1981-06-08 I JUNE 8, 1981 MINUTES OF THE SECOND MEETING OF THE OKEECHOBEE CIT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Minutes of the second meeting of the Okeechobee City C de Enforcement Board was held in the City Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June Those present included t the members Gordon V. Leggett, Chairman; Herb Nix, Vice Cha orman; Lloyd Jeffers and Michael T. McArthur. Members absent were Dr. Alex Kuhlewind. Others present were Mrs. Alex Amadio, J. M. Westbrook, Building an Zoning Administrator; R. C. Fellows, Mayors Assistant; David Conlon, City Attorney and onnie S. Thomas, City Clerk. The meeting was opened at 7:00 o'clock by Chairman ett who then asked Inspector Westbrook to give a brief overview of the procedures to be ollowed to process a municipal code violation. A descriptive step by step flow chart was drawn on the blackboard and explained to the Code Board by Inspector Westbrook. Various forms in th order they are to be processed were explained. Also discussed was the time frame involved in the procedure from the time of a complaint through the end of a case. It was explained there would be 10 days between steps two and three with 30 days total from the time the fi st form goes out to the setting of a hearing date if and when it is determined by the Chair that a hearing must be set. If it is determined that a hearing is to be held be set by the Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board. Other discussion by the Board was eld in regards to what constitUEs a quorum. It was stated that in the absence of the Chairma , any three members of the Board can hold a hearing. Three is a quorum. A brief discussion ensued as to which night and time the Code Board should hold its meetings. Mondays or Thurdays were discussed as the later hour of 8:00 instead of 7:00. Assistant Fellows informed the Board that a complete ~ rk up of each case will be com- piled and delivered to each member in time for study before a hearing. This narrative of the situation will enable the Board to be well prepared in adva Attorney Conlon gave a brief explanation of procedures duties of the Board and Officials concerned in an actual hearing. Certain details itemized such as: Hearing the Facts. Determining which are true facts. Clerk will call case and could swear in Witnesses, if Board so desires. City will put on case. Inspector Westbrook will present (prosecute) . The other side will be heard at this time. The Board has the right to interrupt the alleged iolator for explanation if it doesn't understand a certain item. After all facts of both sides are presented, the oard will deliberate then make a motion in regards to its conclusions nd setting fines if and when necessary. Attorney Conlon stated he would be at the hearin~to a swer any legal questions that might arise. Chairman Leggett expressed his hopes that settlements ould be made without delay in the cases and the Board could make its decisions without ge ting in the habit of "Pigeon- holing or tableing" items. Attorney Conlon asked what official would be presentin the Police cases. It was t explained that Inspector Westbrook would present all cases. Chairman Leggett stated the witnesses should be sworn n and felt the Clerk should administer the oath to witnesses swearing allegiance to the truth. Member Jeffers agreed this procedure would add meaning to the process. s present agreed. e The Clerk was asked to administer the oaths The minutes of the hearings will be brief factual records of events. The Final discussion concerned fines. They are to be up and signed by the Chairman the day following a hearing. Chairman Leggett asked if Inspector Westbrook ther business of if Mr. Fellows had any. Neither official had anything to add. Chairman Leggett thanked Mrs. Amadio for attending he place of Dr. Amadio so as to keep him informed on the meetings. There being no other business at this time, upon motio member Jeffers and seconded by member Nix, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Legget JULY 13, 1981 MINUTES OF THE OKEECHOBEE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE NFORCEMENT BOARD The first hearing of cases by the Municipal Code Enfor ement Board of Okeechobee was held at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, July 13, 1981. The following oard members were present: Gordon V. Leggett, Chairman; Herb Nix, Vice Chairman; Lloyd Jeffers and Michael T. McArthur. Members absent were: Dr. Alex Amadio, excused, and Blair Others present were: J. M. Westbrook, Building and Zoning Administrator; R. C. Administrative Assistant; Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk and David Conlon, City The hearing was opened by Chairman Leggett who asked a motion by the Board for the approval of the June 8, 1981 minutes. Motion was made for the minutes and to dispense with the reading thereof by Herb Nix, seconded by 10yd Jeffers. Motion carried. Chairman Leggett explained the duties of the Code as it relates to the Citizens. He then called the roll by case in the order they were presented. Ten cases were presented. Seven were resolved by ctor Westbrook and the Code violator by correction of the violations and three were gra continuances by Westbrook as approved by the Code Board. Results of the Cases heard as follows: VIOLATION RECO ACTION TAKEN CASE NO. NAME REFERENCE OF I BY BOARD 1. Joe Perry Body Shop Junk Resolved 2. Edwin Herrin Junk & Trash in yard ion until 8/17/81 Set for 8/17/81 e 3. Carl Horman Trash in yard Resolved 4. Donald King Abandoned car & trash until Continued until in yard 7/27/81 5. Octavio Vaujin Resolved Resolved 6. (no case listed)