1970-04-14 Regular AdjournedIZlO AFril lb, ].970 The C~ty Coun¢41 of tho C~+.:.~ cf Okeechobee, Florid2, met in regular ~djourned session at th~ c~tM Hal! on the ~b~'e ~ate at 9:30 P. M. w~th the followin~ ~resent: President Gardner, Councilman Padgett and Walker w~th Clerk Spi~e¥, Building Official ~hite and Wa~ar Supt. Fortner. Councilman Padgett moved to re~)eal Ordinance No. 328, entitled "An Ordinance regulating the movement anO relocation of houses an~ buildings withfin the City of Okeeehobee", presant~ng the following Ord5 ~anr.~ and :,~oved ~ ts ,0.dcpt~ cn and npo~ being secr~.~.~.4 by Connc~Iman Walker was out to a vote and adomted: ORDINANCE NO. 337 i~! OR. DINA~,~CE TO P. EPEAL ORDINANCE NO. ~98, ENTITI,F.~ "AN ORDINANCE REGUL^TING THE MO~MFNT ~P RELOCATION OF HOUSES A~D BIIIIDT~GS k~THZN THE CITY OF ('FEEC}{OBEE" P~ It C~rdained By The Mayor qnd City Ccunci2 of the City of Okeechobee, Florida: Sectien ].. Th,t Ordinance No. 3?~ e~%~%~e~-Me,-~3g, ontitled "An Ordinance regulating the movement and relocation of houses ~nd buildings withi~ the Ci~,y of Okeecbcbee", b~~, and the same 5s horoby, reD~a]ed. Section 2. That this Ordinance shal] t~ke ere~e~ nno~ its passage a~ ap¢~eval by the MaMor. ¢,~SSED AND ADOPTED t~is ]hth day of April, ]970. Claude Gard~ r P~ESID~T, CITY C~rg~CIL Lore~a S% ~, ~ CITY CLERK ~PPR(%~D by me thSs Audl e~r Dunh~ Cnnnci~man PadFett moved, seceded by Cnunei]m:~n Wa3k~r and carri~ Gilbert O~]breih to move afriee Block ~16, F4rst ~ddJtion to City of 0ke~ck, o~e. ~[~on mot5o~ thc Cc~nci. l ' CITY C!.FR~~ May g, ] 970 ~Phe Ci.ty ;~ ' cunc~ n tho ahoy= ~t,te ~i 7:00 P. ~. with the fo].l~ing present: President Gardner, Counci~ Bre].~md, Padgett and "/alkqr with Minu6~s o~ tho mee6in~ held Ap~'Sl ? and lb, 1970, were .read a~ approved as read. The f~lowin~ ¢-ills in the amm:.nt orderod oaid when eu~S *re ?vailab!e: