1978-01-24 Regular 2213 ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk City of 0keechobee SECOND REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY~ JANUARY 24, 1978 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in Regular Session in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, on Tuesday, January 24, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. President Russell V. Domer presiding. Councilmen Jim Knight, Edward W. Douglas, Lavon Bass and Lytle Raulerson were present. Others present were: Audley Dunham, Mayor; Sandra Bennett, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney; L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works; 01eh Godwin, Fire Chief; Richard B. Spray, Building Official and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Jim Knight. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried that the minutes of October 25, 1977, November 5,8,10,22, 25,28, 1977 and December 1,8,1977 be approved as recorded. PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - SURPLUS E.QUIPMENT - COPIER It being the hour of seven o'clock and pursuant to a notice published .January 5th and 12th, 1978, the City Clerk reported that no bids had been received for the copier machine. Following discussion, the Council postponed action to re-bid at a later date. PUBLIC HEARING TABULATION _ INSURANCE It being the hour of seven o'clock and pursuant to a notice calling for bids advertised January 19, 1978 sealed bids were received opened and read for furnishing the City of 0keechobee the following: 1. Comprehensive Insurance including Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile, Inland Marine and Property. 2. Workmen's Compensation. 5. Blanket Position Bond. 4. Group Life Hospital Plan. '2214 Bids were received from: Leonard Berger Insurance Agency for: 1. $16,475.00 2. $18,393.00 3. $2,080.00 Rumfelt American Insurance, Inc. for: 1. $19,313.00 2. $33,918.00 3. included in number 1 Risk Management Services, Inc. for: 2. $38,122.00 President Domer read a letter submitted by David K. Krauser which explained Risk Management Services, Inc. Mr. Krauser was recognized and explained further that for some time, the Florida League of Cities has been looking into developing a Workmen's Compensation Self-Insurance Program for League Members. They now have developed an approved program and implemented it with Rish Management Services, Inc. as the service agent. Each members City's premium will be determined in the same manner as used by all insurance carriers; however, after the premium is determined, each City would pay only 85% of the premium. This amounts to a 15% advance discount. Plus, additional savings will be generated through the concentrated efforts of Loss Prevention Engineer who will institute proven safety and claims programs designed specifically for Cities. Any surplus funds may be redistributed to the participants as determined by the Board of Trustees, which is com- posed of City Officials. The Florida League of Cities, through its Executive Director, will serve as administrator of the Fund. Sealed Bids were also received opened and read for furnishing Health Insurance from Leonard Berger Insurance Agency and Rumfelt American Insurance, IRC. Following discussion, the Council upon voice vote agreed to instruct Attorney Conlon to study the Group Health Bids and report at the next meeting. Councilman Bass moved and Councilman Douglas seconded the motion that the Comprehensive Liability, Workmen's Compensation and Blanket Position Bond Bid be awarded to Leonard Berger Insurance Agency, Which passed un- animously of those present. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. SPECIFICATIONS ON 1978 POLICE VEHICLE Acting Chief of Police Mobley submitted specifications on one 1978 Ford LTD II or Chevrolet Malibu for the Police Department for the Councils approval. Bids to be opened February 14, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. It was moved by Councilman Bass, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried to approve the specifications to be advertised and to authorize the purchase of a car radio. 2. EMPLOYEES PROMOTION Acting Chief Mobley requested authorization to promote Dispatchers Kelly Ammons and Dalton Chamdler to Patrolmen II and send them to Patrolmen school February 15th. Councilman Bass moved to promote Ammons and Chandler to Patrolmen II 2215 and send them to school, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. 3. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Acting Chief Mobley stated that at the November 8th meeting, the Council authorized him to go to Starke and purchase several file cab- inets for the Police Department and the Clerk's Office. He requested authorization to also purchase two office desk and two office chairs. Councilman Knight moved to approve the purchase, seconded by Council- man Bass and vote carried. FIRE .DEPARTMENT 1. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Fire Chief Godwin submitted an employment application from Robert V. Mears for fireman. The Council discussed the need of additional firemen as the City is confined just to the City and the overtime the Fire Department has weekly. Chief Godwin stated that if the City Fire Department does not maintain its present number of firemen, the Fire Insurance might increase. Following further discussion, the Council postponed action until the next meeting~ for further study on scheduling the firemens work time. 2. EQUIPMENT Chief Godwin submitted prices on converting the two portable radios to use rechargeable batteries and battery chargers in the amount of $445.52 dollars from Dave's Communications. Following discussion, the Council postponed action and requested Chief Godwin to investigate if the chargers could be purchased through Federal Purchasing. 3. EQUIPMENT Chief Godwin requested authorization to purchase 600 feet of 3/4 inch booster hose at $831.72 and 500 feet of 2½ inch hose at $790.00. Councilman Raulerson moved to purchase 600 feet of 3/4 inch booster hose at $831.72 and 500 feet of 2½ inch hose at $790.00, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. 4. SUPPLIES Chief Godwin requested authorization to purchase tools and tool box in the amount of $700 dollars from Sears, Roebuck and Company. Action postponed and President Domer stated that he would get with Chief Godwin and decide what tools needed to be purchased. 5. AGILITY TEST Chief Godwin requested a policy established in the Fire Department whereby any employees employed by the City would have to pass an agility test regardless if the person is certified or not. The Council stated that since an agility test is required to be State Certified they did not see any reason why the City should have such a policy. :I [ [-' I T WATER~ SE~R AND STREET DEPARTMENTS 1. HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA Director Fortner submitted prices on the 8 inch Tap for the Raulerson Memorial Hospital in the amount of: One 8 inch Tee and Valve - $447.60 Two Valve boxes - 23.00 Rent on Tapping Machine - ..75..00 $545.60 Director Fortner stated that the Hospital was laying the line on their property and requested the City to tap the main and connect at the pro- perty line and the Hospital would refund the City for expenses and labor incurred. Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Attorney Conlon to draw up a contract for the cost of material plus labor on the 8 inch tap for the Raulerson Memorial Hospital to be executed by the contractor and to author- ize Director Fortner to proceed with the tap thereafter, seconded by Council- man Raulerson and vote carried. 2. WATER LINE - JUNIOR HIGH Director Fortner submitted prices on a water line along North West 9th Avenue to the new Junior High School for: 4,800 feet of 8 inch PVC pipe at $2.50 - $12,000.00 Six 8 inch by 6 inch cross at $86.00 - 516.00 Three 8 inch Gate Valves at $250.00 - 750.00 $13,266.00 Director Fortner stated that 4,400 feet of 8 inch pipe per truck load at $2.50 per feet less than truck load at $2.60 per feet, approximately 2,100 feet to City limit line on North West 9th Avenue. Council requested Director Fortner to draw up specifications to call for bids on furnishing the pipe. STATE OF FLORIDA - DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Director Fortner submitted an application from the State of Florida, Department of General Services which would allow the City to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Utilization Program. Councilman Knight moved to make application and designated Director Fortner to be authorized to represent the City in purchasing equipment for the City, seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. 4. SEWER SLUDGE TANK Director Fortner reported a problem with the digestor and drying bed which is not working at this time at the Sewer Treatment Plant. He stated that there was no way to dispose of the excess sludge. He submitted a price 2217 of $2,000 dollars on a 1,200 gallon fiberglass tank with an outlet in it which will fit on the back of a dump truck. The Sewer Department could then use the dump truck when the Street Department was not using the truck to load the tank and haul the sludge to where ever the City gets permission to dispose it. Councilman Douglas moved to authorize the purchase of the tank in the amount of $2,000 dollars, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 5- STORAGE Director Fortner submitted a proposal from Lawson Masonry & Construction Company, Inc. for constructing an addition to Fire Department Number 2, building for the amount of $5,455 dollars. No action taken. 6. PROPERTY Director Fortner informed the Council that Lowry Markham, owner of Lot l, Block K will sell the lot to the City for $5,000 dollars instead of $7,500 dollars he had previously offered. CITY CLERK 1. ANTI-RECESSION - CITY ORDINANCES CODIFICATION City Clerk Bennett submitted a letter from David J. Segal, Inter- governmental Relations, Office of Revenue Sharing in regards to the City of 0keechobee using Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance Funds for Codification of City Ordinances. Mr. Segal stated that Section 52.41 of the Interim Regulations prom- ulgated under the ARFA Act provides that a recipient government must use its funds for maintenance of basic services customarily provided. From the in- formation provided, it appears that the use of ARFA funds for the codification of City Ordinances by the City would be permissible. Such action would appear to be consistent with the administrative services the City has custom- arily provided. Councilman Raulerson moved to accept proposals from firms to codify City Ordinances, seconded by Councilman Knight and vote carried. 2. REZONING APPLICATION Clerk Bennett submitted an application for rezoning from Cody L. Jenkins, requesting the Council to rezone from Agriculture to Residential the following: Begin at a point 330 feet south of the north west corner of the south west ~ of south east ~ of section 22~ township 37 south, range 35 east and run thence south 132 to a point, thence run east 165 feet to a point, thence run north 132 feet to a point, thence run west 165 feet to a point. Containing ~ acre. Councilman Knight moved to instruct the Clerk to proceed with not- ification to the owner and to advertise the public hearing~ seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 2215 REZONING APPLICATION A rezoning application was submitted by Clerk Bennett from Mrs. E. M. Meserve requesting the Council to rezone from Residential (R-l) to Com- mercial, Lot 3, Block 1, South 0keechobee. Councilman Knight moved to instruct the Clerk to proceed with not- ification to the owner and to advertise the public hearing, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 4. LETTER TO AUDITOR GENERAL Clerk Bennett stated that Chapter 10.500 of RULES OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL-ANNUAL POST AUDIT REQUIREMENTS OF MUNICIPALITIES requires certain reports filed with the Auditor General. She submitted the following: A) 1976-1977 Audit Report for the City of Okeechobee prepared by McAlpin, Curtis & Associates, Certified Public Accountants. B) A copy of the Auditor's Comments dated November 4, 1977. C) A copy of the Chief Executive Officer's written statement of explanation to the City Council concerning the Auditor's Comments. 5. THE FLORIDA SENATE Clerk Bennett submitted a letter from Jim Glisson, State Senator, llth, informing the City of Senate Bill 231, prefiled for the 1978 Leg- islative Session. The bill woUld require the State Legislature to include a funding mechanism with any legislation which directs municipalities or counties to administer programs and services that would impose a burden upon their budgets. Otherwise, the local governments could reject im- plementation of any non-funded mandates. Senator Glisson stated in the letter if Senate Bill 231 is to survive the expected onslaught of op- position, it is important that each local government entity endorse this proposed law. 6. QUARTERLY REPORT - GENERAL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES The quarterly report on the General Revenue and Expenditures was sub- mitted. 7. QUARTERLY REPORT - WATER AND SEWER - REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES The quarterly report on the Water and Sewer Revenues and Expenditures was submitted. 8. ULTRACOM; INC. Clerk Bennett submitted the updated General Liability, Automobile and Workmen's Compensation certificate of insurance for UltraCom, Inc. STREET OPENING REQUEST President Domer reported a request from Mr. R.E. Hamrick to open south east 3rd street, that he would donate fill dirt and up to $200 dollars for expenses. President Domer stated that Mr. Hamrick had received approval from the County to use the bulldozer and some of the dump trucks to open the street. 2219 Following discussion, the Council agreed to notify Mr. Hamrick that the City could proceed with opening the street after Mr. Hamrick obtains the use of the bulldozer, dump trucks and loader. STREET LIGHT REQUEST Councilman Raulerson reported a request for a street light at 1910 south west 5th avenue. The Council approved and instructed the request to be placed on the list. ADJOURNMENT President Domer declared the meeting recessed at 11:00 P.M. until Thursday, January 26, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. for Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act - Zoning Meeting. Russell V. D~mer President City Council City of 0keechobee ATTEST: Sandra Bennett City Clerk City of 0keechobee RECESSED MEETING THURSDAY~ JANUARY 26~ 1978 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in a recessed meeting in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, January 26, 1978. President Russell V. Domer presiding. Councilmen Jim Knight, Lavon Bass and Lytle Raulerson were present. Councilman Edward W. Douglas was absent. Others present were: Sandra Bennett, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT - ZONING Dr. Ernest R. Bartley, A.I.P., appeared before the Council regarding scheduling Public Hearings on the New Zoning Ordinance. Attorney Conlon stated that the law requires two advertised public hearings on the proposed ordinance. Both hearings shall be held after 5 P.M. on a week day, and the first shall be held approximately seven days after the day that the first advertisement is published. The second hearing shall be held approximately two weeks after the first hearing, and shall be advertised approximately five days prior to the public hearing. The adver- tisement shall also contain a geographic location map which clearly indicates the area covered by the proposed Ordinance. The map shall include major street