1977-01-11 Regular 2O57 1. Budget (General and Water & Sewer) 2. Audit Report 5. Vouchers 4. Sunshine Law 5. Comprehensive Planning 6. New Water Intake Line 7. Beachwater 8. 24" Water Extension Main 9. Sewer "201 Facility Plan" 10. Public Works Act - Title I LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT - ZONING Dr. Ernest R. Bartley, A.I.P., appeared before the Council to discuss the draft text of the zoning ordinance and to set up workshop meetings in the future. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. RUSS MER PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK CITY 0F, 0KEECHOBEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1977 City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in regular The session in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, on Tuesday, January 11, 1977 at 7:00 P.M. President Russell V. Domer presiding. Councilmen E. H. Hunt~ Edward W. Douglas and Lavon Bass wor~ present. Councilman Clif Betts, Jr. was absent. Others, present were: Audley Dunham, Mayor; Sandra Bennett City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney; L C. Fortner, Director of Public Works; Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk; Larry Mobley, Acting Chief of Police; John Bennett, Water Supervisor; 01en Godwin, Fire Chief. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Douglas. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NUMBER 395 - 0KEAIRC0 Pursuant to a notice published December 9, 1976, a public hearing was held to consider the adoption of Ordinance Number 395, being an Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 357, of the Code of Ordinances, City of 0keechobee, Florida, .... ~ I I "I I ....... 'l~ I '~ ......... 2058 being entitled 0keAirCo, Inc., cablevision of 0keechobee Franchise Ordinance, by modifying Section 12, dealing with rates to customers. No objections were heard or filed. Councilman Bass moved to adopt Ordinance Number 595 which was seconded by Councilman Douglas and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING BID TABULATION - HOSE AND NOZZLES It being the hour of Seven O'Clock and pursuant to a notice of public hearing, six bids were received, opened and read for the purchase of 1500 feet of 2'½" double jacket hose and two turbojet nozzles 1½". After tabulating the bids, Fire Chief Olen Godwin recommended that the lowest bidder, G & L Equipment of Hialeah, Florida, be awarded the contract in the amount of $2,659.00. Councilman Douglas moved to award the contract to G & L Equipment, in the amQunt of $2,659.00 which was seconded by Councilman Bass and passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of meetings held December 7 & 21, 1976 were approved upon motion by Councilman Douglas, seconded ~y Councilman Bass and unanimously carried. PUBLIC WORKS ACT - TITLE I Director Fortner informed the Council that the grant application under the "Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976" for water works improvements was denied due to lack of funds. GENERATOR BID Director Fortner recommended that the lowest bidder, Coastal Power Products, Inc., of Jacksonville, Florida, be awarded the contract on the 350 KW Diesel Generator Set for the water plant, in the amount of $29,866.00 Councilman Douglas moved to award the contract to Coastal Power Products~ Inc., in the amount of $29,866.00 which was seconded by Councilman Bass and passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENTS Vouchers on the following funds were approved: General Fund $ 28,537.70 Water & Sewer Operation & Maintenance Fund $ 19,942.67 Water & Sewer Revenue Fund $125,000.00 Water & Sewer System Bond & Interest Sinking Fund $ 25,700.00 I & S Refunding Bonds Fund $ 15,412.50 RESOLUTION President Domer presented a Resolution expressing commendation and ap~ preciation for the untiring and valuable service rendered to the City by Mr. E. H. Hunt as a member of the City Council for seventeen years. Councilman Douglas moved passage of the Resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. 2059 PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE Mayor Audley Dunham presented a plaque to Mr. E. H. Hunt to commemorate seventeen years of loyal service to the City of 0keechobee. Upon completion of President Domer's address to the outgoing Councilmen, the Council adjourned. OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW COUNCILMEN It being in order the oath of office was administered to Jim Knight and Lytle Raulerson by Mayor Audley Dunham. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Mayor Audley DuD_ham acting as temporary chairman opened the meeting and announced that the floor was open for nominations of a chairman of the City Council. Councilman Douglas nominated Councilman Russell Domer for chairman, nomination seconded by Councilman Bass. Mayor Dunham asked for further nominations, there being none, nominations were closed. Councilman Domer was seated as Chairman. ELECTION OF VICE - CHAIRMAN President Domer called for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Councilman Bass nominated Councilman Edward Douglas, nomination seconded by Councilman Knight. President Domer asked for further nominations, there being none, nominations were closed. Councilman Douglas was seated as Vice-Chairman. COMMITTEES APPOINTED President Domer appointed the following committees: FINANCE CHAIRMAN Edward Douglas Jim Knight Lavon Bass POLICE COMMITTEE Lavon Bass SANITARY; ZONING AND FIRE Lytle Raulerson STREETS~ PARKS AND LIGHTS Jim Knight WATER AND SEWER Edward Douglas Lavon Bass Jim Knight REQUEST FOR COUNTY T0 INSPECT Councilman Raulerson stated that his being over the zoning department might cause a controversy as he is in the construction business and requested permission from the Council for the County Inspector, Clayton White, to inspect his buildings along with Mr. Spray. The Council agreed with Mr. Raulerson's request. CO - SIGNERS President Domer appointed Lavon Bass as his co-signer and Councilman Knight and Councilman Raulerson as Finance Chairman co-signers to Edward Douglas. RE - INSTATE CITY EMPLOYEES Councilman Bass moved to re-instate all City employees~ seconded by Councilman Douglas and carried unanimously. ZONING Attorney Conlon informed the Council of the new laws pertaining to zoning procedures for municipilities, and stated that the rezoning will have to go thr~ two hearings instead of one. He advised the Council to increase the price from $20.00 to $35.00. RESOLUTION Attorney Conlon presented a resolution increasing the rezoning fee from $20.00 to $35.00. Councilman Raulerson moved to adopt Resolution increasing zoning~ seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. LITIGATION Attorney Conlon informed the Council that an answer hadn't been filed in the law suit against the City by Thomas Edward Elmore. The appropriate documents have now been filed by the two insurance companies. One insurance company covers the Police Department and the other insurance company covers The City. POLICE DEPARTMENT Acting Chief of Police, Larry Mobley, presented the following items for approval: 1. MONTHLY REPORT Police Department activity report for the month of December 1976, was submitted. 2. CONCRETE SLAB Concrete Slab to wash and wax cars at the County Jail. Cost $600.00 City to pay half. Councilman Bass moved to pay half payment seconded by Councilman Rauler- son, 3. EMERGENCY PHONE Hot line to County Jail. Cost $50.00 installation foe and $7.55 to $10.OO per month. Councilman Bass moved to authorize the installation seconded by Councilman Raulerson. 4. AGREEMENT A) That the Sheriff sh&ll hold in his jail all prisoners of the City that the City shall turn over to the Sheriff. I I I 2061 B) That the City will pay the Sheriff's costs as billed by the Sheriff to the City for feeding said prisoners. C) That the City agrees to pay all medical expenses incurred for said prisoners while in the custody of the Sheriff as City prisoners. D) That in the event the court transfers the legal custody of any City prisoner over to the Sheriff~ 'then in such event the Sheriff shall there- after be responsible for said prisoners medical and other needs. E) That the City shall continue to maintain its' prisoners liability insurance in the amount of $250,O00.00/~500~000.00 coverage. Councilman Bass moved to comply with Agreement seconded by Councilman Knight and motion carried. 5. CENTRAL AIR AND HEAT Purchase of small electric heater for Police Department at Councilmaua Bass made motion to accept the purchase of heater seconded by Councilman Knight and motion carried. 6. COURT DOCKET BOOK Acting Chief Mobley requested permission to purchase a new court docket book at the cost of $225.00 due to transfer of City Court to County. Councilman Bass moved to authorize Acting Chief Mobley to purchase said Court Docket seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. LEAA GRANT Acting Chief Mobley informed the Council that two (2) checks had been re- ceived from the State of Florida in the amounts of $686.00 and $8,032.00 for Walkie Talkies. Delivery date January 29, 1977. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief 01en Godwin presented the following items for approval: 1. MONTHLY REPORT Chief Godwin submitted the monthly fire report for the month of December, 1976 2. RESIGNATION A letter of resignation was presented by Chief Godwin for Fireman~ Daniel R. Spillman, effective January 6, 1977. Councilman Raulerson moved to accept Spillman's resignation seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. 3. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION An employment application for Richard Dale Whitten was submitted by Chief Godwin for Fireman in the Fire Department for the Councils approval. Councilman Raulerson moved to employ Whitten on a six (6) months probation period effective January 7, 1977, Bass seconded vote carried. Z062 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Building Official Richard Spray presented the following items: 1. YEARLY AND QUARTERLY REPORT Building Official Spray submitted the yearly and quarterly Building Report. 2. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS Building Official Spray informed the Council that there was three vacancies on the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. He presented a list of Contractors who could qualify for these vacancies. The Council voted to appoint the following: Emory Walker Term 2 Years Carey Baggett Term 1 Year Lacy R. Barton Term 1 Year WATER~ SEWER AND STREET DEPARTMENTS Director Fortner submitted the following items for discussion: 1. ~0NTHLY REPORT Director Fortner submitted the Water, Sewer~ and Street Departments report for the month of December, 1976. 2. CENTRAL AIR AND HEAT Director Fortner presented prices on installing heat ducts in the second floor offices of the City Hall. Councilman Bass moved to accept the low bid on heating unit by Newman & Sons in the amount of $150.00 seconded by Councilman Knight and motion carried. CITY CLERK City Clerk submitted the following items for discussion: 1. STEAM CLEAN CARPET City Clerk, Sandra Bennett, requested permission to have the carpet at the City Hall steam cleaned, at the price of $75.00 Councilman Douglas moved to have carpet cleaned seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. 2. INDIAN RIVER JUNIOR COLLEGE City Clerk, Sandra Bennett, requested permission for the City to pay tuition and books for the City Clerk's office staff to attend a Data Processing course at the price of $5.00 per person. Councilman Bass moved to pay tuition and books seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT The City Clerk informed the Council of a meeting with, Ernest R. Bartley, Planning Consultant, for Thursday, January 13, 1977, at 7:00 P.M. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Councilman Domer informed the Council that Mr. Wilson from the Department of Transportation will be here Friday to survey the traffic situation. 2063' ACTING CHIEF OF POLICE SALARY Councilman Bass recommended that Acting Chief of Police, Larry Mobley, salary be increased a thousand dollars($1,000) while he is Acting Chief of Police. Effective January 1, 1977. Councilman Bass moved to accept the increase while he is Acting Chief seconded by Councilman Douglas and vote carried. SHOPPING CENTER Councilman Bass discussed the parking situation along east 8th avenue of the shopping center. He recommended a cable be installed to prevent continuation of a traffic hazard. Following further discussion, Councilman Bass made a motion to cable this section off seconded by Councilman Knight and motion carried. PARKING The parking of delivery trucks in front of the East shopping center was discussed at length. Acting Chief Mobley pointed out that the trucks are parking in a fire zone which is regulated by law. Attorney Conlon recommended that Mr. Royal be notified that the parking of delivery trucks in front of the stores is creating a fire danger that they will have to unload in the rear. The Council requested Acting Cheil Mobley and Councilman Bass to discuss the situation with the Manager of Winn-Dixie and report at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meetin~ recessed at 10:OO P.M. until 7:00 P.M., Thrusday, January 13, 1977. RUS S~LL V DOMER PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE ATTEST: SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE