1943-01-04 Regular ThO incoming City Co~u~cil met in reg~ular session at the City Hall at 8:30'
P. M. on the above date with the following present: Mayor H. H.' R~ulorson, Council-
men W. R. Pa~e, J. ~. Rpe, 0. L. R~erson, I. N. Mc~len ~ 8. R. Raifsnidez, with
Alm~ G~oss, ~ty Olo~k, ~so p~sont
Ju~e T. W. Oonely, Jr. ~inistered the oath of office to ~myor
who. stated t~t it was in ozdez fo~ the 0om~ci!mon a~ the City Clerk to also
the oath of theiz respective offices. J~ge Conely p~oceoded to a~inister the oath
of office to ~h~ ~o~cilm~n ~d to the 0ity
J. M. Roe w~s chosen as t~mporary Oh~irm~ ~d m~o~mced that nominations
were in order for the election of ~ p=esi~nt of the City 0o~c[1. 0o~cilman
~ifsnlder n~inated Co~cilm~ Page. There bei~ no f~ther nominations Co~cilm~
Page was dec,red ~locted as president of the 0ity Core, oil, ~d upon t~ing the 0h~r
gave m short talk, exp~essin~ his appreciation to members of the C'o~u~cil ~d othe~
City 0ffficia~ for their cooperation d~ing the past two ye~s'. M~or Ra~erson ~so
expressed him. appreciation.
Up~ motion moy Co~cilman Raifsnid~r, seconded by Co~mcilm~ Roe and c~ried,
T. W. 0onely,.Jr. was rot~zined as City Attorney.
were received from the followi~:
R. C. Ev~s ~d N. 0. Stowo~t.
Co~cilm~ Raifsnido~ moved that ~ Acting Chief of Police be appointed by
sec=et b~!lo~, motion seconded by Oo~cilm~ R~o~son ~d carried.
Tho vote was ~ fol!owsl
R. ~. ~v~s r~coivod three votes.
~. 0-. Stew~t ~eceived two votes.
Th~eupon R. C. Eves was decl~ed ~poi~ted Acting 0hief of Police.
Oo'~cilmmn ~i~snide~ moved that s~ies o~ Ohie~ of Police ~d ~l~e
· em~n the s~e.. ~otion s~conded by Oou~ilmm~ Ra~erson ~d carried.
Application fo~ Fi~o Ohie~ w~s ~eceivod from ~. O. Stew~ Upon mo~io~ by
Oo~cilm~ R~fcnider, S~conded.by Oouncilman Rau!orson ~d carried, N. O. Stew~t
reappointed ~re Chief. -~
Morton by Co~cilmP~.R~ifsnider, seco~e~_~.by Oo~cilm~ Mc~len and
that e~mry o~ W¢ter Supt. be $120.00 per month.
Upo~ motion by Co~cilm~ Raif~ider, seconded by Co~cilm~ Roe ~d c~
O. 0. McOain Was appointed as Acting :~ate~ Suporintenden~.
Oo~cilm~ R~ifsnidor moved that bonds of Chief of Police ~d City CIe=k
renewed for o~a ye~. ~otion seconded by Oo~oilmm~ Ro~ ~nd carried.
Oo~oilmm~ ~ai~snide= moved t~mt s~y of City Attorney remain the'
~tion seoon~d by ~o~oiim~ Roe ~d c~r~d.
tho Go ~j o~ned.