1971-09-21 Regular Adjourned 1359 PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL September 21, 1971 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular adjourned session at the City Hall on the above date at 6:00 P. M. with the following present: Mayor Dunham, President Burk, Councilman Breland, Domer and Douglas with Attorney Curren, Clerk Spivey, Deputy Clerk Bennett, Water Supt. Fortner, Street Supt. Bennett, Chief Thomas, Building Official Spray and Electrical InSPector Strickel. President Burk opened the meeting with prayer by Councilman Douglas. President Burk requested Attorney Curren to investigate the street right of way situation involving Bennie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bass were present regarding drainage, road right of way and repairs, presenting map of area involved. The Council advised they were unable to do extensive road and drainage improvement due to the road not being a dedicated street but agreed to continue to maintain al as in the past. Securing addition/right of way was discussed by Mrs. Bass, volunteering to contact the adjoining property owners. Mrs. Bass requested that the grass turfs caused by the grader be removed from the road. Councilman Douglas to investigate matter. Phil Y. Berger appeared before the Council regarding the drainage situation in the vicinity of his residence on 14th Street in South Okeechobee, requesting the Council to have a regular schedule to clean the ditches in and around area mentioned above in an effort to alleviate flooding in this section. Matter referred to Councilman Douglas for investigation. Water Supt. Fortner submitted memorandum for needed fittings in the approximate cost of $200.00, meters approximate cost of $1,250.00 and sewer line cleaning machine cost $7,750.00. Purchase of said machine having been considered and action postponed for f~rther study at meeting held July ?Oth. Councilman Domer moved to purchase from Rockwell Mfg. Co. Fle~cible Pipe Tool Division, Flexible Model FHV 602 TR trailer mounted hi-velocity pipe cleaning machine, equipped with air- cooled engine, Quinteplex pump, 500 feet I. D. plastic hose with 20 feet red rubber leader hose, 2 nozzles, 1-15 inch and 1-30 inch, hose mending kit, footage meter, 300 gallonwater supply tank and standard white color at $7,750.00 with payment deferred until January 1972 with no extra charges as agreed by the Company, seconded by Councilr~an Breland and unanimously carried. Councilman Domer moved to purchase fittings and meters as listed on the memorandum~ at an approximate cost of $1,450.00, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. Councilman Domer moved to authorize the Clerk to transfer $27,111.00 from Water and Sewer reimburse for Revenue Fund Savings Account to Water and Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund to /the down payment on Okeechobee Beach Water,st line extension, seconded by Councilman Breland and carried. Councilman Domer requested information and clarification on condemnation of buildings, authority o~F city and legal opinion. After discussion President Burk referred matter to workshop session and advised Building Offical Spray and Attorney Curren to study this matter and be prepared for discussion at workshop meeting. Councilman Domer reported that he would have basic information for dog license ordinance prepared for ne_~t meeting. Councilman Domer also discussed the street re-naming program and its slowed down progress. The Council agreed for Councilman Douglas to contaet Brockway, Owen and Anderson, Consulting Engineers and find out if they could execute a program of this nature. Councilman Douglas discussed with the Council systematic way in cleaning ditches and if the Council desired his Department to proceed in this manner. The Council agreed on this proceedure. Councilm~n Domer discussed the policy used on size of culvert installed by individuals and the securing of a permit before installation is made. Suggesting that an Ordinance should be prepared specifying the size of culvert with rules and regulations governing the installation of culverts by individuals, stating that he felt that regulating the size of culverts would help solve some of the drainage problems. Matter referred to workshop meeting. Mayor Dunham sugEested that the city barn be extended for additional space to protect sewer machine and additional equipment. Councilman Domer suggested a shed at water plant. Supt. Fortner requested to investigate matter. Councilman Breland reported needed street repair on Oak Drive and 7th Street behind Daniel's building. Matter referred to Councilman Douglas. Also discussed painting and lettering the Dog Warden truck but due to added expense at the dog pound matter postponed until later date. Councilman Breland presented the specifications for new police car for the Council's approval. Said specifications were read by President Burk. Councilman Breland moved to advertize for bids for the purchase of special police car, seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried. NOTICE NOTICE IS H~REBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, will receive sealed bids for the purchase of the following: I Special Police Car, h door, heater, tinted glass, turn signals, back-up lights, air conditioning, spot light, heavy duty automatic transmission at least 60 AMP, low' cut in alternator, hO0 C.I.D., minimum of 172 HP engine, tan with white top, black interior, power brakes, power steering, radio and padded dash. Body style to be equa]~ to Belair Chevrolet or Custom 500 Ford. Trade in allowance on 1970 Chevrolet Belair, ~ door, ID No. 156690D150808. Said bids will be opened in the Council Chamber at the City Hall in Okeechobee, Florida at 6:30 P. M., October 19, 1971. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Donald Burk Donald Burk President City Council Okeechobee, Florida -'~ ATTEST: Lorena ~ive~ ~ Lorena Spivey City Clerk Okeechobee, Florida PUBLISH IN THE OKEECHOBEE NEWS: September 30 and October 7, 1971. 1361 President Burk stated that the Dean's Court Clean-uo Committee had contacted him and requested a truck and driver for 7:30 A. M. Saturday, September 25th at Mack Mitchell's place to pickup trash and junk. The Council instructed Street Supt. Bennett to have truck and driver there at that time. President Burk brought to the Council's attention that Mr. Charles Royal had requested an extension of time to get several pending items cleared up and he felt he had had sufficient time to bring items up to specifications. Attorney Curren was requested to remind Mr. Royal of this matter and request him to clear up the pending items. PreSident Burk reported that John Wilson, Department of Transportation Distri~ Traffic Operations Engineer had contacted him regarding the city's request to update traffic signal control at the intersection of State Road 70 and Osceola Street, stating that the present traffic light was obselete and no way to bring it up to standard. Mr. Wilson advised that the Department of Transportation planned to install a new traffic control signal at said intersection and also at the intersection of State Road 15 and SR 70. If funds are available, both jobs are planned in the 71-72 budget year. However, should total funds not be available, D. O. T. will improve the light at the intersection of State Road 70 and Osceola Street in the 71-72 budget year and the intersection of SR 15 & SR 70 in the 72-73 budget. The need for right of way points at intersection of Riverview Drive and State Road 70 to place new light poles was discussed. Matter referred to Mayor Dunham. Upon motion the Council adjourned. PRESIDENT CI'l~f COUNCIL September 30, 19?l Th~ City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in Workshop session on the above date at 6:30 P.M. with the following present: Mayor Dunham, President Burk, Councilmen Breland, Domer and Douglas, with Attorney Curren and Clerk Spivey. A discussio~ was heard on several future proposed projects.