1991-04-01 Fire Fund MeetingFIREFIGHTER PENSION BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1991 Trustee's present: Keith Torrey, Bill Douglas, Rickey Holt, and Clayton Williams. Meeting called to order at 7:15 P.M.. Motion made by Keith Tomey to accept the minutes of the last meeting on March 21, 1991. Seconded by Clayton Williams. Motion was unanimously carried. Attorney Scott Christiansen, was present for legal counsel for detailed discussion concerning proposed draft document with all pension boards. Motion made by Bill Douglas, to hold an additional meeting within the next two weeks to discuss possible increase in benefits. Second by Keith Tomey. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion made by Bill Douglas, second by Clayton Williams to reimburse Keith Tomey for attending the seminar in Tallahassee on March 26 and 27 1991. For the amount of 132.50. to the city of Okeechobee and 5.00 to Keith Torrey. Motion as unanimously carried. Motion made by Keith Tomey and seconde adjourn at 9:30 P.M.. Motion unanimous Firefighter Pension Fund Chairman: Firefighter Pension Fund Secretary: