1972-06-01 Recessed Workshop .1 467 It is hereby certified~ recited and declared that all acts, conditions ~r~,~ hhi_ngs required .to e~i~+,, te happen ard t-o be performed precedent to the passage of the resolution and Said (~dinance and to the issuance of this note, ewist, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form and time a~' required by the laws and the Constitutior of the State of Florida appli- cable thereto, an~ ~hat the issuance of this note does not violate any ~nstitutional, sta.+,~tory or charte~ limitations or propulsions. ~N WITNESS 'vfHEREOF, The City of Okeechobee, Florida, has issued this nete and caused the same to be si~maed by its Mayor and countersigned and a~tested by its City Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereunto impressed, ail as of this day of , ].972. CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA BZ Mayor COITNTERSIGNED AND ATTESTED: City Clerk (SmAL) The fo]~owi.~ bill in the. amo~n+ oe$ 3~000.O0 was approved and orda-ed paid when e~md~ are av~ lab] ~: ~AT~Z ~D S~ OPERATION ~D ~INT~[CE ~D R~ver ~ke Estate~, Inc. $3,0~.O0 ~pon motiom the Council r~cessed to me,t ~n workshop ses~n on Ju~e 1, t972/~ 6:30 ~P. M. ~SID~T CI~ CO~C~I, ATTEST: CI'~ CLERK June ], ]_972 The City Council of the C~t.y of Okeechobee, Florida, met .i.n recessed workshop session at the Ci+.y Ha]~ or +,be above da+,e a+. 6:30 P. M. w~b +,he fol.]owing presemb: President Pro-Tem E. H. Huot~ CouMc~mem O~ar]es L. Bra]am~ amd R~so]]. V. D~mo~ w~+~W A+,tormey J. Edwar~ Cllrr~ C]~rk Lorema Spi.v~y~ ~re~tor ~,f Pub]~.c Work~ L. C. Fort, n~r~ E~.~ neer DnnSh. epherd was present dismissing and e~].ain~nZ ~r~v~m~n+~, ~ar~, spen~ ~ cations ~n8 bi~ For [~?rovemeo~.~ a~ Water ~an+.. ~e Council al~o discussed way~ and means of p~nj~ch. Al* ,~r ~-~m~si.~n +.be Cmmc~] rom:est~d En{i~eer Shepherd to st~dy the matter Further and meet aga.i~, on J~]n~~ ].3th ah 6~30 P. W. Director F~r+.pcr dircuss~a the bias or ~gms and material~. Award of bi.ds to be Dir,:,etor Fort~er reported hhe ~aterial ¢or River Lake Estates water line e%tens~on had been ordered and ~!i.sauss¢~ thc need t~ rent, a di+~b ~rencher. ~e need of' ~ tr~c> for the Dog ~s-der wa~ si ~cn~ed by the Council. lit was agreed by the Council to look for a used truck. County constr~ction of streets discussed. '~ Counail agreed to discuss matter ~th Co~ ss~ oners. .hme 6, 1977 The C~t~ Cm. mci~! of th~ C~ty of Okeecbobee, Florid% met in re~lar sess~o~ at the City Hall +.b~ abov~ ~f.e a+ 7:00 P M. wi+b +~ f~lqm,r~n~ ~s~+.: T'~av~ Audl~v ~bam~ President Donald T. B~rk~ Cmmci .... lm~:,n Cha~ ~1~ L. Br~la.n~ 'R~m~=l] V. Domer,, Edwar~ ~t. Douglas~ and E. H. Hunt, with Attorney .T. E~wa~4 C~rren~ C~P I.ore~s S?.vay~ Deputy C1 .rk Sandra Bmppm6t and Directn~ oF P~blic ~orks, L. C. Fomt. n~ Jr., President Burk .~oeped +.be m~f~n~ v~..f.h Prayer. ~m~t~m nf +.he m~r~t, ip~= h, ld M~y 9, ]6 and o], !972 wer~ rea~ and approved a~ ~oad. Cm~nc~ ~ma~ B~3nnd mr~.',=n+.~.~ +~ e~]]m~r~m=~ Ordinance anH mnv~ 5.+.s adoption, and ?con~ by Cmmc~ ].~an Domer was p~+. +o a vo+,~ spd ca~rie&. Co,men,man Doogla~ abstained from voting. ORDTN~CE NO. 398 ~ OPDTN~,.E REPEAI,ING ORDIN~CE NO. ~] OF T~ CODE OF O~IN~CES OF OF T~ CT~f OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA, W~CH P~OVIDES THAT THE O~I~ OF PO ,IuE S~,L BE ELECTED; P~.OVIDING T~T ~E PERSON HOLDING ~ICH OFFICE ON T~ EFF~tCTT~ DATE OF THIS ORDIN~CE SHM,I, CONTT~ TO HOLD SUCH OFFTCE nNT~L HIS ELECT~ T~M SH~L EXPIRE.: ~D T~R~FTER l~TTI, HTS ~CCESSOP ~S EI.ECTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ~D QUM,TFTED AS S~ FORTH ~ SEdTZON !~ OF THE C~RT~ LAWS OF THE CT~: 'PROVTDTNG ~ EFFECTTVE DATE. RE r'? ORDAr~a BY ~E ~AYnP AW~ m~E CT'DY COUNCII, OF THE CI~.~ OF OKEECHOBEE '~r o~rqA: ~],~TOT,T -~ O~4'~'~q~ No. ]~1. r~~ th':' '~ ~ "'~ 0~ ~ O~rmhnbee, F~m"ida, a11f, hn~ ~4 b~ See+,inn 7 ~ the Cha~+.~r Laws ne t, he City~ ,~p4 wb~h n~ri ~e~ rn-- ~he ~!~c+i~n ~r a Chief o~ P~Tic~ ~ by the adoption c; ~ +,hi s, n~i nanne ~oeni. fi ca'l'ly repea].~4 an4 r~p4=.~4 m~lll am4 ,~,~ q. oE_,rIOH 2. ~ Cb~=~ ~ Po]~c~ ~f the C~ hy ~F Ok~nhobe~, had.n? a~lv ~l~c+e4 10y the m~a]i, fli~ e].ecbor~ o:~ the Cit,v ~n Dec~mbe~ of !968. ~ha]l oerice qhalt b~ sooner ~mcated by his death~ removal, resi~at, io~ or othe~ise. SECTION ~. '~e Chief of Police ne +h~ Cit. y of Ok~echobe~ im o:rFice at mid~ 7bk. n~ *b~ la~'k day pri,~ +o the ~irs-t Monday in ,Iam~ary~ 3_073~ ~'ha!l c,',nt~.m]~, ~o hnt~ tomb ~rice trot, il hsd:' miccessn~ ~ha]] b~ elect, ed by the City Council and oua2 SECTION ~,. 2~is OrdSnance eba].l tak~ mfe~cf, im~dSah~]y uoon it, n passa%e by +.h~ Cif,y Crmnei! and 5ts appr~ra] by bho O r , PASSED ~ ~.~P~) t',his 6th ~ay of Jun~ , 3.972. Do~ld L. Burk PR~ID~T OF ~ CI~ CO~CI~ AT.ST: Lore~ Spive[ CITY ~