1971-04-20 Regular1306
offered 6o %W<e the job ,,
o~ *~. T~_~rnxr '._ .._,..,~
ob~i ~at,~ en t,o secure JJ
=o+ ;q ~,,ad~r ~ ..... q,~t+i~g 'Per b~ ~ m~bj~ct. +,c State Reard Be Health
i~EP~AS~ i.+, ha~ b~e~ firmly ~ders6~4 and 4~+~sSned that *.b=
r~',~ *~ ;'y's existing maim t.c a point on the West side of River-
Drive at, tb~ Sm~t, hwest terror o+' ~h~, ~o~ Shopping Plaza where saSd
shall eonnee+ +~, a ?ir+ ~t, atie~ fimapc~d by ~oy'a] (b,]~ vhieh shall be
?rop~r+y ~f th~
%,' vrbieh tb~ Cm~nei]. has r~sol.vo~ +o fSmance as s~ ~rt, b abov% b~t:,
DO~J¢, RT~SOI,~D a~d made ,nfeec+,iv¢ ~b~ 2n+~ 4n2r off Af'r5.].~ 197].., at.
Bona] d B~.~rk
E. H. Hunt
Russell V. Domer
E&,mrd W. Doug!as, D. C.
Char?os I.. Bretand
1: 08
?,-,~]od bi.c?s ,,,ri!n be rce~4ved and epe~d for th~ const~ction of sewer
n971. Ci+v cf Oke~chobee~ ~.orida
Blank proposal "orma, .qPd eopiz~ o~ t~:~ plans and ~ecifications nay be obtained
........ , .... ~ ........ ~ Ineo~r,t~d~ ~uaranf, v Bui]dinz~ P. o.
~e ~ ~aran4-,y e.'-,~f, -~M,,~ ~opt,rnc+,or wi!' ':. ~n+~ p~,_ 5. p~ - written contract with the
Xn~.reers eor the City of
Olc~bnBe~j '~or~ dh.
At, ter'r~y d~rre,' read letter e,m'n F. ~. A. rem,~:,s+,q~~. ...... ~ ndd~t~on imrormation on ~opliea.tio~.
Cc~me~l.~an B:'~! a.xd movmd +ha+ Yayer ~:~ham b~ m~+borized to e:cecnte said d. ocuxnen+.s,
Pmsident City Council
C~ ty CY.~rk