1970-06-23 Regular Adjourned ,IT?EST: ~ etna 2Fivey
City o~ Cke~chobee
Okeeehcbe~: ~
a ,_,",,,~m~tv~,_. %,resent ..... ,.m~ inel~Me4, tdr. Butler and :itt,orr, er. q,:rren t,e. prepare w~i+,+.en apo]4eatdon.. ..... with.
d,,sc~Jption '.nd uresent to an.ne~! ~n order eot the nnt, ic~ of public h~aring to be p~blished.
-'~f~,'rvr, d t.~ Councilman Breland, guil~-g ~004~d~ ......... ~,~4+~ -nO oh__ef~ m~s.
"r-n.'~n.~':~ r=?eT,znfl r-, e.m:~+~d.:~ .... , ~o fine+.~:et ~h~e. .. Thomas to cent, ant Prince Taxi in regards +.o
'f'2]nnhoy?,0 'tr~et, a2.~¢, Cmmcilmar nr~!a~d ~r~orf. ed a P~c~est 7~o~ Be+.t.y Stevenson to adjust !~f[ht,
t'-:-~¢ tc ;:ixt-,~ ¢tre:'t rind 2e'-'pt, b S!~¢e?, from K4scimmctz [fmee% t~ Parrott Avenue as a NO TR!ICK P~R.KT'~G
r,, re~,. ,,, to _n 7o+.t,,r.,. received_ ~ro~: P~. P. Evans regarding a claim riled Aprfil 6, ]970,
.~te~,t,ney. ,~., u:t qd'v'~sed t.h¢. Council, not. to tako ,,,, nosJtion r¢~-~d4.~.~_. ,no¢, eta~r, at tki~ ti.re' ¢',:,.
"'.4~ Bi?] ,:acknay new o,,,n~r of ThC '"k=,¢:ck~:¢m: Naws ~,ras nrCsen+,.
"f'm mot. irn the Pouncil adjourned t,o m~-et J, me 93, 3970 mt, ~:30 P. M.
June 92, ]970
+'", ":i +v. ~;''.,~ rm ~,t..,. :,:-~,,,.~ q'" h~..~ - ~'+. ~:30 P.- M. with the rollowing~ ~o~w~n+-, . _...,..,. P-::,~ i 'ten~.. . O~r4n,:,r,- Council-
A+ ,~ ~n,~v C~r~,~ n ~-,r ..... ~.'q 2nd e~p].~i no,l w~,nosed Orclinanee ~c,.~.u~.-~a4, ~ .-o~'. ~eP-i nfl ng and regu!nLing
the Imsine,ss of b~:i t,'!~7 consfiruct, icm an4 eontr,:~.cting i.n the CSt,~ of Ok~,~c!nebee; cr~atAng a Boow] of
".'.-t~ eieat.4 ~.-, pr.otc,lures and fees therefor; oroxr5 ~ i_ng '~xemption. s; DPOV4 :]4 Bg *enaq.ti es, prey:id5 ng
NE ~"~ ";~.T)AU{E9 ;<y The ~a'ffor and C~+'y Co.nc~! o~ the C4ty ne Oke~ehob~a~ ~ov~da:
('~ck,;<~. i. ]~ 'e :~ereby deeq~r~,] t.o be +.he ~uh!ic r(':L4_cy of tb~ CSt~ c,f Okaechobee
~:nfi~-t, rtk~7 t.~ ?~ :vi ,mi.t,s :t b~d t,o~ ~ does h:~mself or by others, constrict, re.ir, alter~
...... , ~ny "' ~ inelud~ n~ relate~ improve-
~:ent, s to r~aq ~-.hat.e. for r,+Ec:-s., or. ~or r~sa].e +n,, others, and ~,~ho is responsible for sub-
~ ...... o, '~ '~am~ation ~o~ a cartdficate
~ * .... ' +,hnse whose se~r~coe ar~ un!~m~ted about the t~e of work
which *b~,., tony fie ~s s~+ ec~+b ~n s~h~'?e~nn /~} above
(h) "~,,~d4ng ,:ontr~,:tor~" are tbosa whose se~i. ces are
c~err.~n ~-~~ ~nd s~n~le or multiple dwell~ng res~'~ent:~nl
~wceed thr~e stories in height, and accessory use str~mtures in conn~cLi~n the-e,:ith, or
~','.-.'~ who .... ,o~r~e,'~s are !~m~Led to ~mode!]_ng, roo~!~, or fmr~o,"e',~ent nf qny ~ize
(c) "Pos! t"~+.i ':l b~:iTd!nC ,,;mtracfo~s" are f, hoso ~'~-,r, so servSces are ].imJt~,d to coy-
not excoodi-oc two ?t,-r5o, 5n h~i g~+, 2~d accessory ~mo :-+,-,et, utes in connect, ion theeewith.
'~5, "nn~--],', - , :",," 'as +.ho ~. .... ,, d ~P ~'~xamS ne ps of Coptrae+,,)rs of the City of Okeechobee.
()I) "Corf, i, eio,q*i on" mc, sins t. he :~cf, of ob%aSning or ho]di--..~. _= c~rt, t~ca+,~, of com~tency
erom the hngrd.
(1) Tf shall b~' lin]awful for a~xr t>erso,:~ fi~ or ?~r-~orat, ton to engage 5q the busS~ess
er act in t,h~ cap=o-~*',, ~f a oonLraehor witbq~ *~e ~ne,?porat~d ar,,~ ee the gSf, y wSt, hm~t
h,~ving mas :.A..-~' .... ' ,n for and *~o-~ ~.vf, n~5 boen issued, ~s s~t, forth he~, a curPent
p"'~%',~'~ng p~.~i'~l.i.c w-..rko r(~ m~mieqpa]., co',ln±,2.r, s~'~.t,=~ roder.~] gover~ent~ ,-,~ ot.he~
: ,, .... on.,+,~gct~on Tndll~,~Z l,icencing Board
~ee'tioP }1, Y~oard of Fx;tmSners oe Contractors.
(1~, ..... ~,' ..... shall }~e appe-~n~,ed by n..~ ma)or~,.,. .... otc of the City C~mcS].~ w~thin th~y days
m~t0er. ~e te~ c,.;' >fr;ce or oxch member zhall, be for four years, but th~ cS~.y enuncil may
r~:,ve :~n7 ~:~b~r o~ ~.h~ bo~rs] wSt'qo~,~, ca~e, ~o~ ~ or ~e~.ring. Eac~ member of tt~ hoard
~'aqq ~ ,~ro wS+hout co,,~o~nsation. T~e bo~qrd shall co~ist of the build~ng ofeSaSal of the
.... .h .... mombev r~om the
.~,~' The board ..... shall h~,~ +~o r5 ght~ ~ower~ :-t~,~ =',~t~,ori. tv~ to make such h...~_~.a,¢s~ ~ ~ r~les
a~d ~,? 'lather,so=°~"-~m~=- ,._~,..:, its bod-r. ~ .ns,. 4+~ ,, m~.v~ deem necessary; mrovided~, that the s~me so not
con~]~e~ ~-~Sth the charter and o~l~.~,~e,=~ ~f the c~ty or the cous!'it~tion amd laws of the United
States nd of ~,he State of F!ori~!a. Three me~hor~ o~ ~7.he board shall cc, nstSt~te a query.
~ '. ~bc [~,~ .... ~; ~ _ . ~ba]]. be ~,h. secretary of the board. ,he secretary shall
keep a~"~,.cord of ann t.~-:= ar~eoodin~-s of the bouv~
..... ~ .... o ~ together with the necessary register
showing al! :~f,plicants for examS.nati, cm amd '!5censes, shot~,~:~mg thereon for each the date of
app].ica*.i, on, n;,-~, ~qmlSfications~ place of business and place of residence and whethe~ the
app]Sea;Ion was granf, ed or reP~sed. Such seereta~z shall oreparo .? ~ost,or oe ali contractors
who =t'a."l obtaSn a eo~'[~eSeate of com'pe+.~ncy amd who are ¢:~tit!ed tea ].~co=,~ from the ci~.
', :~o~,,~ . ~ ~,~'!-~ ro~t.o~,., o~,-~. ?~d~,~+.s~. .. tbero~,~,... :.~'.'~!]. be ~'~ =~__. ~, by the se~eta~. ~ +.~_., t!~e cSty
~, .~nd ~ ~ ~al_ be th,~ ':~,v o~ ~,he sec~eta~r to Dro~rly no~,i, ey the city' clerk ~m the
evoqt o~ a ~e,,ocat5. on or the rene~,~al ce an~r cort~e5eate.
~eetio~ 5. Co~,ieSc~.t~.om of ~egisteved e~ctiw':. Co~+~,~ctors.
c0~stmlctj, n~ 0f ~o ].~s~ than eno s~ng!e-e~i_ly ro::,~d~e,v. Each registrant meeting
m~n~m,~ ~tm~ds. rd~ sba]] l~o certiriod by t~,o b~:~rd, and a cer/~e~cP.te of com.~et, enc]r shall be
t, be t~oa-~ t,h,~, the regist, ra~+, has ntho~i~e viol. a+.eq t~o ~tandards set forth in Section
c-~ ;~ '] .............. . shcz,: h~ ~ ant,bor~ty to ~a act on the
~" U? tek~ the q,~]_fie,fing ~,wn~qn~t, lo¢ %r the fi~, ,m?~ ho]ding a current certi~ica+~
Tbr~ fi~ ~h';1] ~,o.,_ qna]ified. . . only through the ~,..-~"an~eications.. of such agent taking
c?:~mS.nat4 , :~r +' ro~gh an age~5 ~,~'~ent!y qua!Sf~ed, xnd if the agent (quali~Ser) shall
m~c, t.-.me ~f certiC4c~te bein~ '~no]~ o~.
,,; ,iwl~en'n' 5~ ~ ~5~, +.be nz~( and business ~d~_,reos oe t,h~ fi~ and the n~m.e, res-
.... ..... :. e~ '~].l dirnct, o~s and or°leers and their. .... interest therein, apd the n~e, ........ -d~=s of the
~p¢!q~.~,~ qual4-rj~d ~en-esontx+4~re and info~at4o~ contained above. Tf ap~lScant ~s a cor-
pnrat~nn, the c~rL59i~-,ate oe incorF.oratior,
r~: A s~,~n fin:neiql ~t,:iteme,~C cc tha arr.].~r':~nt,, _ r~-.~d~+, reoort. ~d -~n
city, no+, reln. t,~,~ t:7 blooa o- mar~zge +,c the ai~r,]4eant~ ve~cbSn~ eor th~ ~np]icant's
pep~ha'hion ~s +.: bo~,r'f,2z, integrity nnd goo,-~ nt,a.act.er.
qt.,e~n s~.a-Lement stating undo. oath th'it t,>~e ai.U~Jeaqt has not bee~ enn~.ct, r~ of a
- , ...... ,, -, _ --, &. ~Cl .. -- .
i~ not t,V~e "'-sc.. -., ipp]/,'ant shall ~oifY thc d~tmi]s of the crmv¢ct. Snn or charge.
-- -"I ..... - I .....
(j) Ttq~ the ~plieant has a ?tactical and workin~ knowl~d,~e m~ the ~tatntes of th~
Ztale o~ F!or~.da and ~d~n~nnes ce +~ oitv s~]i~le tn the bnsiness ~n which he seeks
to engag-,. ~Dcluding, but not ].Jmit~d to, f.~. sonin~o and building._ codes of t~-
mo~m~ 'm4 ma~e s~:n~, ~4~i~io-~-~ !~est~a~i~n as ~ b~ ~irecte~ by the boar4.
(2) Th~ ] ]~r,J. ~ha].l n~es~ibe t~o t~~ of ~x,.~natinn of the appli.c'~mt to
h~: ~Zv-'e ~f experienco; h~s knowledge of buf].din~, safety~ b~:.~]i:,b and ]ie~ l.a~,rs of
hhe cmm'.y, ~t:~+.e .,n,t Pealers].. go~rornmont~n -,~ mu,~r be ~ppl4elble; and his knowledge of
~ddm~,n+' Fy admdnSstrat~ve ~rinc~p].es oe t~ eontract4nl~ bn,=inoss ?or which
is boin~ m~4~. ~h,= ~m~ t!r~ ~nd ec~ of q~est4nn~ shall b~ ~iven t~ e~ch nnd a]_l
,~.~ ~C'~ 4~Sll~ a cortS.~,qt~ of competene~ ~q~a~, by a ma~or~t~r
~ote o~ 'h~ Vonrd mothers ~res~+, th,', bo,,rH
nxp~:~inp:-e For !b~ tj~e oe certifSrnte annJ. iod for.
(b) That ~h~ cred~% revort ~nd rin.2r~c~nl st.~tement oP the anal. leant shows
that ~b~ anm].ie~nt ~ r~n~nc~l~r ~te tn on~,e in the contr=ctin~ business rot which
q ].iae~. in r~,:~re~ so that the m~blic ,,;11 be mro+,ected.
. ., ~.~at t.h~ ~nlieqn-h nnd e::eh member of the finn noss~sses a reputatdon or
honest,-, inter~;t.,, ~nd ~,,.,,.-H ch'~ct~r qn4 has no~, be~n convicted o~ ' misdemeanor
imrolvdnt', m~ .;.-n tur~it~M,- or ~ ~'~q. on3~ ip +h,~ hast Five y~;,rq. This shall be dete~i_ned
hy t,t~ ~ '~pl~.cnnt, and a ~th~r st.ataments s :bm~t,t. ed ~m or obtained by the board or
~nvest~F~tors. Th~ lack of honest.y, intm~rity or Pood charterer mom he estab].~ske.!
conf~do~," evideuce tb3tt
--I Dp] i o':~+, hr~n CO~'r, 4 tt, e,-: ;,n ac.~ w~thi~ t. he ]est t,h~'~, rrm. rs.. v,:,~eb , i e corem~ !,ted
n-' done ~,y ~ l~'nnscd contrqctor~ wn~lrl h~: ~,rc,~ nd~ nr s~m~ension or revocation oe tho
crv'~r' ~'''~c:~*~, .,. ~,o ~.,h~ ~ ,:,:~-;.,,..r.. , ~ ~ ~ ~ '--~. 14,--.. ~,. ...¢ s~.
~ - ., ' .' ,: O~ ~
and cooy. of an o~r]orcement ~,_]~.ed-e on such pc]Scy or
~r-i~ten notice ~r c ert,~in~ ¢a~1 t,r, thc tit,,,' c].~.rk if 5t
' ..... , - ' ,, 97, _, ....
/~ ~ :" ~"~ .... ~ ~c~oraL~: di~.c,c'~r-~ i~ fi~!&~r~ ~ +]7 ..... a~C,7:2 ~o +~:- .... ;~
~r~'!"~4~n' ~mt not ]ir~+pd %o !~e ~,l!~](]~n~ e]~r~f?joq!, nh~binF qnd ~on~n~ ordinances
or th~, ~ity~ or or t,~, ~:tr~: .m~ raEulnt.fionn cC tn,. ~tate h, iml commission;
x. ' ~ :> ',-'~, ~n ~ ~.-,c nr c].ass ne cont. ract, Jn~ for w~ch
Sec ~ ion ~. Ch ~r~-o ~.~: -,.~min s t~ ]i cop s;-, e; nn~-~ cc' t. hearing;~
l~c ms~' 'smm~ >ursuant tc this ordinance r~nd other r~]ated ordinances of t.h~ city. ~uch
char{? ,~. ~!1 be ma.d~ in ~'ritin{[ and m,~orn to by th,:, comp].ai_nnnt and m~hmit~ed tn the
~r-n~Lnr nc,, {~, board w~.o sh~].! ';mmp,'~ia?,e]}' nc-f'~lf.~5 th~- chsjT~an oF t, he reoeio% tb,~reof
~ilty of the charges ~, r~,rr~d a ~i~ +
-, F .....s , b ~f. ntt-hem, th~ hoard may m]s~e~d or
r~,~+,. ,::t- ,o ,,-,¢,.~4~.-., . ~ tY'o '~*r.,: o¢ ¢~qi~'~'~ of t.b.- nr+~¢,:., or
i ~.~ ~.~'~s filed by Har~ ~"~l~a~ ~' dam~;~'o~ ~,~ .... ~,~,~n~ ~,f Ok~,~bobo~ ~o!n
. . ~. · ........ , ....... a .:. ....... ~.-~,,, b5~ Mike Catanzaro
- .... ,:,- .... !970 "
J~Y 7, 1970
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, ~orida met ~ ~lar session at the City
Hall on the above da~ at 7:~ P.M. ~th the follow~g present: President Gardner, Counci~en
Brel~d, H~t, Padgett and Walker, wi~ At~rney Cur~n, Clerk Spi~y ~d Deputy Clerk Bereft.
Minu~s of ~e meeting June 9 & 23, 1970 we~ ~ad and ap~oved as ~ad.
The foll~ing bills in the amount of $ 12~037.50 ,$ 5,709.09 &$ 5.512.90
were approved ~d o~ered ~id when funds are~ailable.
Okeechobee County Bank(I & S ~f.) $ 12,037.50
Okeechobee County Bank 975.00
Blue Cross of Florida, Inc. 26.60
Policeman Unifo~ Alliance 125.00
Bond ~funds 100.~
Cla~on~ite 160.OO
B~athalymer Tests 15.00
Petty Cash 2.15
Olen Godw~ 312.~
Audley D~ 50.~
~orida Power and Light Com~ny 1,057.79
Domer's Machine Shop 13.10
Okeechobee Ha~wa~ & Fu~itu~ Com~ny 17.24
~de's 66 Se~ice S~tion 24.~
~1 Enco S~tion 27.25
Okeechobee Shell Se~ice 170.86
Attaway L~ber Com~ny 25.95
Motorola Co~unicatio~ & Electronics, I~. 109.89
Be~ie's Auto Supply, Inc. 57.84
Wherrell Au~ Pa~s 19.03
Park D~g 1.51
Syble's ~owers & G~ts 8.13
East Coast Fire ~uipment 600.00
Gilbert C~breth 71.03
Atl~tic ~ui~ent & Supply Co., Inc. 2.~
The Selig C~mical Industries 250.93
Hale Fire ~p Co. 22.20
The Okeechobee News 139.70
Willi~ ELectric 34.OO
Utility Supply Com~ny 29.91
J. E~ard Cur~n 4~.O0
Hunt B~thers Grocerty Co. 39.75
Tu~er Machine and Supply Co. 9.00
Okeechobee A~y Su~lus Sto~ 11.90
Doc's Texaco 69.59
Worth Paint Store 2.58