1971-04-13 Workshop April ] 3, 7971
Tb~ City C~tnc~l ~e +,be C~ty of Oke~chobee, ~qorida, m~t in workshop s~ssion at the
C~ty Ha]~ ~r tb~ above ~ate a+~ 6:00 P. M. ~th the fo!lo~n~ present: President Donald Burk~
Conncilman Russell ~. D~w~r, Charles L. Bre!an~, E~ard W. Dou~!as~ and E. H. Hunt
Attorpey J. E~ar~ ~rren~ ~avor Au~ley ~mham, D~uty Clerk San~ra Bereft ~d Water
~pe~nten~nt L. C. F~rtner~ Jr.
Charles P~yal was present reEar~in~ proposed sewer line to new shoppin~ center.
W~ stat~ that ther~ was a +'~.~,e element ~n~olved as W~ nn Dixie wanted t~ open in
Stat~n~ also that. ~+~ wo~.~!d take fro~ ~ve to six weeks to get delivery on the pu~s pl~]s
+,h~ fact thaq %h~ nity had +,n adv~+iz~ for b~ds on the pumps and line it would take even
a lonmer t.i~,. Mr. Roya~ a~ed if be ao~]d bid tb~ pu~s himself. The Council agreed
pro,dinE Mr. RoMa], would go by the ~o~ida State Board of Health Specifications.
~e total cost by the ~o~_da State Board of Health spec~.fications will be $2m,~O.00,
p~n~ star';OhS costing $]?,<00.OO and e~rca main lines $7,gO0.00. As ~. Royal was
To~n~ to bi8 tb~ ?~ps h~mse]f +he $]2~Oo.oo wnu!5 be cancelled. ~e titM a~eed al. so
+~n ewt~nd +,h.'~ sewer lin~ tn +,be a]]e~ay as it would bm beneficial in the f~.ture. ~m Co~nci.]
a~eed for the uti]~ity p~r~Jts and specifications 6o be si~md and mailed as soon as possible;
also pvt bid notice ~ naoer ~,.l ~2nd. Attorney ~]rren to d~aw up an agreement to be si~ed
by Royal and City sbo~n~ each obligations.
~]~t. Fortner reoort~d that Bill Sherman ask~ ~ e the city wou].d ~o ahead and co~].ete
the sewer ]~,~e arn,~nd the block ~ e b~ wn,~]d pay for al.] e~anses. The ~nncil a~eed,
~sident Bur~ presented the ~mc~l the Bu!]dgp~ Off, cia] ~tter of resi~at~on as
~ ~ri] ]gth. Attorney C~rren bro~ht up the fact that according tn Southern Standard Building
Cod~ and ~o~-ida ~ate Law the city is required to have an ~.ect rd ca] Inspector ~th +,~n yea~s
~e~ eno= a,~d B~d~ n~ 0~ cia]. ~%h ].o yaa~s ~wp~ ~pc~ ~ive years 4~ bui].d~m~ and five years
~+ n~+.v a~d nn,~t,v b~ql4fip~ department aha ~oin~ nm record as 4esirfin~ to discuss situatinn.
An Sto~s a~d Attorney Wooda~ w~th Secreta~.r and ~eas~]-e D4ck B1]tner were present
rect~stipg %,~e new C. A. T. V, franchise be aonroved. ~e cb~es beinF from six y~ars to !O
~. w!+,b +,~n v~ar, ~'n~wa] _-~l~s~ oth~ .... changes. ~ Cn~mc~q,. aui. ho~ ze~ A~torney Curren to
study the franchise and, o~esent, a~ n~wt ~]a~~ .. . ~tin~. ~e Co~n~ati~n_~ oa~ - Ok~.rCo: Inc. ~.th
w~. Cass~ ~ ~ V~ ce ~es~_.S=nt., ~.ck B~,tner, Sec~t.a~ ~r Treast~rer.
It ~s d~c~ de~ +,n contact the County Commissioners ~nd s~e what plats f.h=y hav~ ~gardir~
cab].= T. V. rranch~