2005-02-14 Fire Fund MeetingFebruary 14, 2005
Okeechobee City Firefighters Pension Meeting
Trustees Present: Bill Douglas, Herb Smith, Glenn Hodges, John Koepke.
A motion was made by John Koepke, second by Glenn Hodges, to accept the minutes
from the previous meeting, motion passed.
Trusco gives report on Market Snapshot, Account Activity, Performance Comparision,
Portfolio Composition.
Smith Barney reports that monies have been received from State Street. Also discusses
Portfolio Performance.
Attorney Christianson advises that pension letter #2 needs to go to City Council.
Attorney also goes over the Ordinance changes.
A motion was made by Glenn Hodges, second by John Koepke, to accept Ordinance
changes, and to have Attorney Christianson go before the City Council if needed, motion
A motion was made by Glenn Hodges, second by Bill Douglas, to appoint John Koepke
new chairman of the firefighters pension board, motion passed. Rick Holt will stay a
member of the board.
Meeting Adjorned.
William Douglas,