1944-11-24 Adjourned Reg56 C~RTIFIOATE OF A~kB~SSOR I, Alma G~o~s, AssesseS. of tax~m for tn~ City of' O~cho~, Florida, do h~reby c~xtify tn~t ta~ ~'oregoing is ~n~ A~cemmm~nt Roll oi' t~aol~ property in said Oity fox the y~ar 19~, valued at itm fulr cmmh value, ~d tn~t it containm ~ tru~ statement ~ d~mcrip- fica of ~l property im ~aid Oity succinct to t~x~tion Dy s~id City liable to therein; that t~ li~ting ~d val~tion in said Roll ~now~ correctly ~d ~co~tely the li~ting ~d v~iu~tion a~ cor~-~ct, accepted, proved ~d ~dopt~d by City ~o~cil, ~zll th~ requi=~m~ntm of th~ l~w and ordinances r~g~ating ~he m~g of the Roll for ~.~d *ity hays Decn complied with. Alma Grosm Tax A~semmo~ fo= the City ~f - Ok~chob~, Florida. Th~ followin$ W~z~ w~z crafted entered in the minutem of the Oo~cil: WA~NT OF ASSESSOR To R. C. Ev~m, T~x 0ollector of ~he City of 0keec~obee, Fio~ida:~ You ~e her~y comm~nded to collect out of the property and ffrom each of the p~rao2m, firmm ~d corpo~mtiona n~ed in the ~nmxed Roll, ~d t~aem ~et do~ on maid Roll opposite each n~e o~ p~rcel of i~d therein d~zo~ibed, ~d in caa~ the tmxem mm extended ~e not p~id Oy ta~ time ~reecribed by lmw, you ~r~ to collect s~e in the ma~er prescri0ed o~ l~w. Ail money collected you are to acco~t ffo~ to the City ~o~ncii of the 0ity of O~eochoo~, Fioridm, ~d you a~e f~the~ ~eq~r~d to ~ oo~i~ctiona ~d r~port ~d ~ 2in~i repozt to ~d a~t~lem~n~ v~ith t~e City ~o~o~l of said City ~m required Oy law ~d ordinanosa. Given ~a~ my h~d ~d m~ml tala o~h day of Nov~mD~r, A. D. 19~. TaX Az~esaor of the Ci~y of Upon motion ~he Oo~cil adjourned to m~$ Friday, NovemO~r 2~, mt ~:30 P. aTTeST: ~ _ Nov,mb~ 24, T~ ~ity ~o~cii m~t in ~djo~n~d r~g~ memmion on %he above date P. W. with t~ ~oliowi~g pr~nt: President S. R. ~i~nid~, Uo~oilm~n J. ~. Ro~, S~. I N McMullen ~d ~. 4 R~ul~rson, Alma Gross, City Clerk, T W Oonely, Oity Attorney, R. O. Eyre, Chief of Polic~ ~d ~. O. Stalwart, Fire Ohief. Premid~n~ Raifsnider a~ouaced that the p~po~ of the me~ting ~ ~o xeocive ~d conside~ compl~inta of ~y per,on or ~er~ona whome nmmem have b~en erased or stricken from the Registration Book. The~0t~r~ md~!aed~he C~cil~that~no per~ona had ~ppe~red to mak theft n~m be reztored to t~ R~giatrmtion Book. The Oity Olc~ pr~mcnted t~e potitionm of c~ndidatea in the ~nerml Ei~ction to ~ held D~mbe= 5, 19~4, ~d maid peti~ionm were ermined ~y Co,oil m!! p~titionm w~ fo~ to contain ~h~ required n~Oe~ of qualified elec~or~. waa mad~ by oo~ciim~ Ho~, a~cond~d Dy ~o~mcilmmn ~o~len and o ~ried, ~hm~ petitions O~ accepted, alao p~tition of any p~rson who ahead qu~i~y Oy midnigh~ ~onig~. T~ Co,oil i~mt~uoted t~e City ~l~=~ to ~ave th~ ~ollowing ~allot printed: OFFICIAL BALLOT OITY OF OK~£0HOB~z, FLORIDA. ~h~ n~e of the ~ndid~%. of 'your onoioe. FOR (V~te re= one) FOR OOUNOI LMEN (Vo~e fer five) S. R. Raifenider J. m. Roe, Sr. B. W. Thom~ (Vo~e for one) , ~ ...Loren& Hilliar~ Pc&roe Th~ following p~r~one were appointed by the Council to ~erve ua Olerk and Inspectors ~t the G~nera~l City Election, and motion made by Councilm~a Roe, ~e¢ond, Dy Oouncilmm% McMullen to pay each $?.50: W'. N. Gr~y, Clerk W. H. Russell J. B. Bailey ~rs. E. J. ~ii~oa, In~pectore Ap~icmtion of Jo~ Bongiovanni was received Dy the Oouncil for a lioenee ~e operate a Package Liquor Store, iocmted on ~ot 6, Bioo~ 161. Ao~ieu on ~hi~ mat~r . waa d~f~rr~d %o next r~g~ meuting of t~e 0o~1. Up~ mo~ion t~ ~o~oil adjoined. ATT EST: ~.~ ~ ~ ' ' Clerk