2015-11-02 General Meeting & General Fund MeetingCITY OF OKEECHOBEE/OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY/POLICE/FIRE •• PENSION BOARDS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 CITY HALL, 55 SE THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE: CITY OF OKEECHOBEE/OUA POLICE: FIRE: Jamie Mullis, Chairperson Daryl Roehm Jose Santiago Denny Davis, Chairperson Bill Bartlett John Koepke, Chairperson Adam Crum Glen Hodges Melisa Jahner, Secretary Robert Ellerbee Bettye Taylor, Secretary Mike Skipper, Secretary Herb Smith OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Christiansen, Attorney Jack Evatt, Bogdahn Group Janet McKinley, OUA Financial Liaison Basil Coule, OUA Financial Liaison Marcos Montes De Oca, City Administrator John Hayford, OUA Executive Director CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING: Jamie Mullis called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jamie asked whether there were any comments from the public. There were none. 3. INVESTMENT REPORTS: The Bogdahn Group Mr. Jack Evatt, of the Bogdahn Group, presented an overview for the quarter ending September 30, 2015 as distributed. City General/OUA - The Total Fund Quarterly to Date: beginning 7/1/15 with $10,742.039.00 and ending 9/30/15 with $10,169,498.00. The Total Fund Year to Date: beginning 10/1/14 with $10,085,363.00 and ending 9/30/15 with $10,169,498.00. Police - The Total Fund Quarterly to Date: beginning 7/1/15 with $8,023,619.00 and ending 9/30/2015 with $7,647,414.00. The Total Fund Year to Date: beginning 10/1/2014 with $7,646,489.00 and ending 9/30/15 with $7,647,414.00. Fire - The Total Fund Quarterly to Date: beginning 7/1/15 with $3,373,989.00 and ending 9/30/15 with $3,226,633.00. The Total Fund Year to Date: beginning 10/1/2014 with $3,228,162.00 and ending 9/30/15 with $3,226,633.00. 0 Mr. Evatt informed it was a tough quarter, the market was hit hard, but the next quarter looks promising. 4. PORTFOLIO SUMMARY FROM DANA INVESTMENT ADVISORS INC, AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2015: There was no discussion on this item. 5. SIGN REVISED "ADDENDUM TO CUSTODIAL AGREEMENT" FROM SALEM TRUST AS PRESENTED BY CHRISTIANSEN & DENNER, PA. Attorney Christiansen asked each board to sign the addendum and return it back to him, as they was already approved at the August 3, 2015 meeting. 6. REVIEW RFP'S (ALREADY DISBURSED) AND APPROVE CONTRACT FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Five RFP's had been distributed prior to the meeting consisting of: The Pension Resource Center, LLC, Benefits USA, Inc., Foster & Foster, Inc., Pension Administration Services, LLC, and Charles H. Bray. The consensus of the three boards was to invite three for an interview process to be held as a Special Meeting on December 7, 2015, at 2 PM in the City Council Chambers. The three consisted of: The Pension Resource Center, LLC, Foster & Foster, Inc., and Pension Administration Services, LLC. 7. OUA LETTER OF REQUEST TO PENSION BOARD REGARDING CATEGORY THE PENSION PLAN INTENDS TO OPERATE UNDER. This was a lengthy discussion in which after much deliberation, was postponed for consideration at the December 7, 2015, Special Meeting, in which Jay McBee, the Board Auditing Consultant of DiBartolomeo. McBee. Hartlev & Barnes. P.A. will be asked to attend for further clarifications and information. 8. NEWSLETTER FROM SALEM TRUST COMPANY REGARDING THEIR RECENT AUDIT. This was just an informational letter from Salem Trust Company, no discussion was necessary. 9. APPROVE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY FOR ADOPTION. Attorney 'Moe Christiansen asked each board in their individual sessions to approve the proposed ordinances to be sent to City Council for consideration. 10. REVIEW AND SIGN IMPACT STATEMENT TO BE FILED WITH THE DIVISION OF RETIREMENT BEFORE FINAL PUBLIC HEARINGON THE ORDINANCE. Attorney Christiansen explained this impact statement will need to be sent to the Division of Retirement after first reading of the proposed ordinances and before final hearing. 11. APPROVE PROPOSED PENSION BOARD MEETING DATES AS PRESENTED BY CHRISTIANSEN & DEHNER, P.A. Attorney Christiansen asked each board to approve the following dates for the 2016 meeetings to be the first Monday of the month on a quarterly basis as follows: February 1, 2016, May 2, 2016, August 1, 2016, and November 7, 2016. 12. ITEMS/REPORT FROM BOARD ATTORNEY CHRISTIANSEN. ✓ Fire and Gen/OUA Pension Boards will need to select officers at the February 1, 2016 meeting. ✓ The Fiscal Year End Report has to be sent to the City Councl. ✓ Police and Fire Boards will need to approve the actual FY 14/15 expense reports at the February 1, 2016 meeting. 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO DISCUSS IN OPEN SESSION. There were none.. 14. NEW BUSINESS TO DISCUSS IN OPEN SESSION. There were none. 15. RECESS FROM OPEN SESSION AND CONVENE IN INDIVIDUAL SESSION: Adjourned at 6:53 P.M. Prepared by Melisa Jahner cm 4.0f •.OKpFry LL � ),CITY OF OKEECHOBEE/OKEECHOBEE UTILITY * s, AUTHORITY PENSION BOARDS INDIVIDUAL SESSION MINUTES November 2, 2015 CITY HALL, 55 SE THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 TRUSTEE ATTENDANCE: Jamie Mullis, Chairperson Melisa Jahner, Secretary Daryl Roehm Robert Ellerbee Jose Santiago A. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve the minutes for August 3, 2015 meeting. Robbie moved to approve the minutes; seconded by Jamie. Motion carried unanimously. B. Motion to approve the financial reports as presented by Basil Coule, Pension Financial Liaison: Melisa moved to aoorove the financial reports 1-4 as presented on the aaenda; seconded by Jose. Motion carried unanimously. 1. Check register from July through September 2015 2. Statements from Salem Trust that reflect activity for General Pension Fund for the months July -September, 2015, for the following accounts: Receipt & Disbursement, DANA Investments & Equity 3. Approve the list of members terminated and/or contributions refunded or rolled over from 7/1/2015-9/30/2015: Roy Reno -Retired (OUA), Rodney Tussinger (OUA), Joshua Gray (OUA), David Womble (OUA). 4. New members enrolled from 7/1/2015-9/30/2015: Andrew Saban (OUA). C. UNFINISHED OR NEW ITEMS: Jamie moved to accept the (3) RFP's as chosen by the three boards for interviews to be held at a Special Meeting, on December 7, 2015, at 2 P.M.; seconded by Robbie. Motion carried unanimously. Daryl moved to approve the proposed Ordinance to be presented to City Council for adoption; seconded by Jamie. Motion carried unanimously. Jamie moved to accept the meeting dates as presented for the 2016 meetings; seconded by Jose. Motion carried unanimously. D. Adjourn meeting at 7:05 P.M. Prepared by Melisa Jahner