1998-11-09 General Fund MeetingCITY OF OFEECHOBEE/OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY GENERAL EMPLOYEE PENSION PLAN TRUSTEE MEETING MINUTES November 9 1998 Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM. by Mr. L.C. Fortner, Jr. Trustees Present: L.C. Fortner, Jr, Ricky Bonnell, Roger Jones, Jerry O'Bannon and Paul Overton Others Present: Ernie Mahler of Smith Barney, Performance Monitor Juan "J. C." Carlos Campuzano, of Invesco and Scott Christiansen of Christiansen. Dehner, P,A „ Ernie Mahler opened the meeting by giving a brief summary of the last quarter. He stated that even with market as unstable as it has been the report look's good because the number's are above the benchmark,and he was very pleased overall. He also reported that Wachovia & Smith Barney would produce a new report with corrected numbers. "J. C" reported that even though the quarter ended with a loss they still beat the benchmark.He also stated that the bond's out performed the stack's. Scott Christiansen had no report's for the board but would be avalible for question's. L.C. Fortner ask the board to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, approve expenses, new employees, retired employees and terminated employees. Motion by Jerry O.' annon, second by Roger Jones to approve minutes and expenses as riported. Motion carried unanimously. L.C, Fortner asked the board to review and approve The Summary Plan Description. Motion by Rorger'Jones, Second by Ricky Bonnell to approve the summary description as printed. Motion carried unanimously. Roger Jones, wanted to thank Jim Paul of the O.U.A for preparing the finacial statements. He also wanted the board to consider changing the split on stocks & bonds. No action taken. The meeting dates for the coming year where set as follow's Febuary 10,1999 @ 7:00pm MaV 12,1999 @ 7:00pm. Augest 11,1999 @ 7:00pm. November 10,1999 @ 7:00pm, No other bsiness. Meeting ajourned at 8:05pm.