1943-09-28 Adjourned ~HEREA8, th~ Council ha~ given careful coneldoration to the offer
by ~a~d Bo~d of Oo~ty 0o~i~sionere a~ bel~evee ~t will be to the beet
~nterest of the o2t~zens ~f th~s ~o~ty that the p~erty be conveyed
· Qe, THE~~, BE IT ~SOLVED th~ the ~et~ ~oresa~d be convoyod
to O~eec~bee ~o~ty, ~lor~da, ~d be ~ed ~or ~emet~y p~po~es only ~d
prodded f~th~ that na~d Oo~ty o~ O~chobee, t~o~ ~tn 0o~ty
sh~l ~a~ntaln ~ c~e for said Oemet~ in a proper
BE IT FU~ RESOLVED that the proper Olty off~c~al~ be, ~d thoy
horeby aut~orlze~ to oxecute proper deod of convey~ce to Okeecho~e Oo~ty,.
PASSED ~ ~PTED in re,ar session this 6th day of September, A.D.
By f _ President, Pro
ATTEST = Aln~ Gros~
O~ty 01eri~
A~PROV~ th~e 6th d~ of Soptember, A. D. 19~3.
'" Y '0"R
motion the ~ouncil ~djourned to meet Tuosday, September 25th, at 5:00 P.M.
President Pro .Tom, 0ity 0ounC£1
- 0£ty . -
September 25, 19~3
The 0ity Oounoil of the City of Okeechobeo met in ~ijourned regular sossion at
5:00 P. M. on the above, date with the following present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson,
President Pro Tern S. R. ~l~dor, Councilmen J. M. Roe, I. ~. McM~len ~d O. L.
~orson.. Also preaent were A~a Gross, 0ity OlerX ~d T. W. 0onely, Oity Atto=ney. 2o
T~e Oom~cil proceeded to disc~s the b~et for the coming fisc~ ye~.
There Oei~ no $=ther ~uslness the Oo~cil ~jo~ed.
President Pro-Tom.
ATTEST: ~~ ~
0ity Cloth.