2004-11-08 Fire Fund MeetingCity of Okeechobee
Fitrefighters Pension Meeting
November 8, 2004
Trustees present: Bill Douglas, Herb Smith, John Koepke.
A motion was made by John Koepke, second by Herb Smith, to accept the minutes from
the previous meeting, motion passed.
Trusco gives report on Market Snapshot,Economic Survey, Stock Market, Performance,
Account Activity, Portfolio Comparision.
Smith Barney discusses the late money transfer from State Street to Trusco. The boards
will recoup almost all their money.
A motion was made by Herb Smith,second by John koepke, to accept the amount of
$14,659.95 from State Street for late transfer, motion passed.
A motion was made by Bill Douglas, second by John Koepke, to accept termination of
Paul Groditski, and accept new member Matthew Vinson, motion passed.
Smith Barney gives report on Total Fund.
A motion was made by Herb Smith, second by John Koepke, to retain McBee &
Associates, motion passed.
Attorney Christianson discusses possible Drop Plans with Boards. A motion was made
by Herb Smith, second by Bill Douglas, to have Attorney Christianson to begin draft for
possible Drop Plan, motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned,
William Douglas,