moved to dismiss the case and nd Mr. Hunter keep the dog confined until he moved and put him in a fence. Seconded y Member Walker. Motion carried. Mr. Westbrook stated someone had dumped some garbage City property. We sent a first notice to them, and the lady picked the garbage up We wrote a letter of thanks to her which read: Roger and Sharon Green P.O. Box 923 Okeechobee, Fla. 33472 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green: The City would like to thank you for taking immediate action in removing the garbage on S.W. 7th Avenue. We deeply appreciate your help to clean up the City 0 Okeechobee. Again we thank you. incerely, allette Westbrook uilding & Zoning Administrator ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the e Enforcement Board, member Walker moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Thompson. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. ATTEST: '¿:¡e¿¿¿!u~¿ ,~ ,- c...' .,1 Gð~~ Béatrice Castorina Secretary ~ Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CL RK's OFFICE. '" I MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD It CITY OF OKEECHOBEE AUGUST 16, 1983 Hearings of the municiapal code board violations wer held by the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers t City Hall on Tuesday, August 16, 1983. Vice Chairman McArthur called the meeting to order a 7:30 P.M. Vice Chairman McArthur asked secretary Castorina to all the roll with the following results: Cecilia Miller - Absent with consent Deara Thompson - Present Michael McArthur - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Absent with consent Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Absent with consent Vangela McFarland - Absent with consent Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette estbrook; Attorney, David Conlon; Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. A quorum of the board members were not present, ther fore, the meeting could not procede. Mrs Glenda Acheson, a violator, and Mr and Mrs Clare ce Hamor, witnesses, were in the audience for the meeting. Vice Chairman McArthur sked if they would be willing to come back to the next meeting. Mrs Acheson answered n . Attorney Conlon advised the board in this case a new complaint would have to be filed. Discussion ensued. Member Kuhlewind moved to adjourn, due to lack of qu rum. Seconded by member Thompson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Michael T. McArthur Vice Chairman Code En orcement Board City of Okeechobee ATTEST: 4~..<LR~¿~;)Æ~ Beatrice Castorina Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE C ERK'S OFFICE. -