1992-03-30 General Fund MeetingCITY OF OKEECHOBEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION PLAN TRUSTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 30, 1992 The joint quarterly meeting of the Police,Fire and General Employees Trustees was called to order at 6:55P.M. Trustees Present:L.C. Fortner, Jr., Charles Elders, Dowling Watford Jr., Ben Loftin and Lola Parker. Others present: Attorney Scott Christiansen Motion by Dowling Watford,Jr., and second by Charles Elders to approve the minutes of October 21, 1991 meeting. Motion by Charles Elders, and second by Dowling Watford, Jr., to approve expenses,payments to retired employees and new and,ter- minated employees for October 1, 1991 thru March 30,-1992. Chairmen Fortner, lead in a discussion with the Trustees concerning the letter dated February 13, 1992, from Kruse, O'Connor and Ling Inc. of updated impact study. Attorney Scott reminded the Trustees that Mr. Drago (City Administrator) was not going to recommend any monetary increases to the City Budget. The City has beevcontributing 6.11% of regular salary rather than the required amount according to the Acturial valuation: ;therefore it was agreed by the Trustees to request City Council's approval of revised Ordinance that would require contributions by employees and the City be on total compensation (monies reported on W-2), which may not increase the Cities budget over the.amomt; already being contributed. Soon requested the Budgeted appropriations "for tti:Cities retirement contributions of which he will compare with othd'i� Cities. Larry Mobley (police pension plan trustee),statod that according to Theora of Kruse, O'Connor and Ling Inc. thy! pension funds no longer need the performance monitors for the investments, but Scott informed the Trustees that the monitoring should be done at least once a year. It was agreed by all Trustee members to keep Kruse, O'Connor and Ling Inc. as Acturial's and address the possiability of a change once it is evident what the City Council will do with the -ra ise.•d Ordinance. Scott informed the Trustees that the Summary -Plan,;,D�V�riTtion OHM report due April 1992 doesn't have to be done yet." There being no reports from the trustees and no further, discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:02 P.M. ...;' THESE MINUTES APPROVED AND ADOPTED: GENERAL FUND CHAIRMAN .C. Fortner, Jr. GENERAL FUND SECRETARY Lola Parker 1400,