2011-08-16 Police Fund Special MeetingOkeechobee Police Pension Meeting
August 16, 2011
Dennis Davis -Present
Bettye Taylor -present
Russ Cale -Present
Bill Bartlett -Present
Called to Order at 1:49 PM
Bill Bartlett made motion to approve minutes from May 11, 2011. Russ Cale seconded motion.
Motion passed all in favor.
Bill Bartlett made motion to approved expenditures of $9485.46 to Bogdahn Group, Gabriel Roeder
Smith and Co, Debartolomeo McBee Hartley & Barnes, Christiansen&Dehner. Russ Cale seconded
motion. Motion passed all in favor.
Bill Bartlett made motion to ask Attorney Scott Christiansen to draw up an ordinance addressing
the way the vacation/sick leave monies are handled when an employee retires and enters the drop
plan. Russ Cale seconded the motion. Motion passed all in favor.
Russ Cale made motion to also have Attorney Scott Christiansen to drop up ordinance giving
Gabriel Roeder- the actuaries- the right to do a one time calculation of what a person would draw
each year they stay in the Drop Plan upon their retirement and entry into the Drop Plan at the
Pension Funds expense.
New Business:
Bettye Taylor addressed the fact that the board is paying out almost triple in expenditures to
consultants then we were 5 years ago. Bill Bartlett suggested we ask for how their fees vs
rformance for the last three year to see how we compare.
Bettye T ylor