1978-03-14 Regular2240 .Mr. Arn-old questioned if there was any reason why the property could not be zoned Commercial. Mr. Domer stated that ~y zoning could be cha~ed. (7) Frank Fitzpatrick. Mr. Fitzpatrick discussed Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 137. 'The new zoning would m~e the property RG-2o The former zoning is some form of Residential. Mr, Fitzpatrick stated he would like to put some ty~of business on the property such as a law office. Dr. Bartley stated that in the RG District by special exceptions Number 4 on the present list professional and business offices are permitted. He stated that so far as this property is concerned were the new zoning map to be adopted that by Special Exception an Attorney's Office could be located in that particular zone. (8) Mr. Phil Berger mentioned some warehouses on property zoned RSFo Dr. Bart~ey stated that what the records show in the case of Lot 26, Block 3, located on north 13th street approximately 142½ feet west of Parrott Avenue that in the drawing of the line to their error a piece of property ~as broken. AD~0URNMENT There being no further business, the meeting Recessed for forty minutes and then adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Russel~ V. Domer President City Council City of Okeechobee' ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk City of 0keechobee FIRST REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY~ MARCH 14; 1978 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in --~ Regular Session in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 14, 1978. President Russell V. Domer presiding. Councilmen Edward W. DougAas, Lavon Bass, Lytle Raulerson and Jim Knight were presemt. ~ Others present were: Audley Dunham, Mayor; L. C. For~ner, Director of PUblic Works; David 0onlon, City Attorney; Phillip Purvis, Liemtenant Police Department; 01en Godwin, Fire Chief; Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk; and Shirley Williams, Deputy Clerk. 2241 Th~ ~n¥ocation was offered by Councilman Edward W. Douglas. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Zt was moved by Councilman Dou~las~ seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried that the Minu~es of February 21~ 28, and March 2, 1978 be approved as recorded. PUBLIC HEARING .... ZONING 0RDZNANCE - ABNEY - F~NAL HEARING ~ President Domer presented the final reading on rezoning of property ~! described as all of Blocks 4, 1~, 12, 29, 21, 22, 11 and 20, City of ~ 0keechobeeo Blocks 11 and 22 and Lots 12 and 13 Block 20 are presently zoned Industrial. From Residentia~ (R-l) and Industrial to Residential (a-3). President Domer asked if there were any objections to the requested rezoning. No objections were heard or filed. Councilman Douglas mowed to rezone the above described property as requested and to amend Ordinance No. 271, seconded by Councilman Knight and vote carried. PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - 2100 FEET OF 8 INCH PVC PIPE AND 4~00 FEET OF 8 INCH PVC PIPE It being the hour of 7:00 P.M. and pursuant to a notice of public hearing sealed bids were received opened and read for the purchase of 2100 feet of 8" PVC pipe to start at north west 9th avenue and north west 9th street and extend nerth along north west 9th street and stop at the City Limit Line OR 4900 feet of 8" PVC pipe to start at North West 9th avenue and north west 9th street and extend north along north west 9th street to north west 21st street and connect to existing 8" water main at New Junior High School. Bids were as follows: COMPANY BIDDING 2.1'00 FEET 4~oq FEET Boynton Pump & Supply Company $5,477.85 $12,781.65 Riverview Utilities Supply Co. $5,250.00 $12,00~.00 Davis Meter & Supply Company $5,460.00 $11,686.50 B & H Sa~es, Inc. $5,O19.OO $11,613.OO Can-Tex Industries $5,297.04 $12,359.76 Southeastern Municipal Supply 6ompany $5,292.00 $11,Tll. O0 ~ . Sav-On Utility Supply Company $6,~00.00 ~ . $1~,475.00 Director Fortner inspected the bids and made the recommendation that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder which was B & H Sales, Inc. He stated that it wou~d be an advantage to the SchoOl and the City to go ahead and purchase the full distance of 4900 feet. 2242 Following discussion Councilman Raulerson moved to purchase the full 4900 feet of 8" PVC Pipe from the lowest bidder, B & H Sales, Inc., in the amount of $11,613.00, seconded by Cottncilman Bass and vote carried. SEWER LINE - NEW ROYAL'S SHOPPING CENTER Mr. Ken Day from Royal's appeared with discussion of a Sewer Line from the New Royal's Shopping Center. He informed the Council that his Company was willing to pay the entire cost and sign the Sewer Line over to the City. He stated that the capacity had been discussed with the City Engineer. President Domer stated that the Council had recently received a few prelimina_~y request for service in a few areas in the City. He informed Mr. Day that the City is primiarly interested in servicing wi~h~$he City Limits. The City would not be much interested in extending sewer service outside the City Limits just for the average home owners use. Mr. Domer stated that the City will be in touch with their Engineer and do some Workshops on it and it will be given consideration. PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - BARSTEEL CHAIN AND ACCESSORIES SEWER PLANT It being the hour of 7:30 P.Mo and pursuant to a notice of public hearing, sealed bids were received, opened:and read for the purchase of 180 feet of straight side Barsteel Chain, Sprockets, ~ttachments and Bearings. Bids were as follows: COMPANY BIDDING 18'0 'ft~lStraight ,~ Side Barsteel 12 Sprockets Atta~mon~e ~ 6 8 ,., Chain Sprmckets BearSng~ $19.23 Torque Quip CorpCt$8.90 per foot $55.30 each $~'2~. each $~50~ eack eack NO Harry P. Leu~ inc.$9.05 per foot $53.00 each $3o6~ each $5~0~ each .BI.D $17.o'o Cameron & Barkley $7.85 per foot $39.00 each $5.30 each .$$g,~ each each , · $2~.00 Miller Bearings $1 311.00totaI $50 O0 each $3o65.~ each $.~.~0~ each e.ach Total for all items from each Company is as follows: Torque 0uip Corp. $2,274.74 Cameron & Bar~ley Company $1,956.40 Miller Bearings $1,968.70 Director Fortner informed the Council that Cameron & Barkley had the lowest bid of $1,956.40. Following discussion Councilman D~mglas moved to award the contract to the lowest bidder which was Cameron & Barkley Company in the amount of $1,956.40, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. -- 2243 POLICE DEPARTMENT Lieutenant Phillip Purvis submitted the following items for dis- cussion ~r approval: 1. MONTHLY REPORT Lieutenant Purvis submitted the Police Department Activity Report for the month of February, 1978. 2. RESIGNATION - POLICE Lieutenant Purvis submitted a letter of resignation from Patrolman Gary Cannon effective March 6, 1978. Councilman Bass moved to accept Cannon's resignation, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. WATER DEPARTMENT DROP BOX Lieutenant Purvis submitted a proposal from Chief of Police, Larry Mobley to have the Water Department Drop Box removed from the hallway. Hewsuggested that a slot ~be installed to have the Water Bills fall directly into the office. President Domer and Mayor Dunham to investigate. FIRE BEPARTMENT Fire Chief, 01eh Godwin submitted the following items for discussion or approval: 1. MONTHLY REPORT Fire Chief Godwin submitted the Fire Report for the month of February, 1978. 2. ALUMINIZED BUNKER GEAR Fire Chief Godwin requested authorization to purchase aluminized bunker gear for the paid firemen and the volunteers. The cost is as follows: Coats $122.50 Pants . 85.95 $208.45 Cost for Complete Suit President Domer questioned, if Anti-Recession Funds could be used to purchase this equipment. Attorney Conlon stated that he thought Anti-Recession Funds could be used. Following discussion Councilman Raulerson moved to purchase one complete set and one extra pair of pants for each paid firemanr,out of Anti-Recession Funds, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. CITY CLERK Deputy Clerk, Sylvia Christian, submitted the following items for discussion or approval: "2244 1. REZONING APPLICATION Deputy Clerk Christian submitted a rezoning application from Louis DeMicco, requesting the Council to advertise and rezone from Industrial to Commercial, Block 14, Lot 25, Original Town of Okeechobee. Followi~ discussion Councilman Knight moved to instruct the Deputy Clerk to proceed with notificaiion to the owner and to advertise the public hearing, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 2. REGULAR M~.~N~S - SET UP The Regular Meetings of the City Council are to be as follows: April llth and 25th, 1978 May 9th and 25rd, 1978 June 13th and 27th, 1978 201 FACILITIES PLAN Deputy Clerk Christian submitted a letter from Frederick Bell Con- sulting Engineers, Inc. The leeter was pertaining to the proposal discussed by Clyde M. Turner with the City Council. The proposal would include the following preliminary engineering investigations and services: A. Determine the feasibility of extending the existing wastewater collection system along Highway 70 East to the City Limits and Se~m~ along Highway ~1 to approximately 28th Street as soon as p~actical. B. Determine the number of new sewer connections that would be per- mitred by state and federal agencies on a interim basis within the pre- sent capacity of the existing treatment plant. C. Prepare a preliminary plan for the extension of lateral sewers to service new connections if determined to be feasible. D. Determine the source and amount of funds available to finance the interim construction program. E. Report the findings with recommendations to the City Council. Reimbursement for the above engineering investigations and services will be for actual out-of-pocket expenses in an amount not to exceed $500. In the event an engineering contract is consummated with the City for --~ an interim construction project, then no charge will be made to the City for the above services. President Domer stated that with the projects pending the sewer capacity would have to be expanded. Director Fortner suggested letting the Consultants continue with their investigation. Councilman Raulerson suggested the City have a survey done on our sewer system. Following a lengthy 4iecussion the Council agreed to contact Mr. Clyde Turner and ask him to attend the next Council Meeting for more dis- 2245 cussion with the Council. DER SPRING FACILITIES PLANNING SEMINAR It was moved by Councilman Dougla~ and seconded by Councilman Bass to authorize Director Fortner to attend a Workshop Meeting in Orlando on March DO, and 51, 1978. 5. GOOD FRIDAY HOLIDAY It was moved by Councilman Bass and seconded by Councilman Knight that all City Employees have Good Friday as a holiday this year. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Dunham brought to the Councils attention that the Chamber did not clean the park after the Speckled Perch Festival. He stated that City Employees had to clean the Park. Mayor Dunham to contact the Chamber before Labor Days] when the Chamber will be using this area again. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CITY CLERK President Domer brought to the ~ouncils attention that they needed to appoint an Acting City Clerk to serve the remaining part of Sandra Bennett's term until election in December 1978 when a new clerk will be elected. President Domer suggested making Deputy Clerk Sylvia Christian the Acting Clerk. Mayor Dun/lam questioned if this could be done legally? Attorney Conlon stated that he saw no reason why Deputy Clerk Christian could not fill the remaining term as Acting City Clerk. Following discussion Councilman Bass moved to appoint Sylvia Christian the Acting City Clerk to serve the unexpired term of Sandra Bennett~ seconded by Counci~nnan Raulerson and vo~e carried. President Domer stated that someone would have to be authorized as co-signer for Acting Clerk Christian. Acting Clerk Christian recommended Deputy Clerk Lola Parker. Following discussion Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Lola Par~er as co-signer for Acting C~erk Christian, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. PENSION FUND President Domer mentioned that an Attorney had to be retained for %he Pension Plan. He stated that he had talked with Mr. Thomas and was informed that the City would lose a large sum of money if an Attorney is not retained. Director Fortner stated that Mr. Thomas had at one time recommended an Attorney in West Palm Beach. Attorney Conlon stated he thought ge%ting an out of town Attorney would cost a great sum of money. He stated that he could not be the Attorney because of a conflict of interest. Following a lengthy discussion the Council requested Attorney Conlon 2246 to contact someone in Tallahassee for advice. LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMITTEE Upon m lotionn by Councilman Bass and a second by Councilman Douglas the following five persons were elected to serve on the Consolidation Study Commission: David Conlon Gil Culbreth Daniel Delagall James Enrico Sylvia Wolff WATER~ SEWER AND STREET DEPARTMENTS Director Fortner submitted the following items for discussion or approval: 1. MONTHLY REPORT Director Fortner submitted the Water, Sewer and Street Departments r~port for the month of February, 1978. 2. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Director Fortner submitted a letter from the Department of Transportation informing the Council that a public hearing on the fuction~l classification and designation of the roadway systems for 0keechobee CQunty will be held on Tuesday, April 4, 1978 at 1:30 P.M. in the County Court House. 3. WATER MAIN EXTENSION TO 0KEECHOBEE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING Director Fortner submitted a letter from the 0keechobee County School Board RE: Bid Tabulation, 0keechobee, F~orida, Water Main Extension to County School Board Multi-Purpose Building (Contract No. 77-1192). The letter informed the Co~eil that at a special meeting on February 28th~ the 0keechobee County School Board approved the low bidder for the above project. The Board did, however, vote to delete two of the four fire hydrants shown on the plans. The amounts of the bids were as follows: LaGrow Irrigation $21, 695.00 Clemons $20,992.00 minus two fire hydrants = $19,392.00 Following discussion Councilman Raulerson moved to award the contract · to C~emons Construction minus two fire hydrants only on the recommendation:~ of the County School Board and they are responsible, seoonded by Council- man Bass and wore carried. 4. ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Director Fortner stated that the Enviromental Protection Agency is doing survey's on the sewer lines. He requested authorization to have --' them survey 750 feet of the City's Sewer Line while they are h~ ~ a cost of $596.80. Upon ~he recommendation~of Director Fortner CounCilman Douglas moved to authoirze Director Portner to have this survey done at a cost of $596.80, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. 2247 5. MAC ASPHALT Director Fortner informed the Council that Mac AsPhalt Paving Company would be in 0keechobee for another 60 to 75 days. He questioned if the Council wanted to have the Parking Lot paved while they were in town? The Council requested Director Fortner to get estimates for next meeting, on sections of the area. DISBURSEMENTS Vouchers on the following funds were approved: Water & Sewer Operation & Maintenance Fund $ 29,215.37 Water & Sewer Revenue Fund $ 34,036.24 Public Works Fund $119,603.23 Water & Sewer System Revenue Fund $ 2,024.99 Anti-Recession Fund $ 5,406.71 General Fund $ 59,782.87 Cigarette Tax Fund 100,O00 O0 ADJOURNMENT ' There being no further business, the Council Recessed at 9:30 P.M. until Thursday, March 16, 1978 at 7:00 P~M. for the second public hearing on Comprehensive Planning Act - Zoning. Russel} V. Dom6r President City Council City of 0keechobee ATTEST: Syl~a Christian Acting City Clekk City of 0keechobee