1994-12-12 General Fund MeetingCITY OF OKEECHOBEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD DECEMBER 12, 1994 The meeting of the City of Okeechobee General Employees Penkr.on Board was called to order by L.C.Fortner, Jr., Chai ;rta,l, at 7:00 P.M. Trustees present were L.C. Fortner, Jr., Jim Threewits, Jerry O'Bannon and David Sorensen. Trustee Roger Jones was absent. Also in attendance were two members and pension board attorney, Christiansen & Dehner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The May, June, July, a-ja October meeting minutes were brought up for approval. Amotion was made by J.r_m Threewits and seconded by Jerry O'Bannon to approve the minutes as written. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES, NEW EMPLOYEES, RETIRED MI-LOYFFS & TERMTNATED EMPLOYEES: A motion was made to approve '1e oxpe se , new employees, retired employees, & terminated �-mployc:e,�, fr.o July 1, 1994, thru December, 1994, by David Sorensen. motion was seconded by Jerry O'Bannon. It was voted on and gassed unanimously. APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CONTRACTS W " H ' `*iESCO CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: A motion was made to approve the investment management contracts with Invesco Capital Management by Jerry O'Bannon. The motion was seconded by Jim Threewits. The motion was voted on amAl carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT POLICY STATEMENTS: A motion was j�:tade by Jim Threewits to approve the Investment Policy Statements with Smith Barney Shearson. The motion was seconded by David Sorensen, voted on, and carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF CUSTODY SERVICE AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONS BANK: A motion was made by Jim Threewits and seconded by Jerry O'Bannon to approve the custody service agreements with Nations Bank. The motion was voted and carried unanimously. TRUSTEES REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Jim Threewits reported that the proposal to the City Council which was discussed at the special meeting and discussed further at the October 20, 1994, b siness meeting would be put on the agenda for the nFxt City Council meeting to be held. L.C. Fortner, Jr. , Chairman, informed the attorney Ghat the ,utility authority was being formed and the what was going to ha-ppri with the pension plan in the future was uncertain. There was no further business for discussion. It was motioned by Jim Threewits and seconded by David Sorensen to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. -------- ---- ------- L.C.Fornter, Jr. Chairman David Sorensen Secretary