2013-05-06 General Meeting & General Fund MeetingCITY OF OKEECHOBEE/OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY/POLICE/FIRE PENSION BO49Q2- REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, MAY 6, 2013 CITY HALL, 55 SE THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE: CITY OF OKEECHOBEE/OUA Jamie Mullis, Chairperson Daryl Roehm POLICE: Bettye Taylor, Secretary Melisa Jahner, Secretary Kevin Barbour Ray Worley FIRE: John Koepke, Chairperson Mike Skipper, Secretary Glen Hodges Adam Crum Gary Ritter OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Christiansen, Attorney Jack Evatt, Bogdahn Group David Kelly, Bowen & Hanes Janet McKinley, OUA Financial Liaison Basil Coule, OUA Financial Liaison Jay McBee, DiBartolomeo, MCBee, Hartley & Barnes, P.A. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING: 5:00 p.m. by Jamie Mullis 2. INVESTMENT REPORTS: A. BOWEN & HANES - David Kelly, of Bowen & Hanes, reviewed the Portfolio Summary/Appraisal and Performance Summary and Investment History dated May 3, 2013 for the City General/OUA Fund; beginning market 9/30/12 $8,018,636.33, ending market 5/3/13 $5,914.284.23. He also presented their equity performance data to show their track record; 2009, market 26.53 %, Bowen, 24.19%; 2010, market 14.88%, Bowen, 17.22%; 2011, market 2.04%, Bowen, 0.09%; 2012, market 15.95%, Bowen, 14.89%. Since hire date of May 18, 2009, they have underperformed 3 out of the 4 years. They have received the notification from the Trustees relaying their disappointment of their performance and have taken a defensive approach, but the economy is currently favoring the easy and cheap money, rather than the long term investments. B. THE BOGDAHN GROUP - Jack Evatt, of the Bogdahn Group, presented an overview for the quarter ending March 31, 2013. The Total Fund Market Value for the City General/OUA Fund as of 101/12 was $8,139,554.00 and ended on 3/31/2013 with $8,583,379.00. The Total Fund (Net) as of March 31, 2013, being 17.81% for October 2011 through September 2012. According to the compliance checklist the return did not equal or exceed the actuarial earnings assumption rate of 7% over the trailing five year period, but did for the trailing three year period. The plan return did not equal or exceed the benchmark for the three and five year period. The plan did not rank within the top 40th percentile of its peer group over the trailing three or five year period. The total domestic equity returns did not meet or exceed the benchmark over the trailing three or five year period, but the tital equity allocation was less than 60% of the total plan assets at cost and less than 70% of the assets at market. The total `-� foreign equity was less than 15% of the total plan assets at market. The total fixed income returns did not meet or exceed the benchmark over the trailing three and five year periods, but 85% of all fixed income investments have a minimum rating of investment grade or higher. Mr. Evatt mentioned the disappointment regarding Bowen & Hanes trailing performance. He then read from a IVAMW memorandum some of their operational concerns as follows: Their operational compliance procedures fall below acceptable standards for institutional money managers; Their manual trading procedures create inconsistency in portfolio holdings and allocations. This leads to significant return dispersion across client accounts. The dispersion of returns is outside of an acceptable range for our Firm; They do not provide information abot the firm and their strategy to industry databases. Absent this institutionalized information, our research team must attempt to create the data, although we have been unable to receive the information necessary on a consistent basis. They view the 'Global Macro' economy and make `thematic shifts' based on their interpretation. We do not have any issues with this approach, however, given their manual trading procedures we have observed inconsistency in portfolio holdings, making it difficult for our research team to discern how they are implementing their strategy for each account. As such, we cannot express with confidence if Bowen continues to manage the portfolio as they did when hired. At this time, we recommend to start diversifying some assets from Bowen & Hanes, and look for alternatives for a domestic equity and insititutional international manager. Mr. Kelly of Bowen & Hanes asked whether they could respond to each issue of concern in writing, in which the consensus of the Boards deemed fair. C. SALEM TRUST — The Salem Trust Statements for the Receipt & Disbursement (R & D), Equity and Fixed Income were distributed reflecting the activity for the months of January — March, 2013. D. DIBARTOLOMEO, MCBEE, HARTLEY & BARNES, P.A. - Mr. Jay McBee, of DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & barnes, P.A. reviewed the financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2012, noting that the audit was in accordance with the standards of the Government of Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. The results of tests, disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to report. Effective as of October 1, 2012, the plan was amended to relect a change in assumption to update the mortality rates from the 1994 group annuity tables for males and females to the RP-2000 Combined Healthy Mortality Table. The change will be phased over a three-year period and caused the employer required contribution to increasy by approximately $5,000. The City General/OUA Fund net assets as of September 20, 2012 were $8,181,792.00 compared to September 30, 2011 being $6,792,069.00. He stated that each plan had increased. 3. ITEMS/REPORTS FROM BOARD ATTORNEY CHRISTIANSEN - Attorney Scott Christiansen asked whether one Secretary could combine the General Meeting Minutes, and then each Board will add their Trustees Items Minutes. Secretary Melisa Jahner volunteered. He reminded everyone that the financial disclosure forms will be received soon and must be returned by July 1, 2013 to avoid penalty fines. He then asked each board to consider approval of sending the Internal Revenue Code Ordinances to the City Council for adoption. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO DISCUSS IN OPEN SESSION. — There was none. 5. NEW BUSINESS TO DISCUSS IN OPEN SESSION. — There was none. 8#OW 6. RECESS FROM OPEN SESSION AND CONVENE IN INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS AT 6:16 P.M. CITY GENERAUOUA PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEE ITEMS: A. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the minutes for the February 4, 2013 meeting. Kevin moved to approve the February 4, 2013 Minutes as presented; seconded by Daryl. Motion carved unanimously. B. Motion to approve the financial reports as presented by Basil Coule, Pension Financial Liaison: Jamie moved to approve the financial reports 1-4 and 6_a_nd_ 8 as presented on the agenda; seconded by Melisa. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Investment summary dated April 3, 2013 from Bowen, Hanes & Company and Portfolio summary as of March 31, 2013. 2. Check register from January through March, 2013. 3. Statements from Salem Trust that reflects activity for the General Pension Fund fiscal year (January 1-March 30, 2013). 4. Statements from Salem Trust that reflect activity for the General Pension Fund for the months January through March, 2013 for the following accounts: Receipt & Disbursement, Equity & Fixed Income. 6. Approve the list of members terminated and/or contributions refunded or rolled over from 1/1/2013 to 3/31/2013: Jason Kite-OUA 8. New members enrolled from 1/1/2013 to 3/31/2013: Darin Tumer-OUA, Christopher clay-OUA. 7. (This number was not assigned on agenda). (B).5 Review and approve Christiansen & Dehner, P.A. proposed Ordinance amending the City of Okeechobee and Okeechobee Utility Authority Employees' Retirement System: These amendments clarify language required by the Internal Revenue Code and are mandatory amendments that must be made by September 30, 2013 to ensure the continuation of the plan's tax qualified status. Kevin moved to send the proposed Ordinance to City Council for approval; seconded by Daryl, Motion carried unanimously. C. Unfinished or New Items from Board Members. Jamie moved to approve the DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes, P.A., Financial Statements for the year ending September 30, 2012, as presented by Jay McBee; seconded by Kevin. Motion carried unanimously. Jamie moved to authorize Mr. Jack Evatt, of the Bogdahn Group, to bring back information for board review regarding alternatives for a domestic equity and insititutional international manager; seconded by Kevin. Motion carried unanimously. D. ADJOURN MEETING: The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Melisa Jahner, Secretary on