News Articles1(1
Military — Page 7
Okeechobee New
Vol. 98 No. 109
City Planning Board will
meet tonight, at City Hall, 55
S.E. Third Ave.
Lawn watering
restrictions set
Because of a critical water
shortage, lawn watering has
been restricted.
Residents whose address-
es are even numbered can
water from 4 until 8 a.m. on
Thursdays and Sundays. Odd
numbered addresses can
water from 4 until 8 a.m. on
Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Vehicles and boats can be
washed between 4 and 8
a.m. and between 5 an
p.m. on the above days.
Washing must be done on, or
must drain to, a non -paved
surface. It must be done
using a hose with an auto-
matic shut -off nozzle or low -
volume pressure cleaner.
Violators could be subject
to a fine.
County -wide
burn ban issued
Due to drought conditions
and heavy frost damage to
vegetation, a county-wide
burn ban has been issued.
The ban will include, but
not be limited to: campfires,
bonfires, burn barrels and
the burning of yard trash and
fireworks. The ban will be in
effect until further notice.
Violation of the burn ban
is punishable by a fine not
exceeding $500, imprison-
ment in the county jail for a
Thursday, April 19, 2007 5N Plus
City OKs imp act fees pact
By Chauna Aguilar
Okeechobee News
The Okeechobee City Council
. met Tuesday, April 17, and
approved an interlocal agreement
with the Okeechobee County
School Board and Okeechobee
County to collect impact fees.
The city board also heard from
a city resident concerning the El
Amigo De Todos Rodeo.
The Council approved the
interlocal agreement presented by
the Okeechobee County School
Board that involves that board, the
county and the city in order to
implement the collection and
other issues in accordance with
the Okeechobee County school
impact fee ordinance.
According to the interlocal
agreement, the city will be
required to: collect the applicable
school impact fee as provided by
the ordinance; maintain all
records of school impact fees col-
lected and provide a monthly copy
of those records to the county and
School Board; remit to the School
Board all the funds collected as
school impacts fees; notify the
county administrator when there
is a request for a development per-
mit for a residential use that is not
designated in the ordinance
schedule; notify the county
administrator when there is an
offer to donate or construct part of
a school capital improvement
project by a developer in the city;
and, on Oct. 1 provide the county
and School Board with financial
reports and information on the
collection of the fees by the city.
The school impact fees will be
collected at the building permit
The main issue that concerned
the Council was that the city has
yet to have their impact fees final-
ized because the consultant has
not finished the impact fee study.
According to City Administra-
tor Brian Whitehall, prior to last
Thursday — when the Okee-
Clean sweep: 30 code violations discovered
chobee County Board of County
Commissioners unanimously
approved their impact fee ordi-
nance — Mr. Walter Keller, of Wal-
ter H. Keller, Inc., had told him that
when he finished the county's he
would get back to working on the
city's fee study.
Mr. Keller told Mr. Whitehall
that he needed to perfect a map
that indicates the public works
improvements —which are in the
See Fees — Page 2
Board members
are reappointed
by City Council
By Chaim Aguilar
Okeechobee News
While the Okeechobee City
Council had additional citizens
to appoint to the citizen board
vacancies, they chose to reap-
point all current board mem-
The council chose to reap-
point the Code Enforcement
Board members to serve a three -
year term beainnino Ma' 1
vacancy on an enforcement
board shall be for the remainder
of the unexpired term of office. If
any member fails to attend two
of three successive meetings
without cause and without prior
approval of the chair, the
enforcement board shall declare
the member's office vacant, and
the local governing body shall
promptly fill such vacancy.
The Code Board has asked to
Code Enforcement Officer
Gina Gehring charged Orieta
Wireman with having fire and
safety hazards on U.S. 441 S.E.
property. If the property is not in
compliance by May 10, a fine of
$100 a day could be imposed for
every day of noncompliance.
George Etchison was cited for
having a shed on a county right
OT Denneaytuvauar.
According to Code Enforce-
ment Officer Beth Albert, Charles
Griffis has a derelict mobile
home and a derelict shed on his
N.E. 30th Avenue property.
Mr. Griffis asked for 60 days to
finish cleaning the property.
In effect, Mr. Selmi granted
that request. Mr. Griffis was
time, a fine could be imposed in
Since Jerriston Mason had
made some progress toward
cleaning up his S.W. 19th Lane
property, he is facing a $100 -a-
day fine if his property is not
completely cleaned up by May
pending for the aemouuon o. a
condemned structure, they were
given until May 10. At that time, if
the property is not in compli-
ance, they could be fined $50 a
Post your opndons ou the Fublk
IssuesFanrm at www.newsrap.corn
Reporter Pete Gawda maybe reached
at pgawda @newszap.can.
Continued From Page 1
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
— and he needed to work on nar-
rowing the rates a IilIle bit.
Mayor James Kirk stated that
he "... would hate to be collecting
the impact fees for the school and
county and still not have the city's
impact fees done yet."
In other business, the Council
heard from city resident Diana
Heil concerning the El Amigo De
Todos rodeo which is held at 706
S.W. Second St.
The last rodeo at this location
was held Sunday, March 25,
according to Mr. Whitehall.
Mr. Whitehall stated that prior
to the event he had a meeting
with the owners, the people run-
ning the rodeo and his depart-
ment heads to discuss what was
expected throughout the event.
Those issues concerned safety
and security, alcoholic consump-
tion, post -event cleanup and
noise — to name a few. Mr.
Whitehall also expressed dissatis-
faction with the event through a
letter and e-mail to the owners
concerning several of these
• Ms. Heil addressed the Council
concerning the volume from the
announcer's microphone, safety
issues and the rodeo set up.
Ms. Heil said she lives-less than
a mile from the event and could
hear every word that came out of
the announcer's microphone dur-
ing the entire event.
She went on to explain that
because of the noise level, she
and her daughter had decided to
drive around to see what was
happening. At the rodeo she real-
ized that they also had bull riding
events in close proximity to near-
by homes and businesses. She
also had issues with the opaque
fencing that surrounded the event
and the fact that there were no
clear entrance and exit signs.
According to Mr. Whitehall,
the city is in the process of meet-
ing with Chief of Police Denny
Davis to set up guidelines that will
enable them to enforce sound
Volume checks from nearby
roads and sidewalks to determine
the decibel level that marks the
point where disinterested parties
could be have not been effective
with the current equipment since
road noise alone makes the level
go above 80 decibels.
Mr. Whitehall went on to say
that trash was a major issue after
the last event due to the wind.
While they did dean .. up the area
where the event was held, the
wind had already blown trash
throughout the residential neigh-
borhood prior to the clean up,
which took place a couple days
after the event.
The administrator has issued a
memo to the city's general servic-
es department to not grant a
license to them again based on
issues including volume, debris,
items present at the event that
were not included in the applica-
tion, and unsafe seating.
Councilman Dowling Watford
stated in response to the com-
plaint that while he appreciated
Ms. Heil's concerns, the decibel
level of events such as the Speck-
led Perch Festival will surpass 80
"They (the rodeo) are a busi-
ness and they have a right to do
business. They are legally there
and they have a right to do busi-
ness," he said. "1 think we proba-
bly need to address that but 1
don't know if we can eliminate it.
If we ever permit another one, we
will have to address that issue. If
they don't meet the criteria (set by
the city administrator) then we
can control that."
Mayor Kirk stated the city
should be very firm on the viola -
tions,and noise level.
"If they don't meet all the crite-
ria to that satisfaction then they
will not receive a permit," he said.
Another issue brought up dur-
ing the meeting was about alco-
hot consumption. At the event
alcohol was allowed to flow freely
to and from the event which
poses a safety issue.
In the future the applicant will
also be required to stop this from
happening, either by hiring secu-
rity or by some other method.
`Any reasonable safety
requirement that is necessary 1
believe we can impose, and that
would include alcohol," said John
Cook, the city attorney.
He went on to say that the city
will have to clearly state in the
permit, if one is given again, that if
any guideline within the permit is
violated the event will be shut
down immediately.
In other business, the Council:
• gave Mr. Cook an overall
evaluation of 3.3 out of 5, and Mr.
Whitehall a 4.7 out of 5.
• approved the temporary
street closing of Southwest Fifth
Avenue between North and South
Park Streets for the renaming cer-
emony of Osceola Street at 1 p.m.
on Saturday, April 21. Festivities
will be held from 7 a.m. until 7
p.m. which will include Seminole
Indian vendors present from 8
a.m. until 5 p.m.
• approved the resolution
regarding the 457 deferred com-
pensation plan, which is a retire-
ment plan that offers special ben-
efits to government employees.
Post yofropinions in the Mc
Issues Fonrm as
Continued From Page 1
been absent six times.
The Code Board tentatively has
12 meetings per year unless one is
cancelled due to not having any
cases to go before the board. This
gives a total of 36 meetings in total
fora three -year term.
The practice in the past has
been that an excused absence or
absence with consent only
required a phone call to Code
Board secretary Sue Christopher.
Now Code Board members will
have to call Ms. Christopher, who
will then have to call the chair to
get approval in order to have an
excused absence.
Mayor Kirk expressed on behalf
of the City Council to "please do
The City Planning Board/Board
of Adjustment and Appeals mem-
bers will also be reappointed to
their current positions. Doug
McCoy and Terry Burroughs will
remain regular members and Epi-
fanio Juarez will remain an alter-
nate member for threeyears begin-
ning May 1, 2007, and ending April
While the Planning Board has
not voiced issues with absences as
the other board, city records indi-
cate that Mr. McCoy has had eight
absences, Chairman Burroughs
has had two absences and Mr.
Juarez has had three absences.
This board also meets 12 times
per year, totaling 36 meetings per
three -year term.
Flo sryiour opinima cr the Purr&
Issues Fonan at
Continued From Page 1
Mace development in the north-
west section of town.
nf.eo, -hnhee City Council
accommodate the recreation ele-
ment in the comprehensive plan.
The applicant currently does not
offer any recreational space within
the site plans that are currently
under review in preparation for
the Technical Review Committee.
interest to promote improved
development patterns.
This rewrite of the PUD regula-
tions has been an ongoing
process in order to create regula-
tions that properly safeguard the
city's interests.
The board will also hear from
Mr. LaRue is recommending
denial due to the inconsistency
with nearby land uses which are
single family and the inconsisten-
cy with the comprehensive plan.
The planner goes on to state
that the change could be detri-
mental to the surrounding resi-
tal, she is expected to make a full
"It appears she's gong to make
it through," he said Wednesday,
Apri118. "She's trying to recover at
this point"
Arrested in the case was
Franklin A. Brown, 37, N.W. 12th
St., in Okeechobee. Brown is
charged with attempted felony
murder and possession of a
firearm by a convicted felon. Fol-
lowing his arrest on those
charges, he was arrested on a
warrant charging him with the
felony of violation of probation -
driving while license suspended.
He is being held without bond
in the OkeechobeeCountyJail.
Brown was arrested Monday,
April 16, after he allegedly shot
Ms. Epps once in the facial area
with a small caliber handgun. The
gun, said Detective Faulkner, has
not been found. He said the
search for weapon is continuing
in the Platt's Bluff area
Detective Faulkner said Ms.
to Brown. He paid 850 for the
weapon, added the report_
Detective Faulkner said since
Ms. Epps is improving, he plans
on interviewing her again and
gleaning more information on the
events of that night.
11 do another interview with
her at a later date," he said.
The attempted felony murder
charge fled against Brown came
about because he allegedly com-
mitted the crime while in the
commission of a felony, namely
possession of a firearm by a con-
victed felon.
According to his file, Brown
was convicted on a charge of pos-
session of cocaine in 1995. His
record also indicates that he has
been arrested on such felony
charges as possession of a firearm
by a convicted felon (1996),
aggravated battery (1997) and
two counts of sale of cocaine and
two counts possession of cocaine
Today's Weather
®a Fonts Pressure
jibs Cole warm Stationary Low Hof,
'IN -AL. 11111110.11186‘ MINIM
Okeechobee Forecast
Thursday: Partly sunny with the high in the lower 80s. The wind will
be from the northwest at 5 to 10 mph shifting to the north around
10 mph in the afternoon.
Thursday right Partly cloudy with the low in the upper 50s. The
wind will be from the northeast at 5 to 10 mph shifting to the north-
west after midnight.
Extended Forecast
Friday: Mostly sunny with the high in the lower 80s. The wind will
be from the northwest at 5 to 10 mph becoming north 10 to 15 mph
in the afternoon.
Friday night Mostly clear with the low in the upper 50s.
Saturday: Partly sunny with the high in the upper 70s.
Saturday night Partly cloudy with the low in the upper 50s.
Swday: Partly sunny with the high in the lower 80s.
Sunday nigh: Mostly clear with the low in the upper 50s.