1992-05-05 Regular Meetingit OKFec 0 y0 It � U m � t 0 Zo �1�1 C I T Y O F 0 K E E C H 0 B E E C I T Y C 0 U N C I L M E E T I N G MAY 5, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. Qi1WADO AID OnTTMOYT AlrPTf%W Paoe 1 of 12 COUNCILMFMBERS ACTION VOTE YES NO �Nf A. Call meeting to order. Mayor Kirk called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. B. Invocation offered by Dowling R. Watford; Invocation offered by Dowling R. Watford, Jr; Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Kirk. Mayor Kirk led the Pledge of Allegiance. C. Mayor and Council attendance: Mayor James "Jim" Kirk Present X Councilmember R.R. "Nick" Collins Present X Councilmember Danny Entry Present X Councilmember Jerry E. Walker Present X Councilman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Present X Staff attendance: Attorney John R. Cook Present X Administrator John J. Drago Present X Clerk Bonnie S. Thomas Present X Deputy Clerk S. Lane Earnest Present X D. Motion to dispense with reading and Councilmember Collins made a motion to dispense with reading and approve the Summary of Council approve the Summary of Council Action for the regular meeting of Action for the regular meeting of April 21, 1992; seconded by Councilmember Entry. April 21, 1992. KIRK X COLLINS X ENTRY X WALKER X WATFORD X MOTION CARRIED. Id C -1n REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR Ilu J 1 JJLC - 1\C U I QI MCC L 1 II - r Q C L V I I L COUNCILM6MBERS ACTION I vvrF YES NO None. WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. E. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE Mayor Kirk opened the public hearing at 7:03 P.M. ADOPTION 1 a. Motion to read by title only, Councilmember Watford made a motion to read Ordinance No. 643 by Ordinance 643 - City Attorney (Exhibit 1). title only; seconded by Councilmember Collins. (Application No. 36 - Gene Fulford). KIRK X COLLINS X ENTRY X WALKER X WATFORD X MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Cook read Ordinance No. 643 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AND VACATING THE ALLEYS OR ALLEYWAYS LOCATED IN BLOCK 214 OF THE FIRST ADDITION TO OKEECHOBEE AND BLOCK "C" OF CENTRAL PARK; RESERVING UNTO THE CITY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE" 1 b. Motion to adopt Ordinance 643. Councilmember Collins made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 643; seconded by Councilmember Entry. Mayor Kirk asked for discussion among Council. ' Councilmember Watford asked if this was the Gene Fulford alley? Clerk Thomas answered yes. Councilmember Watford continued by asking whether or not Mr. Fulford owned all the property surrounding the alley, and there were no objections? Clerk Thomas announced that her office sent out fifty-eight letters, three returned unclaimed, and there were no objections. Mays, 1992 - Regular Meeting - Page 3 of 12 E. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION COUNCILMFMBfRS ACTION VOTE YES ND 1 b. Continued Councilmember Watford further commented that Mr. Fulford had been using this alley or had an agreement to use this alley and assume we have had no problems with that and assume that this portion of the title that you read about the easement, I noticed that there were several comments that needed easements, this protects those easements? Clerk Thomas answered yes, Mr. Fulford had a lease and also a Use of Alley Agreement with the City and no one had reported any problems to her. Attorney Cook commented on the easements, stating that Florida Power and Light had requested that the City, before we closed the alley, grant them an easement. We have not done this (separately) in the past so we did not execute that easement agreement with Florida Power and Light. We will close the alley and reserve this (perpetual non-exclusive easement) which means they still have access. Clerk Thomas further commented on the easements stating that it as her understanding as advised by the City Administrator and the City Attorney that the City provides what Florida Power and Light Company asked for sufficiently by Ordinance. Councilmember Watford commented that he does not usually vote to lose an alley or street, but this one was a unique situation because the land on both sides of the alley is owned by one person. 1 c. Comments from Public, Hayor Kirk asked if there was anyone in the audience that had any input on this matter. There were none. 1 d. Vote on motion. IRK X COLLINS X NTRY X ALKER X ATFORD X 40TION CARRIED. May 5. 1992 - Regular Meeting - Page 4 of 12 E. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING F. OLD BUSINESS 1 a. Motion to read by title only and set May 19, 1992 as the Public Hearing date, Ordinance 645 amending the City's Comprehensive Plan - City Attorney (Exhibit 2). COUNCILMEM$ERS ACTION Mayor Kirk closed the public hearing at 7:08 P.M. Councilmember Entry made a motion to read by title only and set May 19, 1992 as the Public Hearing date, Ordinance 645 amending the City's Comprehensive Plan; seconded by Councilmember Walker. Councilmember Watford asked if this (amendment) is to make the changes in accordance with the agreement that we approved? Administrator Drago answered yes. Councilmember collins stated he would like to see us pass this tonight because he is a little afraid that if we get started changing things around in here we will end up not getting it passed. And we will get a chance later on to change some of the things that we might want to change. (Vote to read by title only is as follows: KIRK COLLINS ENTRY WALKER WATFORD MOTION CARRIED. lAttorney Cook read Ordinance No. 645 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT, THE SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER AND NATURAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE ELEMENT AND THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE WHICH CONTROLS FUTURE LAND USE, GUIDES PUBLIC FACILITIES, AND PROTECTS NATURAL RESOURCES PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION ACTION (CHAPTER 163, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES); PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND IPROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." VOTE 124�0 ire] X X X X X Mav S. 1992 - Reaular Meeting - Pa4e 5 of 12 COUNCILM6MBFRS ACTION VOTE YES NO k<ENT F. OLD BUSINESS 1 b. Motion to approve the first Councilmember Collins made a motion to approve the first reading reading of Ordinance 645. of Ordinance No. 645; seconded by Councilmember Entry. KIRK X X COLLINS X ENTRY X WALKER X WATFORD MOTION CARRIED. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Motion to appoint Mr. Kevin Timko Councilmember Watford made a motion to appoint Mr. Kevin Timko as a new Water Treatment Plant as a new Water Treatment Plant Operator; seconded by Councilmember Operator - Director of Public Collins. Utilities. Councilmember Entry asked if they are replacing somebody that quit or adding on?� Public Utilities Director Loftin answered that they are replacing an operator that resigned to take a job in the town of Vero Beach. We have not added anybody on, our number of people that we have in Public Utilities is set by the Council. This man is a certified operator, he had worked for us before, he resigned to make more money somewhere out of town, he is tired of commuting and wants to come back and work for us and we are very fortunate to be able to hire a certified operatoi`. Mr. Timko was unable to be at the meeting tonight, however, Mr. Steven Sieracki who was voted to be hired last meeting is here. Mayor and Council welcomed Mr. Sieracki. Vote on motion is as follows: KIRK X COLLINS X ENTRY X WALKER X WATFORD X MOTION CARRIED. - Regular Meetino - Paae 6 of 12 G. NEW BUSINESS 2. Proclaim the week of May 3-9, 1992 as Municipal Clerk's Week - Mayor Kirk. COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION Mayor Kirk presented the Proclamation to City Clerk Thomas and read it in its entirety as follows: "WHEREAS, it is imperative to the democratic process that a well informed citizenry participate in the operation of their local government; and WHEREAS, the office of Municipal Clerk provides the communication link between the citizens, the local government legislative body and administrative departments, and agencies of government at other levels; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerks serve as the information center on the functions of their local government by making available the records of local government, distribution of published materials and reports, presentations before community and school groups, and answering questions on the government activities and programs; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerks and their staff have upon their own initiative participated in education programs, seminars, workshops and the annual meetings of their state, province, and international professional organizations which not only improved the operation of their office but through their achievements and awards have brought favorable publicity to the communities that they serve; NOW, THEREFORE, I James E. Kirk, Mayor of City of Okeechobee, do recognize the week of May 3 through May 9, 1992, as MUNICIPAL CLERK'S WEEK, and further extend appreciation to our Municipal Clerk, Bonnie S. Thomas, and to all Municipal Clerks for the vital services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the community they represent." VOTE YES I NO Mav 5. 1992 - Reaular Meetina - Paoe 7 of 12 G. NEW BUSINESS COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE YES 3. Motion to approve the purchase of 2- Councilmember Entry made a motion to approve the purchase of two 1/2 Ton Ford Pickup Trucks from 1/2 Ton Ford Pickup Trucks from Okeechobee Motor Company for Okeechobee Motor Company for $18,380.00, two 3/4 Ton Ford Pickup Trucks from Duval Ford for $18,380.00, 2 - 3/4 Ton Ford Pickup $221,790.00, one Ford Tempo Sedan from Don Reid for $8,313.00 and Trucks from Duval Ford for $22,790. two Cavalier Station Wagons from Ed Morse Chevrolet for 00, 1 - Ford Tempo Sedan from Don $20,180.46; seconded by Councilmember Collins for discussion. Reid for $8,313.00 and 2 - Cavalier Station Wagons from Ed Morse Chev- Councilmember Collins questioned where the vehicles were to be rolet for $20,180.46 - Director located and was advised the vehicles will be assigned as of Public Utilities (Exhibit 3). follows: 1) 1/2 Ton Pickup goes to a Meter Reader; 2) 1/2 Ton Pickup goes to the Water/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor; 3) 3/4 Ton Pickup goes to the Water Treatment Plant; 4) 3/4 Ton Pickup goes to the Wastewater Treatment Plant; 5) Tempo Sedan goes to the Utilities Director; 6) Station Wagon goes to the Water Treatment Plant; 7) Station Wagon goes to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The vehicles will be assigned to the areas as described with the Station Wagon being used by the Water and Wastewater Plant Supervisors the majority of the time. Councilmember Collins asked does this take care of the vehicle problem in the Utilities for awhile and was advised by Administrator Drago that the Water/Sewer Maintenance will need one additional vehicle, one additional vehicle for the assistant if and when that person is hired, and there could be a possibility of one larger sewer cleaning truck to handle some of the maintenance problems that we cannot address now. Mayor Kirk asked if someone could give the age and condition of the vehicles that they proposed to replace and was advised by Administrator Drago, Public Utilities Director Loftin, Sewer Plant Supervisor Sorensen and Maintenance Supervisor Birts that the Utility Department has spent a large amount of money on repairs on the vehicles to be replaced which include: May 5, 1992 - Regular Meeting - Page 8 of 12 G. NEW BUSINESS COUNCILMFMBFRS ACTION VOTE YES NO kW 3. Continued . . . . 1) 1979 with major mechanical problems; 2) 1982 with major mechanical problems; 3) 1978 with major mechanical problems; 4) 1984 with major mechanical problems; 5) Two 1985 vehicles with major mechanical problems; 6) One vehicles that has been broken down and surplused. Mayor Kirk commented that it is unfortunate that we are being hit with seven vehicles instead of being able to spread them out over a period of time. Four of these are being carried over from last budget year. I hope that the Council and the Departments can do a little better planning in the future as they start to see the need for vehicles and not hit us with so many at one time. Councilmember Watford announced that he will have to abstain from voting because he is employed by one of the companies that put a bid in on these items. Councilmember Collins asked if it was the consensus of the City .�� Administrator and Utilities Director and everybody that works in Utilities that we need all these vehicles and that we will not need anymore vehicles until an Assistant Director is hired or until we buy the bigger truck for line cleaning equipment? Everyone agreed. Vote on motion is as follows: KIRK X COLLINS X ENTRY X WALKER X WATFORD *AB TAI ED MOTION CARRIED. *Conflict of Interest Form stating reason for abstaining was signed by Councilmember Watford and filed in the Office of the City Clerk. M-1 G 1009 Doniilar Mcctinn _ Pana Q of 12 COUNCILMBMBFRS ACTION VOTE YES NO kW G. NEW BUSINESS 4. Hear from Mr. Bill Reese regarding Engineer Bill Reese of Reese Macon and Associates appeared before Water Plant modifications - Mr. Bill the Council stating that he was here tonight to report to the Reese (Exhibit 4). Council on the existing water plant improvement project. The job went well, the final paper work is not yet done but the job is done. We have had no change order requests and we do not expect any. It was done on time in compliance with the Consent Agreement with the Department of Environmental Regulation. I have listened to this Council take a lot of "heat" on water issues but I think it needs to be said that the City should be congratulated for moving forward with this project. It has saved dollars, it is going to reduce the amount of water wasted at the plant and improve the water quality. In recognition of that we have a press release that the City is going to be recognized in at least two State technical journals for what is going on here. On the second page of your Exhibit Four there is a table. We `r did a comparison of chemical cost, from March of 1991 to March of 1992. On that basis you can expect to reduce your chemical cost to produce water from $0.26 per thousand gallons to $0.17 per thousand gallons that is about $73,000.00 per year. If you combine the total cost, this job was $295,000.00. The graph on the next page of Exhibit Four gives you somewhat of an erratic quote of water savings that is resulting 'from a better quality and better efficiency in the settling process. The solids are coming out more effectively so you have to wash filters less. That is going to indicate savings of something like 140,000 gallons a day which is a pretty sizable amount for I the plant. Mom„ C 1007 Dn-iilnr Mcct;nn - PAna in of 17 COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE kSENT YES NO G. NEW BUSINESS 4. Continued The last page of Exhibit Four gives you a plot of the turbidity, measures of solids in the water. That shows you, the top line, how we measure these things. For your reference, the number average last year was about 2.2 turbidity units, this year averages about .6 or .7. The Department of Environmental Regulation requirement is that you have turbidity of 1 after filtration so you are actually meeting their standard before it even gets to the filter. That plant is an old plant. There are ways to improve it. We are going to be looking at them I am sure. But, this does look well and I think the City deserves to be recognized for going forward with it. Councilmember Collins commented that basically what you are saying is that, regarding the money, it took about $295,000.00 for the project; and around $75,000.00 a year is what we will be saving; and in about four years the City will have the money paid back for the cost of having the project done. Council thanked Engineer Reese for his information. 5. Hear from Ms. Verna Bailey - Ms. s. Verna Bailey appeared before the Council to express concerns Verna Bailey (Exhibit 5). about her utility account. Mrs. Bailey received a letter from the City Public Utilities Direct notifying her that she owed the City fifty dollars. (A deposit upgrade). The additional amount as due not because she owed a bill, nor that she had not paid her bill but because her account shows that she had been late paying her bill three times in one year (June, July and August f '1991), according to the City's records she said. Mrs. ailey further stated she had not been late; she pays her bills he fourth of every month; and she has the canceled checks to + rove it. rs. Bailey explained that her water service was cut off on April 30th after thirty days notice from the City, and reiterated that she would pay the bill if she owed it but she id not owe it and would not pay it have it (water) cut back on. MAv ; 1G47 _ RPntilar MPPtinn _ PAnP 11 of 17 COUNCILMEMBERS ACTION VOTE YES NU G. NEW BUSINESS 5. Continued . . . . She also stated that she had asked the Utility Department if she could pay half of the seven hundred dollar sewer fee, and was told no, she would have to pay the whole amount at once or that she could have it added onto her water bill and pay it over a five or six year period according to the City's Resolution. After further discussion concerning: payment of half of the seven hundred dollar sewer fee up front then payments on the balance versus all on monthly payments only; the explanation of the Utility Debt Service Charge; Water and Sewer Rates; the wording of the City's deposit upgrade notification it sends to the public; paying procedures by customer to the City; Utilities Director Loftin was asked whether Mrs. Bailey was late as shown on the billing and was told that the City's records indicate that she was late as shown. Mayor Kirk suggested Mrs. Bailey take or mail copies of her records to Utilities Director Loftin who will then go over her account to determine whether an error has been made and if so the City will correct its error and write Mrs. Bailey a letter of apology. Mayor Kirk further advised that if Mrs. Bailey's check (records) do not show different, (that the City is in error), then this council has passed an ordinance that the Utilities Department has to follow. If you (a customer) are late three times in a year the City Utilities Department upgrades your deposit. 6. Hear from Mr. Marvin Wheeler - Mr. Citizen Marvin Wheeler appeared before the Council regarding the Marvin Wheeler (Exhibit 6). status of a City/County meeting with the City/County Building and Zoning Department representatives. It was explained to Mr. Wheeler that the County was aware that the City is not pleased with their enforcement of some of our Building and Zoning Regulations and that a meeting for discussion of that subject matter is definitely forthcoming as soon as those involved can get together, possibly for Thursday. It will be a closed meeting with both the City and County Administrators and both the City and County Attorneys. u., a 9[1[17 D,,.,�,i �.- Mon+inn _ PAMP 12 of 12 via J �» - ��c u - - - COUNCILMEMBFRS ACTION vvTE YES W L. NEW BUSINESS 6. Continued . . Administrator Drago was instructed by Mayor Kirk that if at all . . possible after the Building and zoning meeting at the next (Council) meeting give Council a report on what happened at your building and zoning meeting so the City Council will know what direction this is headed in. Further, agreeing with Mr. Wheeler, buy stating that if they (County) are not going to enforce our zoning laws then we need to look at what we need to do to correct it. Council agreed. Mr. Wheeler also pointed out to Council his concerns regarding the City's spending relative to personnel and personnel raises; and questioned whether capital equipment purchasing of City vehicles at this time was economically appropriate. He further requested the City "think a little bit about spending money", and expressed concerns not only for himself as a tax payer but also for the elderly and disadvantaged. Mayor Kirk thanked Mr. Wheeler for his input. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kirk: Mayor Kirk adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY PERSON SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE AT THIS MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE WHICH IN- CLUDWIWE TESTIMONY EVIDENCE UPON WHI ,- APP IS D. Jams '"rk, Mayor Attest. BonnieS. Thomas, CMC, City Clerk