1972-12-18 Special December 18, 1972 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met ill ~t special meet-lng at City Hall on the above date at 6:30 P. M. with the followin~ present: Mayor Audley Dunham, President Donald L. Burk, Councilmen: Charles L. Breland, Russell V. Domer, Edward N. Douglas and E. H. Hunt with Clerk Lorena Spivey. President Burk stated the meeting had been called for purpose of interviewing applicants for the office of Chief of Police. President Burk also stated the purpose as being an opportunity for each Councilman, individually t.o mee+~ each applicant and consider his qualifications. The Chairman further indicated that, each Councilman, without discussion with any other Councilman, would reach his own seperate and independent dec-is-~on as to the applicant *hat he wn~]d accept, at a re~m~lar future meeting at wlM. ch official action could be taken. The fol'l owin~ persons presented written applications and each applicant was ~i_.ven the opportunity to make a briee statement in support of his application: Roy C. Baker, Ronald W. Coker~ Ga~r Eubanks, Dew-itt H. St~ts, g2_an H. Thomas and C~rlis].e A. Thomas. AllSO wr5 tten applications were received from Leo L. Raulerson and Robert Keney. No personal interview on thes~~ two applicants due to applications being received late. PRESID~T CITY COUNCIL ATTEST: CITY CLERK I~cember 19, 1972 The C~.ty Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met 5n recessed session at the City Hstl on the above date at 6:30 P. M. with the following present: ayor Audlgy Dunham, President Donald L. Burk, Counci!mer: Charles L. Breland, Russe]3 V. Domer, Edward W. Do~g]..as and E. H. Hunt with Clerk Lorena Spivey and Director of Publi. c ~orks L. C. Fortner, Jr. President Burk opened the meeting and prayer was by Councilman Douglas. ~,President Burk ezplained to the audience that the purp,)se of meeting held December 18th was fo~ personal interview~ with Police Chief applicants, thai, no official business was +.ransacted and at the close of the me~,ting he told the C~uncil member~ ~.hat they had personally heard the applicants and their qual5 ~fcations and had requested them to go home and reach their own seperate decision as to th~ applicant most qualified for the position of Chief of Po]ice. Because of public interest, the President of Council polled the members to determine the preference of each or if each had selected a candidate as his preference. Whereupon the Chair postponed any' official action until the first regular meeting :in January. The Count-i] indicated their preference as follows: Rus,~e!l V. Domer - Dewitt Staats Char]~ L. Breland - Dm,itt Staa+,? Edward W. Dougls~ - C. A. Thomas E. H. Hunt -Dewitt Staats The Chair further asked th? Mayor based on interxriews with candidates did he have a preference and Mayor I~nham indiated Dewi~t Staats ard President Burk indicated Dewitt Staats. 'Whereupon Chairman Burk asked City Attorney Curren ir any action or motion would be in order at th5 s time and Attorney said ne. ,Pursuant to notice published in The Okeechobee News regarding a public hearing to consider