1978-05-23 Regular2280 Acting Clerk Christian to try and locate this information. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the Meeting adjourn~ at 8:90 P.M. Russ~i~ ~.' Domer President City Council City of 0keechobee ATTEST: ~lvia Christian ~ Acting City Clerk City of 0keechobee SECOND REGULAR MEETING ~UESDAY~ MAY 2~ 1978 The City Council of ~he City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in Regular Session in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 23, 1978. President Russell V. Domer presiding. , ---' Councilmen Lavon Bass and Edward W. Douglas were present. Council- men Jim Knight and Lytle Raulerson were absent. Others present were: L. C. Fortner, Director of Public Works; Larry Mobley, Chief of Police; David Conlon, City Attorney; E. H. Reutebuch, Acting Fire Chief; Don Shepherd, Engineer; Sylvia Christian, Acting City Clerk a~d Shirley Williams, Deput~ Clerk. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Edward W. Douglas. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was:moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried thattthe minutes of May 9th, 1978; May 16th, 1978 and May 18th, 1978 be approved as recorded. REQUEST 19TH STREET OPENED Mr. Joe Flannagan reappeared before the Council for further discussion on the opening of 19th Street between 2nd and 5rd Avenue. Director Fortner informed that he had received a price of $240 dollars to remove several trees. Chief Mobley informed that Mr. Godwin would remove the jeeps. --~ Mr. Clifton Godwin informed that he did not want the Street opened. Following a lengthy discussion Councilman Bass and Councilman Douglas to investigate the situation, more discussion at the next meeting. 2281 i PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - WATERWORKS IMPROVEMENTS RESERVOIR ADDITION It being the hour of seven-thirty P.M. and pursuant to a notice published April 20th and 27th, 1978, sealed bids were received, opened and read for furnishing of all plant, labor, materials a~d equipment and constructing a 0.5 million gallon poured in place concrete finished water reservoir addition to the municipal water works. Project also provide~ for an alternate 1.0 million gallon reservoir of the same type construction. Bids were as follows: COMPANY BIDDING 0.5 million .gallon 1.0 million gallon finished clearwell finished clearwell Zep Construction $ 22.4~000.00 $ 334~000.00 Layne-Atlantic Co. $ 190tO00.O0 $ 262~000.00 LaGr~w Irrigation $ 182~900.00 $ 255.:950.00 W.E.D. Contractors $ 288~800.00 $ 276t800.00 JoeBear~ Inc. $ 216~666.00 $ 267,771.00 Each Company gave a Bid Bond of 5~ of the tetal Bid Amount. Each Company gave a $7,000 dollar Contingency. COMPANY DAYS TO DAYS TO START COMPLETE Zep Construction 15 200 Layne-Atlantic Co. 14 200 LaGrow Irrigation l0 200 W.E.D. Contractors 30 300 JoeBear~ Inc. 10 180 Don Shepherd, Engineer, informed that LaGrow Irrigation was the lowest bidder. He stated that he would review all bids and notify each bidder by letter and report his recommendations to the Council at the meeting on June l~th, 1978. POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police, Larry Mobley, submitted the following items for discussion or approval: 1. CERTIFICATION RAISE - POLICE Chief Mobley presented a Certification Raise of $450 dollars for Partolmen Kelley Ammons and Dalton Chandler bringing there total yearly salary to $9,650 dollars. Councilman Bass moved to give Ammons and Chandler there Certification Raise in the amount of $450 dollars, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. 2. EMPLOYEE EVALUATION - POLICE Chief Mobley presented an employee evaluation on Patrolman Eugene 2252 F. O'Neill and recommended he be made a permanent employee with a s~lary increase of $400 dollars bringing his total s~lary to $10,050 per year. Councilman Bass moved to make Patrolman O'Neill a permanent employee --~ with a salary increase in the amount of $400 dollars, seconded by Council- man Douglas and vote carried. 3. TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION - POLICE Chief Mobley recommended that Rehmund Farrenkopf be put on the road ~ as a patrolman with salary increase to $9,200 per year. His temporary employment authorimation has been received from Police Standards. He has to go through 400 hours of day school to be Certified in the State of Florida, after 180 days temporary employment. Conncilman Bass moved to give Farrenkopf a pay increase to $9,200 dollars per year and become a temporayy patrolman, seconded by Council- man Douglas and vote carried. 4. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION - POLICE Chief Mobley submitted an employment application from Brawlie William Gaskins, Jr. for dispatcher with starting salary of $7,850 per year on six months probation. Councilman Bass moved to employ Gaskins en six months probation as dispatcher starting salary at $7,850, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. DEAD END STREET S~GNS President Domer brought to the Councils attention that dead end street digns needed to be erected at the end of North East 5th Street and 6th Street on 7th Avenue. Councilman Bass moved to authorize Director Fortner to erect dead end street signs, seoonded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting Recessed at 8:00 P.M. Russell V. Domer President City Council City of Okeechobee ATTEST .. S~/~ia Christian Acting City Clerk City of 0keechobee