1982-09-08 I , MINUTES OF THE ~ MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD . CITY OF OKEECHOBEE November 8, 1982 Hearings of the municipal code violations were held by he Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in Council Chambers on Monday, November 8, 1982. Chairman, Gordon Leggett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Leggett stated if all had received the minutes of October 18,1982, and found no corrections or anything wrong, the Chair would entertain motion to dispense with the readi Member Jeffers moved to accept the minutes as presented. Seconded by Member Thompson. Motion carried. ROLL CALL Chairman Leggett asked the Secretary to call the roll 'th the following results: Michael McArthur - Present Deara Thompson - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Gordon Leggett - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Vangela McFarland - Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Westbrook, City Attorney, David Conlon; and Secretary, Ruth Berndt. CASES TO BE DISMISSED: Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be dismiss 105-82 Ralph & Nancy Bark - Property cleaned to satis 143-82 Richard Van Dell - Has cleaned his carport junked auto. Member McArthur moved to dismiss the cases as listed Seconded by Member McFarland, Motion carried. CONTINUANCE OF CASES: Mr. Westbrook requested the following case be continue 152-82 Buddy and Esther Hair - The Hair's have finall served but due to the 21 day notice, they are summo the December meeting. Member McArthur moved to continue the case listed abov Seconded by Member Jeffers. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Memb r McArthur moved to adjourn. Seconded by Member Thompson. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M. Gordon . Leggett, irman Code En orcement Board ~ City of Okeechobee - ATTEST: /;) "{2 / '/ / /._ _ I /'..-- __ 'Í u~d4 "/vF~ Ruth E. Berndt, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee £) NO MEETING IN DECEMBER, THEREFORE NO MINUTES RECORDED. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD t CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JANUARY 10, 1983 Hearing of the municipal code violations were held by the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, January 10, 1083. Chairman, Gordon Leggett, called the meeting to order at 7 00 P.M. ROLL CALL Chairman Leggett asked Secretary Berndt to call the r 11 with the following resu1 ts: Michael McArthur - Absent Deara Thompson - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Gordon Leggett - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Absent Jerry Walker - Present Vange1a McFarland - Absent Members McArthur and Kuhlewind arrived at 7:01 P.M. Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, malle te Westbrook; City Attorney, David Conlon; and Secretary, Ruth Berndt. Chairman Leggett stated Member McFarland has called h m and stated that her hus- band's uncle had passed away and she wasn't sure if she co ld make the meeting but would try. Chairman Leggett then asked for a motion to excuse M mber McFarland's absence. Member Jeffers so moved. Seconded by Member Thompson. Mo ion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Leggett asked if everyone had received the mi nutes of the November 8, 1982, meeting. He stated the Chair would call for a motio to dispense with the read- ing of the minutes if the Board so approves. Member Thomp on so moved. Seconded by Member Jeffers. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Leggett asked Code Enforcement Officer, Malle tte Westbrook, to present his cases. DISMISSAL OF CASES Mr. Westbrook requested the following cases be dismiss d because all are in compliance. 156- 8 2 Big Engines of Okeechobee 160-82 J. S. Davis 161-82 Annie Ford 163-82 Leroy JR. & Ethel Page 165-82 Daniel and Shirley Johnson 166-82 Jimmy Lockett 167-82 Mrs. Alfred Waterson 171-82 Quality Aluminun Products t 172-82 " " " 177-82 Red Coburn Chairman Leggett requested Member Jeffers to make a mo ion to dismiss the cases. Member Jeffers moved to dismiss the cases as listed above. Seconded by member McArthur. Motion carried. I t CONTINUANCE OF CASES Mr. westbrook requested Case No. 162-82, Smiley Lee obinson and Case No. 175-82, Everetts Automotive be continued as more time is eeded to be in compliance. It Chairman Leggett stated these cases would be continued un il next month. CASES ill BE HEARD 152-82 - Buddy and Esther Hair - Five dogs running loose in the neighborho d. Mr. Westbrook stated Mr. and Mrs. Hair are present b t the witness is not present. Chairman Leggett asked if the case should be continued. r. Westbrook stated Mr. and Mrs. Hair had been here previous and it would'nt be fair o ask them to come back. Chairman Leggett then requested Mr. Westbrook to giv the Board a resume of the case. Mr. Westbrook stated the case started Sept. 21, 1982 with a complaint through the police department. A letter was written to the Hair's at that time and apparently nothing was done about the animals and it has continued t rough December. They have been cited numerous times and citations were refused. Th Police Department has made numerous trips out there and Mrs. Hair refused to accept he citation. The Police were informed they can leave it with any adult at the res 'dence who would sign or else if refused could leave it there and sign an affidavit it ad been left on the premises. This has been going on since September to December. It i now my understanding they have put the animals in the county on their private prope ty and penned them up. We had a lady come in about two weeks ago who said t e dogs are penned during the day but let out at night, but she's not here to testify. That about sums it up. The witnesses had been to a previous meeting but Hai 's hadn't been served so the case was continued Mr. Westbrook further stated. Following a short discussion, Member McArthur moved o dismiss case No. 152-82. Seconded by Member Kuh1ewind. Chairman Leggett called fo any discussion . Member Walker stated they should be kept penned at n ·ght. Member Thompson stated she felt it should be stresse the dogs should be kept confined. She stated when she was with the Humane Societ they had numerous reports of these dogs. Chairman Leggett called for a vote on the motion. M tion carried. Case dismissed. 174- 82 - Joe Perry's Paint and Body Shop Junked autos and parts on premises Chairman Leggett asked Mr. Perry and any witnesses t step before the Board. Mr. Joe Perry and Mr. Andrew Rubin were duly sworn in by he Secretary. Mr. Westbrook stated Mr. Perry has been very co-oper tive as far as cleaning up when cited, but that he doesn't keep it that way for long and has to be re-cited over again. He had been cit~d three times since April 1981. e further stated it looks like a junk yard 90% of the time, but right now it looks ecent. If he'd just keep it that way it would be fine. Chairman Leggett explained to Mr. Perry the primary unction of the Board is to - remove derelict autos and anything that detracts from the City's appearance. Mr. Perry said he has cleaned his property and has p t a white blind fence almost all around. He is waiting for some more material to comp ete the work. He also stated he'll try to keep it clean. 8 Discussion ensued among Mr. Perry, Mr Westbrook and he Board Members. Mr. Westbrook stated he just found out last Friday that Mr. P rry has to keep parts taken from wrecked autos until the insurance adjuster inspects hem and this would account for some of the junky look due to no fault of Mr. Perry. t Member Jeffers asked Mr. Perry the approximate time 't would take to finish the fence. Would 30 days be enough time? Mr. Perry stated h thought it would be sufficient time. Member Walker moved to continue for 30 days, until n xt meeting, and if the blind fence is completed the Building Inspector could dismiss t e case. Seconded by Member Jeffers. Motion carried. Mr. Ruben stated he wished to comment since he is a uly sworn witness. Mr. Rubin testified he thought Mr. Perry had been harrassed on this citation since there are many other places in town with the same condition and no fence . He also stated the Board should be more careful in citing an individual when he is improving his property. he thanked the Board for listening to his comments. 182-82 - Jonce Cole (Cole's Foreign Auto Service) Junked autos and parts on premises. Mr. Westbrook stated he did not have a witness prese t for this case. The Board decided to hear the case anyway as Mr. Jonce was present. Mr. Westbrook stated a complaint was made le was stripping autos and selling the parts, but he (Westbrook) could not prove this without a witness. Member McArthur stated the citation reads junked aut s and parts. Mr. Westbrook stated this also applied to the premis s. Mr. Coles stated he has had Jim Crowe pick up all hi junked autos so his yard is clean. Chairman Leggett explained to Mr. Cole that if his p ace isn't kept clean the Board could cite the landlord and then he might make him Also, they could ci t~ the landlord and if he didn't appear before the Board he landlord) could be fined and if he didn't pay that a lien could be place against his roperty. In any event, it would hurt Mr. Cole and the Board didn't want to do that, therefore, it would be to Mr Cole's advantage to keep it cleaned. Mr. Cole stated since he had Jim to pick up his auto it should help keep it clean. Member McArthur moved to dismiss case No. 182-82. conded by Member Jeffers. Motion carried. AUDIENCE TO ADDRESS BOARD Mr. John Everetts asked'the Board what it considers be junk? Is it vehicles that need moved or is it because the vehicle doesn't run doesn't look good? Mr. Westbrook stated a vehicle with no tires, hood,f doors, etc. he would consider junk. Example: A 10 year old auto with all fou tires flat, one or 2 rims gone, fenders missing, and the thing won't crank and no cu rent license plates, that is junk. Discussion ensued and Chairman Leggett explained tha with junked autos around it devalues property and jeopardizes real estate sales in the event someone would like to sell his property that is located adjacent to such pro erty. Mr. Ervin Butler said he had a complaint concerning eighbors cats on his pro- t perty and had been to Mr. Fellow's office and also the Po ice Department and they had directed him to the Code Enforcement Board. Mr Butler wa informed that Mr. Westbrook would see that citations were issued if he'd (Butler) giv him all the details. I l ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Code Enfo cement Board, Member e McArthur moved to adjourn. Seconded by Member Jeffers. eeting adjourned at 7:54 P.M. Gordon Chairman Code En orcement Board City of Okeechobee ATTEST: ¡;Z-cL ( J:!Jc~~k ~, Ruth E. Berndt, Secretary Code Enforcement Board City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE C ERK'S OFFICE. MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FEBRUARY 14, 1983 Hearings of the municipal code viola~ions were held y the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in Council Chambers at City Hall 0 Monday, February 14, 1983. Chairman, Gordon Leggett, called the meeting to order at :00 P.M. ROLL CALL Chairman Leggett asked Secretary Berndt to call the 011 with the following results: Michael McArthur - Present Deara Thompson - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Gordon leggett - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Vangela McFarland - Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mall tte Westbrook; City Attorney, David Conlon; Secretary Ruth Berndt and Beatrice Castori APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Leggett asked if everyone had received the in utes of the January 10, 1983 meeting. He stated if the Board have found the minu es correct and had no questions the chair would obtain a motion to dispense wit the reading and accept them e as presented. Member Jeffers so moved. Seconded by Memb r Kuh1ewind. Motion carried.