1945-02-05 Regular CAter ~il lext ~e~ meeting. R~. L~b ~oopte~ ~ ~8 thorO~on-omployo~.
The P~eli~en~ ~no~oe~ the ~peintmen~ of the following
B. W. Thomas~ Oh~rm~ Z.X. Willies, 0h~rm~
O. L. erten Warlord
Z. X. William O.L.
Alto Watferdi Oh~rm~ B.W. Thom~,~
Z. K. Wtltt~o - Alto
B. W. Thomas O.L. ~e~mon /
Z. X. Willi~o, Ohml~ O.L.
O. L. ~u~er4on B.W. Th~
Alto Warlord Alto Warlord
Z. K. Willi~8, Oh~rm~ Alto Watfo~d~
B. W. Th~as O.L. ~eraon
O. L..~e~n B.W. Thomas
~ motion by Oo~cilm~ Warlord ascended by Go~ci~ .Ra~erson ~d
c~ied, 6. K. William was inotr~ted te w~ite the Bonds in the ~e~t ef $2,000.00
each fo~ the Oity Olork ~d Ohiof of Police.
Oo~cih~ Warlord moved to give the Ins~ce on the eq~pment ~d Werkmon'o
Oompenamtion that will ~ d~ in Febru~y 1~ to X. g. Stelle. Motion ascended
~ motion Oo~cil adjoined.
ATTEST: ~~ ~
O~y Clerk
The Oity Oouacil of tae Oity of Okeechobee,:.Florida, met in regulax
at ~:00 P. M. on the a~ove date wit~ ~e following pre~ea~: H.
. Willies, T. W. Oon~ly, Oity Atto~ey ~d Lorenm P~a~ce, 0ity 01erk.
~i~tea of the meeting held Febr~ry 5, 19~5, ~re road ~d approved aa read.
The followin~ biA~S ~re approve~ ~ ordered p~ when f~dl ~e avail~ble:
Alt9 '~=tford & Sons - G~uA Oil
FI~ Power & Light Co- Power ~d Li~ts ...... _-__
Z. X. Willies '- Bonds for Oity Olerk'& 0bier of Police--- 30.00
~erson ~pt. Stor~ S~plies for Jail ................. = ..... ~.60
O. g. ~~ - Lmbor ~d ropmirs ...... _ 33.80
8ch~fschwerdt Bros. - S~pliea for Water Dopt. &Olerk'a Office- 33.1~
Mc0~thy & 0o. ' S~plies for O. H. - ........... 1.10
Dmv~a Meter ~pmir 0o- Meter ~pmir A-P~ ...................
Gilbert O~breth - ~s A Oil .................... 11.89
City of Ft. Pierce - Ohemic~s for Water Dept. - ........ 213.80
B~le Jones - Labor ~d rep~i$ ......... ._
McDSnmld EI~. 0o. - Street Light Globes ....... 19.26
X. g. Stello - Inn~mnce ~ ...................... 2OO.91
Pm!~ Beach T~ewriter OoS~pliea for Olerk'$ Office ..............
E. ~. H~rln~on - Printl~ Water bll!~ & Raceipt BlUe ....
Co~aucllman Warlord, Chairman of the Street and Sanitary Committee, moved that
the prices fo~ Ga~gage Service be raised to $1. OO for residents and $2. OG for Business
plaCes per molth. ~otion seconded by Councilman Thomas and carried.
Upon motion by Councilman Williams, seconded by Councils. an Thomas and carried,
Arwhie Lamb, Jr. was appeSnted acting ~ire Chief.
Co~ucllmau Warlord moved that Archie Lamb, Jr. be appointed Jmuitor for the
City Hall andbe given $15. OO per month for his services. Motion seconded by Oouncil-
man Williams and carried.
UpSn motion the Coumm~l adjourned.
Oily Olerk
Th~ City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session
at 8;00 P. M. at the City Hall on the above date with the following present: Mayor
H. H. Raulers~n, President Hugh Chandler, Councilmel.~O. L. Raulers~n, B. W. Thomas,
Alto W~tfurd ~ Z. E. ~illi~s, T. W. Oonely, City Attorney ~ Lorena Wemrce, City
~i~utes of the meetin~ held Fe~. 5, 19~5 w~re read m~d ~provod as read.
The followin$ bills were approved and ordered ~aid when $~ are
Oily of ~t. Pierce - Water Dept.
Fla. Power ~d Li~t Go.- Power & Lights' _ __
Sch~fzchwerdt Bros. - Water Dept.
.. R. Raifsnide~ - Police Oept. - -
~e~so~ Dept. Store - Police Dept.-
P~ Drug 0o. - W~ter Dept. - ~.'00
Ai~ Watford & Sons Police, ~bage, Water & Fire Dept; 5~.32
GiZ~ert O~breth - Water & ~i=e ~pt. l~.~
E. O. H~rin~on - Water ~d G~ba~ Dept. - 18.
Ma~ Wallace - Water D~pt. _ _ 1~[31
Pa~ Beachtypewrite Go. -Olerka E~ense
Belie Jones - Water Dept.
Ok~chobee Hd~ & F~n Go 123.93
In+~r Go. Tel ~d Tel - Telephone Bills 19.25
We~orn Union - Telegraph Service . - 1.6~
Th~=s H. Nix - Tr~portation for Chemic~s, Water Dept. -
O. X. Garage - Street & S~itary Dept.
Oo~cilm~ Willies moved that the City Clerk be instructed to order necezs~y
eq~pment for the F~e Truck. Mr. K. E. Stello was to inform Olcrk of most neC~ss~y
~arts. Motion seconded by Oo~cllm~ warlord and c~ried.
V~n Lightsey appeared before the Oo~cil in behalf of the Oo~ty School Boa~d,
~esting the Oo~cil to ~opt on ~rdin~ce Prohibiting the school children from loafing
~d loitering ~o~d school ho~e a~te~ a certain ho~ at night. The Oo~cll lnstr~tdd
City Attorney to prepare the O=din~ce so t~at it might be presented at next =eg~
Upoa $otion by Go~cilm~ Willi~a, seconded Oy Oo~cilm~ ~erson
carried the new water rate that is to t~e effect April l, 19~5, is to be as follows:
O$O gallonm ~2.50
p,$O gallons $
All over 28,000 gallons ~ 255