1992-08-18 Budget WorkshopC I T Y O F 0 Y E E C H 0 B E E C I T Y C 0 U N C I L B U D G E T W 0 R X S H 0 P AUGUST 18, 1992 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL DISCUSSION Paqe 1 of 7 COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE YES NO Nr A. Call workshop to order August 18, 1992 Mayor Kirk called the workshop on August 18, 1992 at 9:20 P.M. at 9:20 P.M. to order. B. Mayor and Council attendance: Mayor James "Jim" Kirk Present X X Councilmember R.R. "Nick" Collins Present Councilmember Danny Entry Present X X r� Councilmember Jerry E. Walker Present X Councilman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Present Staff attendance: Attorney John R. Cook Present X Administrator John J. Drago Present X Clerk Bonnie S. Thomas Present X Deputy Clerk S. Lane Earnest Present X C. Discuss Budget. Mayor Kirk explained to those present the purpose of this workshop for the information and discussion of the City's proposed 1992- 1993 budget by the City Council only. He further advised, however, that others may be allowed to provide input through out the workshop if necessary. Discussion began with a four page budget overview letter which was received by Council in their agenda packets then progressed into the actual budget document. Administrator Drago explained recommendations are for no property tax or debt service millage increase, nor any public utilities (water and sewwe) rate increases, however, the utility tax increase (on electricity, bottled gas [natural or manufactured] and local telephone service) is factored into the budget to off —set the shortfall balancing the budget. Auoust 18. 1992 - Budoet Workshop - Paae 2 of 7 COUNCILMFMB6RS ACTION VOTE YES NO JE.ENT C. Discuss Budget - General Fund: No salary increases. No capital equipment (except in Public Works Department, that comes from gas tax revenues). And a One percent (1%) contribution to general fund pension fund. Specific items discussed for the general fund are as follows: Page 8 - Legislative Councilmember Watford questioned the $10,000.00 on "Travel and Per Diem". Administrator Drago explained that is the expense that the Council gets every month. Councilmember Watford asked if the $1,000.00 for "Aid to Special Occasions" was the State Fair? And the $5,625.00, "Aid to Government Agencies" is for Hospice? Administrator Drago answered yes to both questions. Page 10 - Executive Councilmember Watford commented "Rentals/Leases", had increased over what we estimate for this year. Administrator Drago explained the reason is that, the rental car was acquired in April, and it only covers the lease cost from April till September, it does not cover it from October to September so it is not a full year. Page 16 - Legal Council Councilmember Watford questioned the $10,400.00 for legal cost? Administrator Drago announced that is for legal cost over and above John Cook's retainer (outside Counsel). Further stated that is specifically for General Fund. Page 24 and 27 - Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Councilmember Watford stated he noticed we have $5,000.00 for repair and maintenance - building and equipment, is that basically building repairs? Administrator Drago explained it is building repairs, equipment repairs or replacement, copy machine maintenance, plumbing problems, routine matters. August 18, 1992 - Budget Workshop - Page 3 of 7 COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE YES C. Discuss Budget - General Fund: Page 3U - Public Works Councilmember Watford questioned the "Other Contractual Services"? Administrator Drago explained what happened there, if you look on "Rentals/Leases" there was budgeted amount of $21,000.00. The Council indicated they were not interested in leasing a piece of equipment to clean a ditch. But they were interested in contracting that service out. Therefore we took the $20,000.00 from that line item and moved it to contractual service, so it is a wash. Page 32 - Public Facilities Improvement Fund Councilmember Watford asked about the street paving, is that the streets we have been working on? Administrator Drago answered no, these are different streets. Councilmember Watford also asked, the sidewalks from Southeast 8th Avenue bridge, South to City Limits, are we currently doing ..�. some sidewalks there? Administrator Drago explained there is a bid out to do the side walks from State Road 70 to the bridge e on Southeast 8th Avenue. There was not enough money in the budget to do the entire thing, so this is catching the second part of it. Councilmember Watford also asked what median strips are being repaired? Administrator Drago answered some of the median strips are the two on 4th Street (one beside U-Save and one beside Parrott Tire) off of 441, there is another one at the end of Southeast 4th Street where the traffic cuts across the median strip in order to go from one end of Southeast 6th Avenue to the other. We are going to black top it. Councilmember Watford stated he had one general question, one thing I do not see in here and I have not seen for a while and it has kind of concerned me. Are we doing anymore remodeling at City Hall? Anymore pictures, painting? Aiinitct 1R_ 1992 - Rudaet Workshop - Paae 4 of 7 COUNCILMfMBERS ACTION VOTE YES NO kTw C. Discuss Budget - General Fund: Administrator ago answered, par o e , �o t e budget the repairs and maintenance towards the midd a year we do normally have somebody come in and touch up what needs to be touched up and do whatever maintenance work needs to be done. Part of the $10,000.00 Repairs and Maintenance - Finance, will go for carpeting in that department. Downtown Improvements: Administrator Drago further explained there has been nothing put in the budget for downtown improvements, however, the City does have a $1.3 million loan outstanding with C & S National Bank it is paid for out of gas tax revenues. The interest rates being the way they are I did some checking around and found that if the loan was refinanced at today's interest rates you could get $500,000.00 worth of new money. And some of that money could be used toward doing the transportation related expenditures downtown and I had some conversations with a Bank willing to offer some low interest loans to the building owners in order to improve the appearances. So, if the Council's desire is to move forward with that master plan that particular loan would have to be refinanced in December. Then we could start those ;P improvements, if you want me to bring it back to you in December I can but that would be one way to get those improvements done at a much faster rate. If you wait for certain types of grants it could take you up to two years. It is probably one way to get the downtown area somewhat redeveloped to attract new business and help the present business owners down there keep what they have. Public Utilities Fund: Administrator Drago explained with the new Groundwater Treatment Plant some new personnel would be required by the Department of Environmental Regulations: The budget includes two new Plant Operators. $200,000.00 has been budgeted to clean water and sewer lines. All expenditures for the improvement and replacement are listed on page fifty. Specific items for the Public Utilities Fund discussed are as follows: HUCJUSL y�� - GLACj 1. vv:DIIU�. COUNCILMFMBFRS ACTION VOTE VES NO Page 50 — Improvement and Replacement C. Discuss Budget — Public Utilities Fund: Councilmember Collins asked Administrator Drago, you say there is existing funds in there for this $995,000.00? Administrator i Drago answered yes. Councilmember Collins continued by asking where does it come from? Administrator Drago explained it comes from people who pay their water bills. Councilmember Watford asked how we came up with these items, were they initiated by Director Loftin and who recommended each one? Administrator Drago explained Director Loftin gave him a list of things that he would like to see done. I had some things I thought needed to be done, so the list includes both. Director Loftin recommended the pumps, fuel vault for wastewater plant, and influent flow meter. The telemetry system, repair lift station at NW 5th Street, reroute water line at 441 and 70, 2 valves in wastewater force main on 441, replace the lift station at N.E. 6th Avenue and completion of modifications to existing control building at water plant are re —budgeted items. `d The upgrade to the electrical system at the water plant was I recommended by the engineer. Page 44 — Public Utilities Services Councilmember Watford questioned the "Professional Services" for 50,000.00? Administrator Drago explained part of that money goes for Attorney Cook's legal fees and the balance of that oney has been allocated to take care of the petition we filed with the Department of Community Affairs (against the County oncerning their Comprehensive Plan). And I also budgeted (on age forty—six), enough money to take care of the litigation ees for the Sharp Construction dispute and the balance that is wed Sharp under the contract. VOTE C. Discuss Budget - Public Utilities Fund: COUNCILMBMBERS ACTION Counc �ne�,�bb r atford uestioned "Other Contra tual Ser is s" for $�$1b,00�.00W? Admi�iistrator Drago answered` part of t�iat covers the lab testing. Part of it covers miscellaneous engineering fees that is not attributed to a specific construction account. Other times Bobby Birts may need a surveyor. Lawn maintenance at the water plant. Councilmember Watford further asked concerning the "Repair and Maintenance" accounts, we have $75,000.00 at the old water plant? Administrator Drago answered, correct that money is going to be used for safety items, paint the facility, steel work, media filter number three. Councilmember Watford continued with the Repair and Maintenance accounts, the sewer plant, $45,000.00? Administrator Drago explained that was basically routine maintenance plus repair work on pumps. Continuing with the Repair and Maintenance, sewer collection system, $100,000.00? Administrator Drago stated that is for cleaning the lines. And $150,000.00 for water distribution system is basically for cleaning? Administrator Drago explained that $100,000 is and $50,000.00 is for normal maintenance that needs to be done. Page 46 - Wastewater Collection System Councilmember Watford asked is the "Engineering design for implementation of the Wastewater Master Plan" ($93,250.00) just for engineering fees to implement the plan? Administrator Drago answered yes. YES I NO August 18, 1992 - Budget Workshop - Page 7 of 7 COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE YES NO t&SEWT D. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kirk: Mayor Kirk adjourned the meeting at 10:07 P.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY PERSON SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE AT THIS MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE WHICH IN— CLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ., Ja Birk, Mayor Attest: Bon,Rie ,; Thomas, CMC, City Clerk 1