1993-09-15 Fire Fund MeetingCity of Okeechobee ga. ••••"s- .11 k 0 R I 01- OK Ee gf m *. Fire Department Pension Board Meeting Firefighters,Police, General Employees Call meeting to order, September 15, 1993 Trustees present: Keith Tomey Chuck McElheny Rick Holt A motion was made by Keith Tomey, second by Chuck McElheny to accept the minutes from the meeting on August 12, 1993, motion passed. Also present were Lee Lehner of Christiansen Dehner, and Janna Woods of Shearson Lehman. Ms. Woods gave a summary of the money managers performance over the last three years. She distributed pampphlets and gave a slide i4ftw presentation to the trustees present.Ms. Woods advises that the boards should maintain the services of Invesco. Ms.Woods advises that there will be a increase for fees for the services of Shearson & Lehman. The current rate is $4,000 per year for all three boards. The adjusted fee will be $3,000 per year for each board. Discussion of the rate increase will be discussed at the next meeting of trustees. Mr. Dehner discussed rules and procedures to operate the pension plans. He also advised the need for a Proxy voting policy, Investment policy statment,Forms for plan administration,Plan document revision, and written contracts with professional consultants. Also discussed was the responsibilitys of the trustees, and that Fudiciary insuarance should be obtained Florida Sunshine Law requirements were discussed. 55 9.E. Third Avenue • Okeechobee, Florida 34974-2032 • 013/703-4423