1977-10-11 Regular,'2168
Dr. Ernest R. Bartley, A.I.P., appeared before the Council for further
discussion on the draft text of the new zoning Ordinance.
There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Russell V. Domer
President City Council
City of 0keechobee
Sandra Bennett
City Clerk
City of 0keechobee
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in regular
session in the Council ~hambers at the City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at
7:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 11, 1977.
President Russell V. Domer presiding.
Councilmen Edward W. Douglas, Lytle Raulerson and Jim Knight were present.
Councilman Lavon Bass ~as absent.
Others present were: Audley Dunham, Mayor; Sandra Bennett, City Clerk;
David Conlon, City Attorney; Larry Mobley, Chief of Police; L. C. Fortner,
Director of Public Works; 01en Godwin, Fire Chief; Richard B. Spray, Building
Official and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk.
The Invocation was offered by Councilman Edward W. Douglas.
It being the hour of seven o'clock and pursuant to a notice of public hearing
sealed bids were received opened and read from two (2) companies for the purchase
of two 1977 or 1978 ½fon pick-up trucks, with trade-in on one 1969 Dodge ½ ton
pick-up truck.
Gilbert Chevrolet Company - $9,956.00
0keechobee 'Motor Company - $9,832.00
Following discussion, Councilman Douglas moved to award bid to Okeechobee
Motor Company in the amount of $9,832.00, seconded by Councilman Raulerson,
motion carried.
Mr. Joseph W. Porten appeared before the Council submitting revised plans
on Taylor Estates Subdivision.
Mr. Porten informed the Council that he had met with Mr. Tom Conely, Attorney
for J. G. Kelley Estate, regarding the easement for Sewer Line required ~rom
Kelley's Trailer Park. He stated that Mr. Conely had said they w~re agreeable to
that aaad they were ready to go immediately.
President Domer stated that he had inspected the property and had talked with
several people concerning the possibility of flooding due to the area being so
iow. He concluded that the consensus was that with the locks at the lake, the
flooding can probably be controlled where it will be ~hlikely it will ~et high
enough where the little dike is necessary. He further stated that he believed
that the land can be used satisfactorily with City Sewer.
President Domer inquired of Mr. Porten, whether he had gotten permission to
open the ditch which is necessary to star~ the drainage project. Mr. Porten
replied that he had discussed this with the Flood Control District and they had
said that as it is draining now there wouldn't be any problem.
Responsibility of maintaining the ditch wRich was along the City Right of
Way was discussed. Mr. Porten stated that he would agree to maintain the ditch
President Domer informed Mr. Porten that before a final acceptance of his
subdivision, the pland would have to be compared with the Subdivision Ordinance
to see if they met with all requirements and that the City Departments would have
to investigate to see if the changes were approved.
President Domer stated that if everything is in order, formal action may be
taken at the next Regular Meeting on October 25, 1977.
Mr. Tave Waldron appeared before the Council requesting approval to transfer
his Garbage Franchise and City contract to Jay Huffman.
President Domer questioned Attorney Conlon if the new owner would have to
make a formal application to the Council. Attorney Conlon stated that the Council
would hawe to approve the transfer as required by City Ordinance and to make sure
the new owner understood that hQ would have to comply with all the requirements
and to answer to the Council for his services. He informed Mr. Waldron that the
contract would have to be approved by the Council ~nd recommended the new owner
appear before the Council.
Mr. Waldron discussed the sale contract with the Attorney. He stated ~hat he
was holding 51~ of the corporation until the final payment, and in the event the
regulations were not complied with, he could take o~m~othe business immediately.
Attorney Conlon requested to study the contract, that a transfer may not be re-
q uired at the present time until the sale is complete.
Follwwing further discussion, action was postponed and the Council requested
Mr. Waldron tD give Attorney Conlon a copy of the contract for study. The matter
to be discussed at the next meeting and requested Mr. Waldron to notify Mr. Huf-
fman to appear also.
Mr. E~mer Smith appeared before the Council requesting authorization to
have a mechanic and welding shop for at least one year in his garage at his
residence at 316 South West 2nd Avenue which is zoned Residential.
President Domer stated that the surrounding area is zoned Commercial but
present Ordinance states that a person can not live in a Commercial area which
Mr. Smith is plannisg to do.
Attorney Conlon stated that the property could be zoned Commercial and
carry on in the activity that is lower grade in Commercial in ~hat area, the
house can still stay and the person can still live there. After the building
has been torn down, a house can not be built to replace the former use but a
Commercial building would have to be build.
Councilman Raulerson questioned issuing Mr. Smith a temporary variance for
one year.
Building Official Spray informed ~he Council that as long as Mr. Smith lives
on the property a special variance would have to be issued for it has been the
Cities rules and regulations not to allow an individual to build on the ground
floor of a Commercial zoned area.
Follwwing further discussion, Councilman Dom~las moved to issue a variance
on 316 South West 2nd Avenue, to be used as a repair shop and a garage for a
period of one year, seconded by Councilman Knight and carried.
Mr. P.P. Evans appeared before the Council in regards to a deliquent bill
left by a tenant re, ting one of his houses. He explained that he had been in-
fommed the owner was responsible for any water debts left. He requested some
consideration on the bill because he wasn't notified about it.
Attorney Conlon stated that there was a City Ordinance adopted 1958, copied
into the 1962 code which provides that the owner o~ real property serv~dd, with
water is responsible for the bill in the event the tenant leaves. He also read
City Ordinance which provides that if water bill is not paid within a certian
len~th[~of time, the service will be disconnected and shall not be turned back on
until all past due charges have been paid together with re-connection cha~ge~
Following a lengthy discussion, Councilman Knight commented that we have
to go along with the 0rdinanee. Councilman Douglas stated that it wasn't the
first time the Council had been confronted with this and it cost the City money
to produce water, the Ordinance was set. Councilman Raulerson stated that if
one consideration was given then all would have to be considered, and if the
Ordinance reads this way, th~n it will have to be complied with.
President Domer informed Mr. Evans that it would be a violation' against City
Ordinance to give away any water service. He stated that the Council agreed to
go by the Ordinance.
- 11' [ l .... I- '"']
Attorney Conlon questioned what the Council wanted in a new dog ordinance.
The following were items to be required:
1. Vaccination
2. License
4 Procedures on a vicious dog
5. Dogs running loose
6. Animal control offieer
Following discussion, the CQuncil requested Attorney Conlon to draw up a
rough draft and submit it to the Council for study.
Atto~ey Conlon discussed the time element on advertising for bids for the 500
thousand gallon clearwell He stated that he was of the opinion, that the intent
of the agreement was to be six months from the date of the agreement which was
August ll, 1977. He pointed out that in the agreement it states that is is under-
stood by the parties that the effective date of the agreement is the completion
e~f the plant which was put in to mean that the ten year guamantee would start from
that date. He stated that the Agreement was using two dates, one for when the
guarantee started but one whcn the bids were to be advertised. The Council agreed
that the City had six months from the date of the agreement with Whieh to prepare
plan and specifications for the new clearwell and ready for bidding.
Director Fortner then questioned when the new billing process would start.
Attorney Conlon stated that the term of the agreement hhall be for a period
of ten years as mentioned herein and said term shall commence w~eh the improve-
ments as contemplated herein have been completed and so certified by the City
Engineer of the City of 0keechobee. He stated that when the improvements have
been completed, the ten years start, it doesn't pay when the new billing starts,
but they will say it starts then.
Following further discussion regarding completion date of the improvements to
the water plant, Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Don Shepherd, Engineer, to
draw up specifications for two alternate bid prices, one for a 500 thousand gallon
clearwell and one for one million gallon clearwell, seconded by Conncilman
Raulerson. The motion carried.
Police C~ief, Larry Mobley, submitted the following items for approval or
Police Chief Mobley submitted the Police Department activity report for the
month of September, 1977.
Police Chief Mobley submitted specifications for approval to be advertised for
bids on one new 1978 patrol car needed in the Poliee Department as budgeted in
77-78 budget.
Councilman Raulerson moved to authorize Chief Mobley to advertise for bids '--~
for a new car, seconded by Councilman Douglas motion carried. '
Chief Mobley requested authorization to purchase an emergency double light
to place on new car and apeaker in the amount of approximately $200 dollars. _.
Following disucssion, Co~Lucilman Knight moved to authorize Chief Mobley to
purchase equipment in the amount of $200 dollars, seconded by Councilman Douglas
motion carried.
Police Chief Mobley, presented an employment application from Dalton Chandler
as Dispatcher, starting salary at $7,850 on six months probation.
Councilman Douglas moved to employ Chamdler, seconded by Conncilman Knight
motion carried.
Chief Mobley requested authorization to purchase l0 extra vest covers at
$15 dollars each for a total of $150 dollars.
Councilman Knight moved to purchase l0 extra vest covers at $15 dollars
each for a total of $150 dollars, seconded by Councilman Raulersmn motion carried.
Fire Chief, 01on Godwin, presented the following items for discussion or
Fire Chief Godwin presented the Fire Report ~or the month or.September, 1977.
Chief Godwin reported the fire pumper in need of reapir on the fire truck.
The repair would cost approximately $1,500 dollars.
Councilman Raulerson moved to authorize repDir up to $1,500 dollars, seconded
by Councilman Douglas motion carried.
Building Official, Richard B. Spray, presented the Quarterly Report for the ~
Building Department.
Director Fortner submitted the following items for discussion or approval:
Director Fortner submitted the Water, Sewer and Street Departments report :
for the month of September, 1977.
Director Fortner submitted a letter from the Department of Transportation in-
forming the City that a Pre-design Utility conference will be held on October 21,
at 10:30 A.M. at the City Hall Council Room on discussion of the design of read-
way plan on State Road 70 from North East 5th Avenue to Hamrick Street.
All Councilmen that can are to be present.
Director Fortner presented a draft copy of a booklet concerning the
Kissimmee River Restoration Program for comments or criticism. Comments to be
submitted by October 17, 1977 in Tallahassee~'~
Director Fortner presented an employment application on Joe Brown, Jr., for
employment in the Street Department.
Councilman Knight moved to employ Brown at $7,500 per year, seconded by
Councilman Raulerson motion carried.
Director Fortner reported on the availability of CETA employees, and sub-
mitted application for 8m~ployees for the Councils approval. He stated ~hat
a meeting was scheduled to be held in Bartow, and that the application applying
for CETA employees had to be returned by F~iday, October 14, 1977.
Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Director Fortner and Fire Chief
Assistant Keith Tomey to attend meeting in Bartow, seconded by Cou~ucilman Rauler-
son motion carried.
Councilman Raulerson moved to authorize President Domer and ~ayor Dunham
to execute application for documents for CETA employees, seconded by Councilman
Knight motion carried.
Councilman Douglas moved to authorize Director Fortne~ and Keith Tomey be
alternate signers on the documents if necessary, seconded by Conncilman Raulerson
Clerk Bennett submitted a letter from ~ohn Wilson, District Traffic 0peration~
Engineer for the Florida Department of T~ansportation which stated that they had
scheduled a study of State Road 70 within the City of 0keechobee as requested by
the City Council. This study will be made ~rih~ the next two weeks and The
Council will be advised of thef'findings and recommendations at the earliest pos-
sidle date.
Clerk Bennett Submitted a letter from Ade~e D. Spielberger, Director of
the State of Florida, Department of Administration, Division of State ~lanning,
Governor's Highway Safety Commission, in response to the Council's request for
information relating to the availability of Section 402 Highway Safety Funds for
local highway safety programs during fiscal year 1978, and encloeed program ~..:
material and application.
Councilman Raulerson questioned if the 0keechobee County Fire Department had
given the City a formal notice of wh~t they intend to do.
Clerk Bennett reported that County Clerk, Clif Betts had called requesting
the Fire Budget for 77-78.
President Domer recommended at the end of October, to send a copy of
October's Fire Report. To divide the Fire Budget by twelve monthly increments
and to bill them the percentage that was used by the County by the monthly cost.
Councilman Douglas s~ated that just normal business procedures he thought
the City should have some formal notice or an agreement from the County.
Attorney Conlon stated that the City chould a~k them if they are going to
put it in writing. He questioned what would the County do if we billed them
for an amount and they didn't send it.
Following further discussion the Council agreed by voice vote: Douglas, yes:
Knight, yes: Raulerson, yes: and President Domer, yes: to give them one more
month of fire service and to contact them by letter informing them that the City
intends to bill them at the end of October based on the above described formula.
Also, that before the end of October, the City needs to have a decision from the
County Commissioners offiee on what they intend to do. Attorney Conlon was re-
quested to draft said letter for Council's approval.
Councilman Knight move~ to appoint Attorney David Conlon for City Attorney
another year, from October l, 1977 to September 30, 1978, seconded by Councilman
Douglas the motion carried.
Vouchers on the following funds were approved:
General Fund $36,258.64
Water & Sewer Operation & Maintenance 21,093.45
Water & Sewer Revenue Fund 76,572.42
Water & Sewer System Revenue Fund 1,943.44
Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund 42,617.73
There be~i~ no further business the Council recessed at 10:00 P.M. until --~
October 20, 1977 at 6:30 P.M. for Workshop Meeting on New Zoning Ordinance.
President City Council
City of 0keechobee
City Clerk
City of Okeechobee