402 Lee Anita Sherman (Denied)I)r1 �E *May �J Z1, 1979 R yQUEST 1' . 1 - `fS PLANNING B01RD X BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS FEE PAIn 'oak) • 0 • NO'rlCE SENT ADVERTISEMENT SEMENT HEARING DATE 7 -3 - 7� CLOSING DATE b €.Nt to LimNf em4o C L L r o/9, /7 c UNIFORM LAND USE APPLICATION GENERAL NAT RE OF REQUEST: A. X 1 zone of Lind B. Zoning Ordinance Change C. Variance E. Special Exception, Appeal of decision of Zoning Administrator F. Other NOTICE: PA MENT OF FEE MI[S 1' AC'C'OMPANY THIS APPLI( Ai`IUN .kLONG WI'i11 I'R001F OF 0 RSHI.P. (land deed, tax receipt, etc.) 1. Full name of owner of propert, Lee Anita Sherman, Trustee and Lowry Name of applicant Ref Markham, Trustee if other than owner Haynes E. Williams ationship to owner: X agent; attorney. 3. Mailing address for notification 208 North Parrott Ave., Okeechobee 4. Telephonle Number 763 -3148 5. Legal description of property involved (as found in official records): Att ch additional sheets if necessary. Northwes Addition, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 19 6. Street address and n Ne location of property: Narh 6tk stPeet A. REZONE O LAND 1. Proposed change lon:ing Classification from RSF to RG2 Are there improvement; on the property at this time? 3. Iiow s the property being used at this time? no vacant 4. Would any present use of the property be considered a violation of Zoning Ordinance 402, or any other Ordinance of code of the City of Okee- chobee? no If yes, please state nature of the violation: 5. 1)o you wish to appear and make a presentation before the Planning Board and the City Council at the necessary public hearings? r S ■ `D. VARIANCE 1. Nattpre of variance sought; : Be specific as to size, height, area, dimensions, etc. 2. Wha't special exceptions or conditions exist which are particular to the land, structures, or building which are not applicable to other lands in the area? 3. Did the special condition or circumstance result from your action? 4. What is the minimum variance that would. be necessary for a reasonable use of the land, building or structure? 5. Pleaise state any other reasons why you fe.ei this variance should be granted? I hereby certify that the above answers and information on this application are true and correct. Sign E. SPECIAL IEXCEP'f ION 1. Please state nature of special exception desired? 2. Plealse state the Zoning Ordinance Section under which the special exception is sought:' I hereb are true and v certify that the above answers and information on this application correct. Sign „ MATE May 21, 1979 REQUEST # rl S PLANNING BOARD X BOARD OF' ADJUSTMENT 6 APPEALS FEE PATI) %00.00 UNI1 NOTICE ;ENT ADVERTISEMENT J HEARING DATE -- 3- rl CLOSJNC; DATE; bEtJ1 c,,i„ )RM LAND USE APPLICATION GENETyAI, NATT!,RE OF REQUEST: A. X ezone of Land 13. Zoning Ordinance Change C, A ppeal of decision of Zoning Administrator D. Variance E. Special Exceptior F. Other NOTICE: PA ,MENT OF FEL M1 S "1 ACCOMPANY IIMIS APPLICATION AhONG Wl1'iI PROOF OF O ?RSHIP. (land deed, tax receipt et n,) 1. Full nan e of owner of property Bosh Incorporated 2. Name of applicant if other than owner Haynes E. Williams Relationship to owner: X agent; attorney. 3. Mailing address for notification 208 N. Parrott Ave., Okeechobee 4. Telephone Number 763 -3148 5. Legal de Att S S �. Street a scription of property involved (as found in official recur )c1r additional sheets if necessary, uth Okeechobee, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 21; and uth Okeechobee, Lots 7 to 10 inclusive, Block 21 .dress and or descriptive location. of property: South 13ih St.s 8 lots between W. 2nd Ave. and W. 3rd Ave. A. REZONE O''` LAND 1. Prop sed change Zoning Classification :t'.r•om RG2 Are there improvements on the property at this time? no 3. How s the property being used at this time:' vacant 4. Woult$ any present use of the property be considered a a violation of Zoning Ordinance 402, or anv other Ordinance of code of the ('itv of Okee- chobee? no If ves, please state nature of the violation: 5. Do ytpu wish to appear and make a presentation before the Planning Board and the City Council at the necessary public hearings ?t�5 D, VARIANCE 1. NatlAre of variance sought: Be specific as to size, height, area, dimensions, etc. 2. Wham, special exceptions or conditions exist which are particular to the land, structures, or building which are not applicable to other lands in the area.? 3. Did the special condition or circumstance result from your action? 4. What is the minimum variance that would be necessary for a reasonable use of the land, building or structure? 5. Please state any other reasons why you feel this variance should be granted I hereby certify that the above answers and information on this application are true and correct. E. SPECIAL EXCEPTION Sign 1. Please state nature of special exception desired? 2. Please state the Zoning ordinance Section under which the special exception is sought? [ hereby certify that the above answers and information on this application are true ancE correct. Sign NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CITY ZONING ORDINANCE #402 NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, a municipal corporation, will consider re- zonii',ig from Residential, Single Family to Residential, General Multi- Family and to amend accordingly the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance #402 clarified adopted August 8, 1978, the following described real property, situate, lying and being within the corporate limits of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to -wit: Northwest Addition, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 19 and that a public hearing in relation thereto will be held at 7:00 P.M., on the 9th day of October, 1979, in the City Council Room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at which time all parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY. ATTEST: Bonnie S. Thomas City Clerk City'of Okeechobee /./ -GrJ s� /l9 L iCr Edward W. Douglas President City Cot'incil City of Okeechobee PUBLISH IN THE OKEECHOBEE NEWS: September 6th. Posted on property September 6th, 1979, by Building Official, Richard B. Spray. Additional information may be obtained by calling 763 -3372. ichard B. pray Building Official N0TICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CITY ZONING ORDINANCE #402 NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Board of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, a municipal corporation, will consider rezoning from Residential, Single Family to Residential, General Multi - Family and to amend accordingly the Compre- hensive Zoning Ordinance #402 clarified adopted August 8, 1978, the following described real property, situate, lying and being within the corporate limits of the City of Okeechobee, Florida to -wit: South Okeechobee, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 21; and South Okeechobee, Lots 7 to 10 inclusive, Block 21. and that a public hearing in relation thereto will be held at 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd day of July, 1979, in the City Council Room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at which time all parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY. :onnie S. Th mas Planning Board Secretary City of Okeechobee PUBLISH INf THE OKEECHOBEE NEWS: June 14, 1979. Posted on property June 14, 1979, by Building Official, Richard B. Spray. Ad- ditional information may be obtained by calling 763-3372. ,ff' ! �c•` '/r ' ' - j -- -1 ✓s. -> Ri6hard B. spray 4,/ Building Official �:/ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CITY ZONING ORDINANCE #402 NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Board of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, a municipal corporation, will consider rezoning from Residential, Single Family to Residential, General Mulit- Family and to amend accordingly the Compre- hensi,ve Zoning Ordinance #402 clarified adopted August 8, 1978, the following described real property, situate, lying and being within the corporate limits of the City of Okeechobee, Florida to -wit: Northwest Addition, Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 19 and that a public hearing in relation thereto will be held at 7 :00 P.M. on the 3rd day of July, 1979, in the City Council Room, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at which time all parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELVES ACCORDINGLY. Bonnie S. Thomas Planning Board Secretary City of Okeechobee PUBLISH IN THE OKEECHOBEE NEWS: June 14, 1979. Posted on property June 14, 1979, by Building Official, Richard B. Spray, Ad- ditional information may be obtained by calling 763 -3372. Ri• B. Spray Building Official ASSESSED V 33l. • i+ si =x: t.s#T tR)`THIS TAX NOTICE BECOMES A RECEIPT WHEN VALIDATED BY TAX COLLECTOR PT t1F .TA Xc. DUt 6(1-01 J--O aAFT. R APPa L 15 P... Y. 76ai 7 ATt4 * REAL ESTATE * *RATE* TAX ..,,�. wOUNTY 2b..' 7.0270 UKEFCH35 FL 33472 SCHE .)L . 7.1003 •i -,TYC T 2 i..4' 0.3970 L I s 7.9 y , Li20,,y MAKE: A JD k SS CHANQE S TOTAL 71.9 OW 1f T d <Pl01T ON LOTS 1 Lt3CK ;HERMAN LEE ANITA TR MARKHAM L WERY TR 2.;17 SE 4TH ST JKEECHCBEE L 5 f 7 7 6 (PLEASE TURN OVER) THIS TAX NOTICE BECOMES A RECEIPT WHEN VALIDATED BY TAX COLLECTOR 334 4.1 LN 07 CP 2 xXC OUt 0 A A RLL'i { PAY OVAL E * tP TY TY TOTAL AKL Hr.t,K AThLEON TAX COLL OKEECH OEE Y UP Uft, L.rturj ,t 3 342 Bu i I APT 90C 5 1 r'1 L UTH KE: r INC CR 0164;109 LO; (PLEASE TURN OVEI�Q THIS TAX NOTICE BECOMES A RECEIPT WHEN VALtDATEO BY TAX COLLECTOR P s LAKE CR 8LP CK '0 City' of Okeechobee 55 S.E. THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA 33472 -23-79 DATE 23-79 63-893 670 No. 1548 COMMERCIAL BANK OF OKEECHOBEE OKIEECHORE6, 1.1.01410A AMOUNT 1200. 00 CHAIRMAN Or PINANCE. COMMITTEE ( CITY CLERK ,,RESIOENT OV CITY COUNE1.1. ACCOUNT NO. NET INVOICE AMOUNT 1 VOUCHER TOTAL MEMO 200.00 5200.00 Couvreheneive ?Lai & nofund two Variances Not Procosseed CITY OF OKEECHOBEE OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA