1976-09-28 Special2022 CITY DITCH Councilman Betts reported that the City ditch running North and South needs cleaning and spraying. He stated that after taling with County officials, the County might clean out the ditch if the City will use their trucks to haul away the debri. Following discussion, the Council agreed to authorize Councilman Betts to attend the County Commissioners requesting the ditch sprayed and cleaned. -- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. R0g~ELL V. DOMER PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE ATTEST: ~7 :~t~, ]~ .~ SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in special session at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 28, 1976 at 1:30 P.M., President Domer presiding. Councilmen E. H. Hunt, Edward W. Douglas and Clif Betts were present. Councilman Lavon Bass was absent. Others present were Sandra Bennett, City Clerk and David Conlon, Attorney. ORDINANCE NUMBER 386 - ADOPTING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF 0KmECHOBEE President Domer declared the special meeting convened and expla ned the purpose of the special meeting: to adopt an Ordinance adopting the 1976-77 General Budget. Attorney David Conlon informed the Council that according to law, an Ordinance should be adopted to adopt the General Budget and to adopt the Ad Valorem Tax and as the time doesn't allow the Council to advertise the prop[or time pursuant to F.S.S. Section 166.041 (3)(a), the Council can by a two-thirds vote, enact an emergency ordinance without complying with Section 166.041 (3) (a) pursuant to Section 166.O41 (3) (b). Attorney David Conlon read Ordinance Number 386, being an Ordinance adopting ~he budget of the City of 0keechobee, Florida,, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1976, and ending September 30, 1977 and authorizing that the Ad Valorem Tax Revenues of the said budget be met by tax levy. Councilman Betts moved that Ordinance Number 386 be adopted, seconded by Councilman Douglas which passed unanimously of those present on a roll call vote, which was a two-thirds vote of the City Council. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting adjourned. RUSSELL V. DOMER PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL ~ ?) CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE ATTEST: ?~ .,. SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 50, 1976 The City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, convened in special session at the City Hall on Thursday, September 50, lg76, at 1:50 P.M., President Domer presiding. Councilmen E. H. Hunt, Clif Betts, and Lavon Bass were present. Councilman Edward W. Douglas was absent. Others present were Audley Dunham, Mayor; Sandra Bennett, City Clerk and David Conlon, City Attorney. DONATION - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE President Domer declared the special meeting convened and explained the purpose of the special meeting: To discuss donating funds to the 0keechobee Chamber of Commerce for 1975-76. Councilman Betts reported that in 1975-76, the City Council didn't budget any funds to donate to the Chamber of Commerce due to the Attorney General's opinion that Cities couldn't donate to the Chamber or use any funds for the purpose of advertising, but since further investigating, has found out that the Council can donate funds through other sources. Attorney Conlon stated that if the request from the Chamber specifies the donation will be used for a community purpose that will be specifically used to serve the entire community the City can donate to them. Mrs. Myrtle Clemons, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, appeared requesting a donation of $15OO.00 to be used for Christmas decoration and for beautifying the park. Following further discussion, Councilman Betts moved to adopt a Resolution donating $1 ,000.O0 for park improvement and $500.00 for Christmas decorations to the 0keechobee Chamber of Commerce with the stipulation that the Chamber verify how the funds are spend, seconded by Councilman Bass and vote carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Domer declared the meeting adjourned. A EST.' PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL CITY OF 0KEECHOBEE SANDRA M. BENNETT CITY CLERK