1987-10-09 General MeetingEmplyee Pension Plan Trustee Meeting October 9,1987 Continuation of Minutes The new trustees were informed to obtain a copy of the required Disclosure Packet and fill in the appropriate items and turn the form into the Supervisor of Election office. The trustees decided that the best time to meet would be at 8:00 A.M. in order to keep from interrupting anyone's schedule later in the day. October 29,1987 at 8:00 A.M. was scheduled as the next meeting date for the combined group of trustees. Meeting will be held at City Hall. ,. C�c+4 1,Q�c,>7�_C 1,11gif97 City of Okeechobee *a„ Employee Pension Plan Trustees Meeting October 9,1987 A joint meeting of the pension plan trustees was held this date at City Hall. Trustees present: General employees: L.C. Fortner, Jr; Johnny Bennett; Chuck Elders; Andy Rubin Police: Larry Mobley; Larry Coonfare; L.C. Fortner,Jr.; Jerry O'Bannon Fire: Lynn White; Billy Douglas; Gary Scherrer; Tracey Haberlandt Others present: Bernice Elders; and Richard (Dick) Fleurant. The pension plan, financial status and trustee structure was explained by L.C. Fortner, Jr. A list of all trustees, a summary of funds and a summary of the pension plans were passed out to each trustee. By motion and vote the Firemen trustees voted for the following: Chairman- Gary Scherrer; Secretary -Bill Douglas. By motion and vote the Police trustees voted for the following: Chairman -Larry Mobley; Secretary-L.C. Fortner, Jr. By motion and vote the General employees voted for the following: Chairman-L.C. Fortner,Jr.; Secretary -Johnny Bennett. In seperate actions, the Fire, Police, and General Employees voted to appoint Bernice Elders as paying agent and record keeper for all three funds. Investment of funds was discussed by the combined group of trustees. Each group of trustees stated their desire to hear presentation from several local banks or investment firms and then the trustees would decide which method of investment was the best for the pension plan. More discussion on this later. Each trustee of the pension plans was encouraged to discuss matters pertaining to their plan with their chairman of their pension plan. Each secretary was instructed to keep minutes of any meeting held by their trustees and present a copy to Bernice Elders for record keeping. *ftr