May 2, 2016 Quarterly MeetingCity of Okeechobee and Okeechobee Utility Authority Employees' Retirement System
City of Okeechobee Municipal Firefighters' Pension Fund
City of Okeechobee Municipal Police Officers' Pension Trust Fund
Location: Council Chambers, City Hall
55 SE 3rd Avenue
Okeechobee, FL 34974
Meeting Contact: (800) 206 -0116 (Plan Administrator)
Time: 5:00 PM
1. Call to Order: Board Chairs
General Employees/ OUA Board
Jamie Mullis, Chair
Melisa Jahner, Secretary
Robert Ellerbee
Daryl Roehm
Jose Santiago
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Public Comment
Police Officers' Board
Denny Davis, Chair
Bettye Taylor, Secretary
Bill Bartlett
Jack Boon
Ray Worley
Firefighters' Board
John Koepke, Chair
Michael Skipper, Secretary
Glen Hodges
Adam Crum
Judy Douglas
4. Reports
a. Audited Financial Statements (Jay McBee, Dibartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes, P.A.)
b. Annual Actuarial Valuations (Melissa Moskovitz, GRS)
c. Investment Reports
1) Dana Investment Advisors: Quarterly Report
2) Quarterly Consultant Report (Jack Evatt, Bogdahn Group)
d. Attorney Report (Scott Christiansen, Christiansen & Dehner)
1) Dissolution of Marriage Memo
2) Final Agreements (Resource Centers)
3) Globe Tax Agreements (Salem)
e. Administrator Report
1) Transition Update
2) Meeting Packet Delivery
3) Signature Authorizations
4) Member Introduction Letters
5) Summary of Plan Provisions
6) Website Information
5. Open Session
Unfinished Business
New Business
1) Foster Invoice
2) Traveler's Fiduciary Liability Policy
6. Adjourn Open Session
NOTICE TO PUBLIC: This is a public meeting. Should any interested party seek to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any
matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purpose he may need to ensure
that a record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
City of Okeechobee and Okeechobee Utility Authority Employees' Retirement System
A. Approval of Minutes (February 1, 2016)
B. Plan Financial Reports
1) Financial Statement
a. Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2016
b. Salem Trust Custodial Statement
2) Expense Approval: Warrant dated May 2, 2016
C. Benefit Approvals
1) Retirements and Termination Refunds
a. R. Scott Boyer (Utility Authority)
b. Terisa Garcia (City)
c. Melisa Jahner (City)
d. Daniel B. Padgett (City)
2) New Member Enrollments
a. Tyler Barber (Utility Authority)
b. Mathew Cowing (Utility Authority)
c. Bobbie Jo Jenkins (City)
d. Donavan Whitehall (City)
D. Cost Sharing Multi- Employer Plan Update
E. Board Members
F. Adjourn Individual Session: Board Chair
Next Meeting Date: August 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM
City of Okeechobee Municipal Firefighters' Pension Fund
A. Approval of Minutes (February 1, 2016)
B. Plan Financial Reports
1) Financial Statement
a. Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2016
b. Salem Trust Custodial Statement
2) Expense Approval: Warrant dated May 2, 2016
C. Benefit Approvals
1) Retirements and Termination Refunds (None)
2) New Member Enrollments (None)
D. Board Members
E. Adjourn Individual Session: Board Chair
Next Meeting Date: August 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM
City of Okeechobee Municipal Police Officers' Pension Trust Fund
A. Approval of Minutes (February 1, 2016)
B. Plan Financial Reports
1) Financial Statement
a. Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2016
b. Salem Trust Custodial Statement
2) Expense Approval: Warrant dated May 2, 2016
C. Benefit Approvals
1) Retirements and Termination Refunds
Robert S. Morgan (Refund)
2) New Member Enrollments (None)
D. Board Members
E. Adjourn Individual Session: Board Chair
Next Meeting Date: August 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM
Jamie Mullis called a meeting of the Board of Trustees for the City of Okeechobee /Okeechobee Utility
Authority /Police /Fire Pension Boards to order at 5:09 PM in the Conference Room at Station 83.Scott
Baur called roll for the three Boards.
Jamie Mullis, Chairman
Jackie Dunham, Secretary
Robert Ellerbee
Daryl Roehm
Jose Santiago
Denny Davis, Chairman
Bettye Taylor, Secretary
Ray Worley
Jack Boon
John Koepke, Chairman
Michael Skipper, Secretary
Glen Hodges
There was no public comment.
Audited Financial Statements- (Jay McBee)
Scott Baur & Brittany Park, Resource Centers
Scott Christiansen, Attorney
Tony Kay &Jack Evatt Bogdahn Group
Janet McKinley -OUA Financial Liasion
Melissa Moskovitz - Gabriel Roeder Smith (Departed 6:10 pm)
Jay McBee- Jay McBee, Dibartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes,
Jay McBee presented the audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2015 and noted that the audit
possessed an unqualified clean opinion. Mr. McBee reviewed the balance sheet for the Police plan and
stated that they had $7.7M in assets as of 09/30/15. The net additions to the plan were positive;
however the investment return was not great. There was a net decrease of $15k for benefits paid out
and net assets decreased from 7.70% to 7.69% as a result of weak investment results.
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Mr. McBee reviewed the Fire plan's balance sheet indicating that they had $3.2M in assets as of
09/30/15. Investment results weren't as strong as in previous years as the total additions were $127K
this past year.
Mr. McBee reviewed the General plan's balance sheet indicating that they had $10.2M in assets as of
09/30/15. The contributions into the plan were $554K with depreciation in the fair value of investments
over the course of the year with $448K in net additions.
Mr. McBee additionally explained the required disclosures as far as an accounting policy for the plan.
The contributions into the plan are broken down between the employer and the employee and the
comparison of those dollars. He advised that the financial statements are crucial as they are used as a
tool in light of what the actuary says as looking down the road as far as expenses and financial results.
There are additional footnotes describing the changes in the last few years which have impacted the
plan. The last page is a detailed breakdown of all expenses.
Scott Christiansen advised that on the footnote for the General Plan it needs to reflect to say a multiple -
employer plan with cost sharing.
Jaimie Mullis from the General Board made a motion to approve the audited financial statements.
Jackie Dunham seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Michael Skipper from the Fire Board made a motion to approve the audited financial statements. John
Koepke seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 3 -0.
Ray Worley from the Police Board made a motion to approve the audited financial statements. Jack
Boon seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Actuarial Report- Annual Actuarial Valuations (Melissa Moskovitz)
Melissa Moskovitz presented the Actuarial Valuation for the fiscal year ending 09 -30 -15 for Fire, Police
and the Utility Authority and the City plan. She reviewed the fire plan and discussed the assumptions
and mortality table RP200 scale double a to project future increases in life expectancies. She explained
that this will be effective next year and all three plans will be required to use the same mortality as the
Florida Retirement System. The required City contribution was based on the fiscal year ending 2017
based on the October 1, 2015 Valuation. She discussed the smooth value of assets and noted that
smoothing reduces volatility due to fluctuations in the market. There was a total loss for the year of
$42,629.00 and of that there was an asset gain which was due to the smoothing of the previous gain
that occurred in the prior so they are continuing to recognize gains. Ms. Moskovitz pointed out that
there was a loss; however when combined with all the other gains it results in a total asset gain. The
liability gain or loss resulted in a loss of $62,758.00 due to salary increases of 7.7% vs the assumed rate
of 7 %.
Ms. Moskovitz stated that on a market value basis the investments return was -1.4 %, but when the
smooth value of assets is looked at, the net return is 7.6 %$ higher than the 7% assumption. She
explained that gains and losses overtime will cancel each other out and assumption changes are
recommended if that is not the case. Ms. Moskovitz advised that the plan is 100% funded and in good
shape. Her recommendations would be to continue to monitor earnings.
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Ms. Moskovitz presented the new updates; GASB 68 as this is the first year of implementation for 9 -30-
15 using a 9 -30 -14 measurement date to report those results. The FRS disclosures read that if a report is
accepted there will be 60 days until a similar report will need to placed on the City's website. This is
required to show the funded ratio as well as the market value of current assets assuming no future
contributions will come in.
Glen Hodges from the Fire Board made a motion to approve the Annual Actuarial Valuation. Michael
Skipper seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 3 -0.
Ms. Moskovitz presented the Police Valuation for the fiscal year ending 2015. She mentioned that the
same mortality tables will be used next year just like the Fire Board. The total loss for the year was
$47,371.00 which became an asset gain due to the smoothing of the previous year's gain. There was a
$97,415.00 liability loss due to salary increases on average at 13.5% vs the assumption rate of 6 %. On a
market value basis the investments return was -1.2% being spread over 4 years. This was just like the
Fire plan as gains from the previous 3 years are offsetting the market value loss that occurred last year
so the net result on a smooth value basis the net return is 7.7 %$ higher than the 7% assumption. She
stated that they hope overtime that the gains and losses will cancel each other out.
The accrued liability was $7.5M compared to the smooth value of assets at $7.6M and still over 100%
funded. The smooth value of assets exceeded the market value by $335K. Ms. Moskovitz also
recommended that they continue to monitor earnings. The GASB 68 is also in effect in addition to the
Fire plan.
Jack Boon from the Police Board made a motion to approve the Annual Actuarial Valuation. Ray
Worley seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Ms. Moskovitz classified the General plan as a cost sharing employer plan meaning that the City and the
Utility Authority both contribute. All provisions are the same and the assets are allocated not divided.
They use the same funding method as the police and fire plans. The City had a gain which is why the
contribution decreased from last year to this year. Both the City plan and the Utilities Authority had
asset gains due to the smoothing of the assets. In addition, both had a liability gain for the City and the
Utility Authority primarily due to deaths and retirements in the plan. The percentage of pay also
decreased from last year's individual results. The smoothing return for both the City and the Utility
Authority is 7.9% which contributed overall into an experience gain. The accrued liability for the City is
$114.5% and 88.9% for the Utility Authority. The smooth value of assets is less than the market value for
both of the plans and if recognition of future gains and everything occurs as expected, the City's
contribution rate would increase to 6.6% vs 4.55% of payroll. The Utility Authority contribution rate
would increase to 15.3% vs 13.91 %. Ms. Moskovitz advised that they continue to the monitor
investment returns and also recommended that an experience study be performed in the future for the
purposes of focusing on retirement rates as well as the salary scale assumption. Mr. Christiansen
advised it's not a legal requirement however it will be useful. They have the same GASB 68 requirements
and mortality tables as the police and fire plans as well as the same disclosures.
Daryl Roehm from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion to approve the Annual
Actuarial Valuation. Jose Santiago seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 5 -0.
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Investment Consultant Report (Tony Kay& Jack Evatt)
Tony Kay reviewed the market environment for 2016 and explained that it has been a very challenging
marketplace. The S &P had a gain by the end of the quarter and emerging markets had a strong quarter
but overall losses for the year. Interest rates declined for the quarter and Bogdahn foresees a continued
low rate environment. Mr. Kay reviewed cash flow and discussed performance noting that Dana
Investors tends to underperform in strong markets; however management remains consistent and solid.
The portfolio has strong diversification and reasonable fees. Mr. Evatt noted that the benchmark had an
unusually high universe ranking so the active managers' gene rally trailed benchmarks. The market
experiences a lot of speculations due to volatility. Growth has really been leading the marketplace and
large caps have been the place to invest but that could change overtime. All three plans experienced
positive returns for the quarter and Mr. Evatt does not recommend any changes at this time.
Attorney Report (Scott Christiansen)
Mr. Christiansen advised that all three Boards have to declare an expected rate of investment return.
Based on the advice of the investment consultant the Board expects to get an investment return of 7.5%
for the next year the next several years and the long term thereafter.
Daryl Roehm from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion based on the advice of the
Investment Consultant that the Board expects to get an investment return of 7.5% for the next year
the next several years and the long term thereafter. Jose Santiago seconded the motion, approved by
the Trustees 5 -0.
John Koepke from the Fire Board made a motion based on the advice of the Investment Consultant
that the Board expects to get an investment return of 7.5% for the next year the next several years
and the long term thereafter. Michael Skipper seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 3 -0.
Denny Davis from the Police Board made a motion based on the advice of the Investment Consultant
that the Board expects to get an investment return of 7.5% for the next year the next several years
and the long term thereafter. Jack Boon seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Mr. Christiansen discussed the invoice from Foster and Foster and recommended approval of the 1
month of payments as they performed administrative services.
Jamie Mullis from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion to pay the invoice to Foster and
Foster. Daryl Roehm seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 5 -0.
John Koepke from the Fire Board made a motion to pay the invoice to Foster and Foster. Michael
Skipper seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 3 -0.
Jack Boon from the Police Board made a motion to pay the invoice to Foster and Foster. Ray Worley
seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Mr. Christiansen advised that at the last meeting the Boards selected their officers for the term.
He also advised that a public records request can occur when anybody that's hired a particular vendor
may have public records that the Board doesn't already possess. If a public records request comes in, a
requirement needs to be put in to all future contracts stating the vendor agrees to cooperate with public
records request. This does impact the plan and will it be in the contract.
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Mr. Christiansen discussed Globe Tax and the biggest question is whether any money will be recovered
by doing this service. Money can be recovered from the past and the names on the documents need to
be revised and Mr. Evatt states that it is worth doing so.
Mr. Christiansen presented the Dissolution of marriage memo. This is in regards to divorce cases and his
office sends the memo to the client's lawyer so that both parties know the rules regarding an order by
the court. If there is a division of assets split up between spouses then the pension plan cannot make
that payment to the ex- spouse. However if it is alimony and child support, the pension plan can be
required to make those payments to the ex- spouse and this is applicable to all three plans.
Mr. Christiansen reviewed the request from the Utility Authority to change the plan to an agent multiple
employer plan from what is currently a cost sharing multiple employer plan. Mr. Christiansen stated that
Counsel decided not to change the plan and have it remain a cost sharing multiple employer plan. That
is what was communicated to the Utility Authority and they can make the decision as to what they want
to do.
Bettye Taylor from the Police Board wanted to confirm with Mr. Baur how materials are distributed. Mr.
Baur explained that his office will send materials electronically a week prior to the meeting. Hard copies
can be delivered in advance if requested.
Administrator Report (Scott Baur)
Mr. Baur addressed the transition update and the background materials. Mr. Baur stated that he needs
an updated contact list with updated information in addition to signature authorizations for purposes of
directing Salem Trust to make payments. Letters of introductions were already sent to the active plan
members and will soon go out to the retired members. The summary of plan provisions was introduced
as they provide precise written procedures in terms of how Mr. Baur will calculate benefits in
conjunction with the Actuary. This was done through reading of the plan ordinance and information
from the Summary Plan Description and the Actuarial Valuation. Mr. Baur wants the Board to bring to
attention to anything that appears incorrect. He really encourages members to interact and call the
office if assistance is needed. Mr. Baur mentioned that the website has been established for all three
plans with all of the required documents. Mr. Baur introduced Brittany Park in his office. He stated that
the benefit approvals will be provided for all disbursements. Expense reports will be on the August
agenda for the Police and Fire Boards. Mr. Baur also reminded the Boards of their form 1 disclosures due
on July 15t.A motion is required from all three Boards to execute signature authorizations and warrants.
Jack Boon from the Police Board made a motion to approve the expense warrant dated May 2, 2016..
Ray Worley seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
Jack Boon from the Police Board made a motion to approve the refund to Robert Morgan. Ray Worley
seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 4 -0.
John Koepke from the Fire Board made a motion to approve the expense warrant dated May 2, 2016.
Michael Skipper seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 3 -0.
Robert Ellerbee from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion to authorize 2 receipt and
disbursement accounts at Salem Trust. Jamie Mullis seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees
5 -0.
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Jamie Mullis from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion to approve the expense warrant
dated May 2, 2016. Jackie Dunham seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 5 -0.
Robert Ellerbee from the City and Utility Authority Board made a motion to approve the benefit
approvals. Jose Santiago seconded the motion, approved by the Trustees 5 -0.
There being no further business, the Trustees adjourned the meeting at 7:35pm.