2006-08-14 Fire Fund MeetingAugust 14, 2006
Okeechobee City Firefighters Pension Board Meeting
Trustees present: Bill Douglas, John Koepke, Glenn Hodges, Brian O "Cain.
A motion was made by Glenn Hodges, second by John Koepke, to accept the minutes of
the meeting on May 8th, 2006, motion passed.
Trusco is unable to attend this meeting.
Smith Barney discusses multi - period performance. Also discusses possibly replacing
Trusco, gives boards different options.
A motion was made by John Koepke, second by Bill Douglas, to do a money manager
and index search. Attorney Christiansen will check on custodians, motion passed.
A meeting will be held on September 25th at 5 p.m., to discuss information on manager
and index search.
Attorney Christiansen asks if everyone has filed their disclosure forms. State money this
year is $36,242.00. Attorney Christiansen discusses the Updates For Premium Tax
Database. He also advises of the Pension Protection Act of 2006. also discusses pre tax
on health insurance and long term care.
Herb Smith has resigned from the board effective July 31, 2006.
A motion was made by Glenn Hodges, second by John Koepke, to accept Herb Smith "s
resignation, and to appoint Matthew Vinson to the board for a two year term starting
October 1St, 2006 to September 30th, 2008, motion passed. This will have to be approved
by the City Council.
Meeting adjourned
William Douglas, Secretary